town in Hungary
Pacsa is a small town in Zala County in the southwest of Hungary. Pacsa and its surrounding countryside are dotted with old churches and similar landmarks.
Pacsa was first mentioned in 1256 and was elevated to town status in 2009.
Get in
By train
The closest railway station is Zalaszentmihály-Pacsa, where you can transfer to regional buses towards Pacsa. There are no direct trains from Budapest-Déli pályaudvar, you have to transfer in Zalaszentiván. The whole journey from Budapest to Pacsa takes 4.5 hours and costs 4450 Ft.
🌍 Zalaszentmihály-Pacsa Train Station, Vasútállomás utca, Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 1 349-4949, There is no ticket office, tickets can be purchased on the train. (updated Dec 2018)
By bus
Direct buses from Budapest-Déli pályaudvar are available once a day, which are operated by G-Busline Kft. The journey takes 2½ hours and costs 4015 Ft. More frequent buses are available from Zalaegerszeg. The journey takes about 45 minutes and costs 560 Ft.
Get around
There is no local public transport or taxi service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.
In Pacsa:
- 🌍 John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church (Keresztelő Szent János római katolikus templom), Deák Ferenc utca 3. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Saint Mark Roman Catholic Chapel (Szent Márk római katolikus kápolna), Szőlőhegy. Built in 1763 in Baroque style. (updated Dec 2018)
In Búcsúszentlászló:
- 🌍 Calvary Chapel (Kálvária-kápolna), Búcsúszentlászló. Built in the second half of the 18th century in Baroque style. Surrounded by the stations of the Holy Cross road. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Arany János utca, Búcsúszentlászló. Built in 1734 in Baroque style. It's a place of pilgrimage. (updated Dec 2018)
In Egervár:
- 🌍 Castle of Egervár (Egervári várkastély), Vár út 15, Egervár, ☏ +36 20 324-2257, Apr 7–Oct 28: Tu–F 10:00–18:00, Sa 10:00–16:00, Su 12:00–18:00. Built around 1560 in Renaissance style. It is now used as hotel. Adult 1000 Ft; senior, student 600 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Saint Catherine Franciscan Church (Szent Katalin ferences templom), József Attila utca 1, Egervár. Built in 1511 in Gothic style. (updated Dec 2018)
In Ligetfalva:
- 🌍 Kacika Petting Zoo (Kacika állatsimogató), Ligetfalva, ☏ +36 20 489-7200, Su 14:00–17:00. (updated Nov 2018)
In Nagykapornak:
- 🌍 Csárda, Kossuth Lajos utca 1. Built in the first part of the 18th century, originally as a quarter house. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Holy Saviour Roman Catholic Church (Szentséges Üdvözítő római katolikus templom), Zrínyi utca, Nagykapornak. Built in 1779 in Baroque style. (updated Dec 2018)
In Söjtör:
- 🌍 Birthplace of Ferenc Deák (Museum) (Deák Ferenc szülőháza (múzeum)), Deák Ferenc utca 154, Söjtör, ☏ +36 92 369-039. M–F 09:00–17:00. Built around 1860 in Baroque style. Ferenc Deák was born in this house. There is an exhibition about traditional gentry lifestyle. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Festetics Mansion (Festetics-kastély), Deák Ferenc utca 140, Söjtör. Built around 1820 in Classicist style. It is used as an elementary school. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Saint James Apostle Roman Catholic Church (Szent Jakab apostol római katolikus templom), Petőfi utca, Söjtör. Built in 1779 in Baroque style. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Chapel on Gene Hill (Gene-hegyi kápolna), Söjtör. Built in 1938. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Deák Well (Deák-kút), Söjtör. (updated Feb 2020)
In Zalaszentmihály:
- 🌍 Saint Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church (Szent Mihály arkangyal római katolikus templom), Rákóczi út, Zalaszentmihály. Built in the 15th century in Gothic style. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Fishing Lake of Zalaszentmihály (Zalaszentmihályi Horgásztó), Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 30 939-8612, Artificial lake with fishing possibilities. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Horse Farm of Gyűrűs (Gyűrűsi ménes), Petőfi Sándor utca 2, Gyűrűs, ☏ +36 70 591-8762, Lunge, riding training, trail riding. Riding training: 3000 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Szépmező Horse Yard (Szépmező Lovasudvar), József Attila utca 73, Egervár, ☏ +36 30 313-8134, 08:00–20:00. Lunge, riding training, trail riding, carriage tour. Riding training: 3500 Ft, carriage tour: 5000 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Coop ABC, Csány László utca 2, ☏ +36 92 568-068. M–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Coop ABC, Szent István tér 14, ☏ +36 92 568-050, M–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–12:00, Su 07:00–11:00. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Coop ABC, Deák Ferenc utca 1, Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 93 368-085. (updated Dec 2018)
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 2100 Ft |
Mid-range | 2100 Ft–2500 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2500 Ft |
- 🌍 Kertészház Restaurant, Avashegy 6, Alsónemesapáti, ☏ +36 30 390-2652, M–Sa 11:00–21:00, Su 11:00–15:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1600 Ft, pizza: 1090 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Korzó Restaurant, Arany János utca 4, Pókaszepetk, ☏ +36 92 953-194. 11:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 1690 Ft, pizza: 1390 Ft, hamburger: 690 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Rózsakert Restaurant and Cafe, Széchenyi Ferenc út 3, Egervár, ☏ +36 30 514-2714. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine and with specialties like deer stew with porcini and dödölle. 1590 Ft, pizza: 1250 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Vöröskő 2.0 Pizzeria, Szent István tér 1, ☏ +36 20 521-0263. M–Th Su 11:30–22:00, F Sa 11:30–22:30. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1890 Ft, pizza: 1490 Ft, hamburger: 690 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Karaván Restaurant, Hármes tanya 50/3, Alsónemesapáti, ☏ +36 92 562-012, M–Sa 10:00–20:30, Su 10:00–15:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine and with specialties like prósza with sour cream. 1880 Ft, lunch menu: 900 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Vöröskő Restaurant and Pizzeria, Deák Ferenc utca 183, Söjtör, ☏ +36 20 433-0464. M–Th Su 11:30–22:00, F–Sa 11:30–22:30. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with specialties like lepény and prósza. 1890 Ft, pizza: 1490 Ft, hamburger: 690 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Csali Csárda, Széchenyi Ferenc út 112, Egervár, ☏ +36 92 364-300. M–Sa 09:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Rózsakő Csárda, Rákóczi Ferenc utca 7, Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 30 820-4829, Tu–Sa 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. Reservation required. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Kedvenc Presszó, Szent István tér 3, ☏ +36 30 621-3631. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Alkonyat Pub, József Attila utca 4, Kispáli, ☏ +36 92 357-026, 07:00–20:00. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 H-buli, Deák Ferenc utca 108, Söjtör. Sa 21:00–03:30. Entrance fee: 2000 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Jóker Presszó, Széchenyi Ferenc út 7, Egervár, ☏ +36 92 364-203, 09:00–21:00. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Nagykutasi Presszó, Diós utca 2/a, Nagykutas. M–Th Su 13:00–21:00, F–Sa 13:00–23:00. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Potyka Tanya, Dr. Fülöp Valter utca 4/a, Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 30 403-1337. 08:00–22:00. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Retro Dance Cafe, Petőfi Sándor utca 191, Pókaszepetk, ☏ +36 30 397-7661, M–F 14:00–22:00, Sa 14:00–04:00. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Sport Büfé, József Attila utca 42, Egervár, ☏ +36 30 652-0982. 06:00–09:00 15:00–22:00. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Sport Presszó, Fő utca 62/b, Nemesapáti, ☏ +36 30 214-8307. 07:30–22:30. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Tölgyfa Presszó, Deák Ferenc utca 1, Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 30 612-1832. M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 07:00–22:00. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Zöld Elefánt Pub, Zrínyi Miklós utca 8, Zalaszentiván. 08:00–22:00. (updated Mar 2020)
There are no accommodations in Pacsa. In the surroundings:
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 9000 Ft |
Mid-range | 9000 Ft–15,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 15,000 Ft |
- 🌍 Aba Guesthouse, Zala utca 21, Zalaszentiván, ☏ +36 92 593-050, fax: +36 92 323-688, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:30. Single room: 4025 Ft, double room: 6900 Ft. Discounts on longer stay. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Benkő Guesthouse, Fő út 61, Kiskutas, ☏ +36 92 364-525, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 4000 Ft, double room: 8000 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Zanati Guesthouse, Fő utca 13, Nagykapornak, ☏ +36 92 367-004, Double room: 8000 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Főnix Apartment House, Arany János utca 26, Nagypáli, ☏ +36 92 694 680, 9500 Ft, double room: 14,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Lelkem Zöldje, Kossuth Lajos utca 26, Bezeréd, ☏ +36 30 913-4176, Apartment for one person: 4955 Ft, for two persons: 9905 Ft. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Pölöskei Tó Guesthouse, Pölöske, ☏ +36 30 498-4389, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 9000 Ft. (updated Dec 2018)
- 🌍 Egervár Castle Hotel (Egervár Kastélyszálló), Vár utca 15, Egervár, ☏ +36 20 324-2257, Apr 7–Oct 28. Double room: 18,000 Ft. (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Fábiánics Mansion Guesthouse (Fábiánics Kastélypanzió), Béke utca 2, Misefa, ☏ +36 30 701-4384, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 25,000 Ft (includes half board). (updated Nov 2018)
- 🌍 Gidrán, Rákóczi Ferenc utca 24, Gyűrűs, ☏ +36 20 481-8668, Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 11:00. Apartment for two persons: 22,520 Ft. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Prémium Guesthouse, Dr. Fülöp Valter utca 2, Zalaszentmihály, ☏ +36 20 559-0080, Check-in: 12:00, check-out: 12:00. Single room: 12,000 Ft, double room: 15,000 Ft. Discounts on longer stay. (updated Dec 2018)
Pacsa's postal code is H-8761, and its telephone area code is 92.
- 🌍 Pacsa Post Office, Csányi László utca 25, ☏ +36 92 368-000, M W Th 08:00–12:00 12:30–16:00, Th 08:00–12:00 12:30–17:00, F 08:00–12:00 12:30–15:00. (updated Dec 2018)
Go next
- Gyenesdiás – resort village at Lake Balaton 27 km (17 mi) east
- Hévíz – town with natural thermal lake 22 km (14 mi) east
- Keszthely – town with historical downtown 23 km (14 mi) east
- Nagykanizsa – city with historical downtown 32 km (20 mi) south
- Vonyarcvashegy – resort village at Lake Balaton 29 km (18 mi) east
- Zalaegerszeg – city 29 km (18 mi) northwest
- Zalakaros – town with famous thermal spa 26 km (16 mi) southeast
Routes through Pacsa |
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