town in Hungary
Nagymaros (German: Grossmarosch or Freistadt, Slovak: Veľká Maruša) is a town in the Danube Bend region.
The history of Nagymaros is tightly attached to Visegrád, a medieval royal seat on the right bank of the Danube, rises in high rock ore. Built on the narrow headland of the Visegrád side, Maros was the favorite residence of the rulers during the reigns of Lajos Nagy, Sigismund and Matthias. The Maros plain facing Visegrád was particularly suited to holding knightly games, which flourished mainly in Matthias' time, but the Royal Courts of Vienna in 1572 mention the knightly games of Maros, arriving by ship for a few hours on Maros. In the diary of David Omichius Ungnad, printed ten years later, it reads: "We have come two miles from Esztergom to a market town on the left bank, called Maros. The court people in the aforementioned Maros town have had a lot of fun playing games." At that time, Maros was the temporary residence of the lords, who built mansions for themselves.
Get in
By train
Trains S70 , G70 and Z70 are available in every 30 minutes (weekdays) / hourly (weekends) from Budapest-Nyugati pályaudvar via Vác. The journey from Budapest takes about 45 minutes and costs 1120 Ft. Other direct connections are:
- Toward west: Szob. There are direct international trains to Praha (Czech Republic) via Štúrovo, Nové Zámky, Bratislava (Slovakia) and Brno in every two hours, to Hamburg (Germany) via Dresden and Berlin once a day, and to Terespol (Poland) via Katowice and Warszawa once a day.
🌍 Nagymaros-Visegrád Train Station, Gesztenye sor, ☏ +36 1 349-4949, 03:30–23:30. (updated Jan 2020)
By ferry
There are ferry services available between Nagymaros and Visegrád, and between Dömös and Dömösi átkelés.
- 🌍 Nagymaros Ferry Station, ☏ +36 26 398-344. 06:30 08:00–20:00 hourly. Ferry boats to Visegrád (hourly, ~15 min), and excursion boats between Budapest and Esztergom stop. More info about excursion boats +36 27 354-576 (Nagymaros - Maros Restaurant) Adult: 450 Ft; senior, student: 370 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Nagymaros Pier at Dömös crossing (Nagymaros-Dömösi átkelés) (Halfway between Nagymaros and Zebegény). ferries to Dömös are suspended (temporarly? 2014)
- 🌍 Dömösi átkelés Ferry Station, ☏ +36 30 780-1762. Out of service in 2020. (updated Aug 2020)
- 🌍 Zebegény ferry pier, Dózsa György Way off (West hundred meters from Zebegeny railway station). Ferries to Pilismarót
By boat
Boats are available between May–Sep daily except on Mondays from Nagymaros to Visegrád, Zebegény and Dömös.
🌍 Nagymaros Port, ☏ +36 1 484-4013, Scheduled boating: 500 Ft per day. (updated Aug 2020)
Boats are available between May–Sep daily except on Mondays from Zebegény to Nagymaros, Visegrád and Dömös. Further destination Esztergom is available only from Friday to Sunday.
🌍 Zebegény Port, Zebegény, ☏ +36 1 484-4013, Scheduled boating: 500 Ft per day. (updated Aug 2020)
Get around
There is no local public transport service. The town is small enough to walk around.
Historical buildings
- 🌍 German Minority Heritage House (Német Nemzetiségi Tájház), Nyár utca 2, ☏ +36 20 414-0712, Sa Su 10:00–18:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Kálmán Kittenberger Memorial House (Kittenberger Kálmán emlékház), Kittenberger Kálmán utca 20. The famous Africa-explorer, hunter and ornithologist, Kálmán Kittenberger lived here. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Szent Imre tér. It was built probably in 1290s and its current shape is due to several redevelopments during four centuries, now it contains Baroque and Gothic elements. Its tower from 1509 is the only remaining medieval ecclesial monument of the region. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom). The church was built in 1798, without a tower. The tower was built during the renovation of the church in 1934, according to the plans of Károly Kós. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Calvary Chapel (Kálvária-kápolna), Fehérhegy utca. Built in 1773 in Baroque style. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Saint Roch Chapel (Szent Rókus-kápolna), Váci út. Built around 1770 in Baroque style. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Cottage Vera (Vera lak), Mainzi utca 1. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Friar Julian Observation Tower (Julianus barát-kilátó). Observation tower on the top of Hegyes-tető (482 m (1,581 ft) a.s.l.). There is a wonderful view to the Danube Bend and to the Castle of Visegrád. Free to visit. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Remete Cave (Remete-barlang). Nice view to the Danube Bend. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Törökmező Animal Park (Törökmezői Állatpark), Törökmező, ☏ +36 20 319-1810, Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. 35 animal species, nearly 120 animals, petting zoo, colorful birds, exotic animal specialties such as kangaroos, emus, llamas. (updated Jan 2020)
Further afield
In Zebegény:
- 🌍 Shipping History Museum (Hajózástörténeti Múzeum), Szőnyi István út 9, Zebegény, ☏ +36 27 373-305, Apr 1–Nov 2: Tu–Su 10:00–16:00. Museum with the collection of captain Vince Farkas and his self-made objects. Adult: 1400 Ft; senior, student: 800 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 István Szőnyi Memorial Museum (Szőnyi István Emlékmúzeum), Bartóky József utca 7, Zebegény, ☏ +36 27 620-161, Mar–Oct: Tu–Su 10:00–18:00; Nov–Feb: F–Su 10:00–16:00. Exhibition with the artworks of the famous painter, István Szőnyi in his former home. Adult: 900 Ft; senior, student: 450 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Our Lady of Snow Roman Catholic Church (Havas Boldogasszony római katolikus templom), Petőfi tér, Zebegény. Built is Art-Nouveau style in 1910, a work of the famous architectures Károly Kós and Béla Jánszky. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Károly Kós Observation Tower (Kós Károly-kilátó), Zebegény. Built in 2015. Nice view to the Danube. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Calvary Chapel (Kálvária-kápolna), Kálváriadomb, Zebegény. Built in 1853 in Classicist style. There are nine passion pictures – made from metal – along the road to the classic Passion chapel. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Dőry Mansion (Dőry-kastély), Dózsa György utca 24, Zebegény. Built in 1917 in Eclectic style. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Community Center (Művelődési Ház), Fő tér 14, ☏ +36 27 354-243, M–F 08:00–18:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Dunakanyar Adventure Park (Dunakanyar Kalandpark), Törökmező, ☏ +36 27 350-063, Apr–Oct: Tu–Su 10:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: Tu–Su 10:00–16:30. 2500 Ft per person for two hours. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Nagymaros Free Beach, Hunyadi sétány. Jun–Aug. Free entrance. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Zebegény Free Beach, Zebegény. Jun-Aug. Free entrance. (updated Jan 2020)
- Day of Kálmán Kittenberger (Kittenberger Kálmán Nap). In June. (updated Jan 2020)
- Regale Walking Mistral Festival (Regejáró Misztrál fesztivál), In July. 3000 Ft–5500 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- Saint Stephen's Day Wine Festival (Szent István Napi Borünnep), ☏ +36 27 354-243, In August. (updated Jan 2020)
- Nagymaros Spicy Festival (Nagymarosi Csípős Fesztivál), ☏ +36 20 327-0850, In August. (updated Jan 2020)
- Dragon Festival (Sárkányfesztivál), Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 657-1307, In September. (updated Jan 2020)
- Tökvilág Festival, Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 850-8789, In September. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Nagymarosi ABC, Millenium sor. 05:00–22:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Prima, Magyar utca 21, ☏ +36 30 635-3194, M–F 06:00–20:00, Sa 07:00–17:00, Su 08:00–14:00. Supermarket. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Small Farmer's Market in Nagymaros (Nagymarosi termelői piac), Fő tér. Sa 08:00–13:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Spar, Petőfi tér 15, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 823-7558, M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–16:30. (updated Jan 2020)
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 2000 Ft |
Mid-range | 2000 Ft–2300 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2300 Ft |
- 🌍 Bor-só, Fő tér 20, ☏ +36 30 618-5771. Tu–Su 11:30–21:30. Fast food bar. 1650 Ft, pizza: 1700 Ft, hamburger: 1200 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Mátyás Étkezde, Magyar utca 24, ☏ +36 27 354-354, M–F 11:00–12:00, Sa Su 12:00–16:00. Food bar. Lunch menu: 1100 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Ze-Bike, Országút 121/3, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 974-9436, Apr–Oct: 12:00–22:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 980 Ft. (updated Aug 2020)
- 🌍 Dunakanyar Falatozó, Váci út 94, ☏ +36 30 668-6809. May–Oct: Tu–Su 11:00–19:00. Food bar. 1850 Ft, hamburger: 790 Ft, lunch menu: 1400 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Nokedli, Király utca 2, ☏ +36 30 687-4223, M–Th Su 11:00–20:00, F Sa 11:00–21:00. Self-service restaurant and pizzeria. 1780 Ft, pizza: 1780 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Füstölgő Sarok BBQ, Petőfi tér 15, Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 229-5612, Mar 15–Sep 30: F 17:00–22:00, Sa 12:00–20:00, Su 12:00–19:00. Open-air barbecue restaurant. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Maros Restaurant, Béla király sétány 1, ☏ +36 27 354-576, Th–Su 12:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2850 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Maros Yacht Harbor, Váci út 149, ☏ +36 27 594-040, May–Oct: W–Su 12:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. 1990 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Piknik Manufaktúra, Hunyadi sétány 2, ☏ +36 20 520-3177, M Tu 11:00–21:00, F 15:00–22:00, Sa 11:00–22:00, Su 11:00–20:00. Fast food bar. 2200 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Vasparipa, Petőfi tér 6, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 249-0288, Sa Su 12:00–18:00. Food bar. 2100 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Édeske Alíz Cukrász Műhelye, Dózsa György utca 21, ☏ +36 27 356-258. 08:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Kis Francia, Magyar utca 18, ☏ +36 20 550-2046, Sa 08:00–15:00, Su 08:00–20:00. Bakery and cafe. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Sakura Confectionery, Magyar utca 11, ☏ +36 27 630-442, 08:00–20:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Sigil Gallery and Cafe, Váci út 21, ☏ +36 20 493-4707, Tu–Su 10:00–21:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Spitz Pékesség, Váci út 96, ☏ +36 30 687-8371, M–F 06:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–12:00. Bakery and cafe. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Galéria Confectionery, Petőfi tér 6, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 433-1732, Mar–Nov: Sa Su 10:00–17:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Helyben Cafe, Ország út 2-3, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 467-6788, W Th 08:00–15:30, F 08:00–20:00, Sa Su 08:00–17:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Zebegény Strudel House (Zebegényi Rétesház), Kossuth Lajos utca 33/a, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 440-0088. Sa Su 10:00–16:30. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Bor-Piac, Fő tér 16, ☏ +36 70 290-2707, M–Sa 08:00–22:00, Su 10:10–22:10. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Danu Bar, Váci út 53. Apr–Nov: Th Su 12:00–21:00, F Sa 12:00–22:00. (updated Aug 2020)
- 🌍 Nomád Bar, ☏ +36 30 955-4935, May–Sep: M–Th Su 11:00–21:00, F Sa 09:00–22:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Sarok, Hunyadi sétány 1. Apr–Oct: 08:00–18:40. (updated Sep 2020)
- 🌍 Zsigi büfé, ☏ +36 30 602-1932. May–Sep: W–Su 10:00–22:00. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Mókus Pub, Kossuth Lajos út 2, Zebegény. 08:00–22:00. (updated Jan 2020)
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 13,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 13,000 Ft–17,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 17,000 Ft |
- 🌍 Anna Apartment, Rákóczi utca 25, ☏ +36 30 996-4445, Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two persons: 12,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Jakus Guesthouse, Tégla utca 5, ☏ +36 30 334-1472, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 2 apartments. Apartment for two persons: 12,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Börzsöny Kapuja Guesthouse, Bartóky József utca 19, Zebegény, ☏ +36 70 508-6096, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 6 rooms. Double room: 9000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Kikerics Forest Lodging House (Kikerics Erdei Szálláshely), Almás kert, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 224-4557, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Wooden house for two persons: 10,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Rozmaring Apartment, Petőfi tér 6, Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 850-8789, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 2 rooms. Double room: 12,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Zebegény Forest Tent Camp (Zebegényi Erdei Sátortábor), Fenyves út, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 347-6869, Adult: 950 Ft, children: 650 Ft, rent a tent: 3000 Ft per night. (updated Mar 2020)
- 🌍 Szent István Inn (Szent István Fogadó), Váci út 36, ☏ +36 27 594-090, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 9 rooms. Single room: 6800 Ft, double room: 13,750 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Vadszőlős Guesthouse, Mainzi utca 26, ☏ +36 20 550-2046, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 2 rooms. Single room: 7500 Ft, double room: 15,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Almáskert Inn (Almáskert Fogadó), Almáskert utca 13, Zebegény, ☏ +36 20 661-3232, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 4 rooms. Double room: 12,600 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Hotel Hubertus, Jánoshegy 7, Zebegény, ☏ +36 27 373-227, 10 rooms. Single room: 7900 Ft, double room: 12,900 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Schotti Guesthouse, Almáskert utca 2, Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 242-2326, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 apartments. Double room: 16,800 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Kilátó Guesthouse, Diófa utca 89, ☏ +36 70 638-3410, Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for six persons: 18,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Szalánczy Guesthouse, Mező utca 1, ☏ +36 30 948-1967, 6 rooms. Single room: 9990 Ft, double room: 18,990 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Tölgyes Guesthouse, Vasút utca 19, ☏ +36 30 181-7978, Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two persons: 22,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Vár-Lak Guesthouse, Komáromi utca 4, ☏ +36 30 307-8263. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for four persons: 17,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Natura Hill Guesthouse, Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 599-5732, Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. 11 rooms. Double room: 34,500 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
- 🌍 Rózsák Háza Apartment, Napraforgó utca 10, Zebegény, ☏ +36 30 415-1228, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two persons: 17,000 Ft. (updated Jan 2020)
Nagymaros' postal code is H-2626, and its telephone area code is 27.
- 🌍 Nagymaros Post Office, Német utca 10, ☏ +36 27 354-305, M W 08:00–12:00 12:30–18:00, Tu Th 08:00–12:00 12:30–16:00, F 08:00–12:00, 12:30–14:00. (updated Jan 2020)
Go next
- Esztergom – town 24 km (15 mi) west
- Leányfalu – village 17 km (11 mi) southeast
- Szentendre – town 23 km (14 mi) southeast
- Szob – town 12 km (7.5 mi) west
- Vác – town 18 km (11 mi) east
- Verőce – town 8 km (5.0 mi) northeast
- Visegrád – town 1 km (0.62 mi) east