< Moscow
Moscow Central-West is in Moscow also part of Central Moscow. There are Arbat East, Khamovniki North, Presnensky East, Tverskoy South - historic districts (raions), located in the West from Tverskaya Street on the left bank of the Moskva River to the Garden Ring.
- Arbat Street (Улица Арба́т) is a pedestrian street about one kilometer long in the historical centre of Moscow. The Arbat has existed since at least the 15th century, thus laying claim to being one of the oldest surviving streets of the Russian capital. It forms the heart of the Arbat District of Moscow. Originally the street formed part of an important trade route and was home to a large number of craftsmen. - In the 18th century, the Arbat came to be regarded by the Russian nobility as the most prestigious living area in Moscow. The street was almost completely destroyed by the great fire during Napoleon's occupation of Moscow in 1812 and had to be rebuilt. In the 19th and early 20th centuries it became known as the place where petty nobility, artists, and academics lived. In the Soviet period, it was the home of many high-ranking government officials. - Today the street and its surroundings are undergoing gentrification, and it is considered a desirable place to live. Because of the many historic buildings, and the numerous artists who have lived and worked in the street, the Arbat is also an important tourist attraction. - It has several notable statues, including one to Princess Turandot in front of the Vakhtangov Theatre, and another to Soviet-era folk singer, bard and poet Bulat Okudzhava, who wrote several poignant songs about the Arbat. It also contains numerous restaurants, including The Hard Rock Cafe. Most of these restaurants are geared towards visitors to Moscow and are considered by many residents to be over-priced and of low quality compared to those in other parts of the city. There are also a few restaurants and cafes that cater to the working population and middle class; these include Kruzhka, Praim, and Mu-Mu's.
- 🌍 New Arbat Street (Улица Новый Арбат) (near Old Arbat Street. Metro: Arbatskaya (both blue lines, take west exit for Dark Blue line)). - This street offers a contrast from the touristy pedestrian-only thoroughfare. New Arbat is perhaps where Moscow's rich are the most visible, as some of Moscow's most expensive restaurants and nightclubs are located here. There are some reasonably priced cafes, however. The street is lavishly lit up at night and is always very lively. Also, check out Dom Knigi (House of Books) on New Arbat. It's not as impressive as the St. Petersburg store, but probably the best bet for books in Moscow.
- 🌍 Old Arbat Street (Арба́т) (Metro: Smolenskaya (both blue lines), Arbatskaya (both blue lines, from Dark Blue line take west exit)). Walk down this kitschy street and don't forget to look at the small by-streets around the Arbat. They allow you to feel the "old Moscow spirit". Arbat is full of souvenir vendors, tourist cafes, lousy restaurants, artists, etc. The prices of the souvenirs vary from reasonable to ripoff. Many of the vendors offer a very high higher price, but can be talked down if you speak Russian. The stores tend to offer the same merchandise but with fixed high prices.
Get in
There is no any bus or train station. See more at Moscow Get in chapter.
Get around
Metro Stations
Kropotkinskaya (Кропо́ткинская)
Bibliotek imeni Lenina (Библиотека имени Ленина)
Tverskaya (Тверская)
Arbatskaya (Арбатская)
Aleksandrovskiy Sad (Александровский сад)
Borovitskaya (Боровицкая)
Bus routes
М2, М27. See more at Moscow Get around chapter.
- 🌍 St. Andrew's Anglican Church (Англиканская церковь Святого Андрея), Presnensky district, Voznesenskiy pereulok 8. 1884. Anglican.
- 🌍 Church of the Bishop Antipas of Pergamum (Храм священномученика Антипы, епископа Пергамского), Khamovniki district, Kolymazhnyy pereulok, 8 (M: Kropotkinskaya 0.4km SW, Borovitskaya 0.4 km NE). 1596 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Bolshaya Bronnaya Synagogue (Московская Синагога на Большой Бронной улице, בית הכנסת במוסקבה), Bolshaya Bronnaya Street (ул. Большая Бронная), 6 (M: Pushkinskaya 0.8 km NE, Tverskaya 0.7 km NE), ☏ +7 495 695-6345, chabad.bronnaya.moscow@gmail.com. Prayer: Weekdays 08:15, 09:30; Shabbat and holidays, cold amoed 10:00; Shabbat Mevarhim 10:30. The synagogue was built as a private synagogue by a pre-revolutionary millionaire, in the 1900s. The pre-war rabbi was executed by the Soviet government in 1937. In 1999 there was a failed bomb attack on the synagogue. In 2006, the synagogue was attacked by a neo-Nazi skinhead who stabbed nine people.
- 🌍 Conception monastery (Зачатьевский ставропигиальный женский монастырь, Conception stauropegic women's convent), 2-y Zachatyevskiy pereulok, (2-й Зачатьевский пер.), 2 (M. Kropotkinskaya, Park Kultury; Troll. 31, to stop. 'Ul. Dmitriyevsky'), ☏ +7 203-1512. Daytime, until the end of the 17:00 Vespers. This is an operating Russian Orthodox convent in Khamovniki District. Established in 1584, closed in 1918, reopened in 1995.

Christ the Saviour Cathedral
- 🌍 Christ the Saviour Cathedral (Храм Христа Спасителя), 15, Prechistenskaya naberezhnaya (Metro: Kropotkinskaya). – This cathedral, the tallest Orthodox church in the world (the largest being the Temple of Saint Savain Belgrade), was blown up on orders from Stalin in 1931, to provide a site for building the gargantuan Palace of the Soviets, to be crowned by a 100-m-high statue of Lenin. The project ran into engineering and geological difficulties (the area used to be a swamp), then the War intervened, and the place was ceded to a year-round open-air swimming pool. The pool was razed and the cathedral rebuilt only after the fall of the Soviet Union, in the mid-1990s, and re-consecrated in 2000. There is an extensive museum underneath the cathedral documenting its history (the original was started in 1839 and consecrated in 1883). Today, it is the seat of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in his role as Bishop of Moscow.
- 🌍 Church of the Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands at the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception (Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа в Зачатьевском монастыре), Khamovniki district,2-y Zachatyevskiy pereulok, 2 (M:Kropotkinskaya 0.6 km N, Park Kultury 0.7 km SW). 1696. Russian Orthodox
- 🌍 Church of the Patriarchs Athanasius and Cyril at the Sivka Gorge (Храм святителей Афанасия и Кирилла, патриархов Александрийских, на Сивцевом Вражке), Arbat district,Filippovskiy pereulok, 3 (M:Kropotkinskaya 0.5 km SE, Arbatskaya 0.6 km NE). 1856. - Russian Orthodox
- 🌍 Church of the Martyr Saint Blaise (Храм священномученика Власия), Khamovniki district, Gagarinskiy pereulok, 20 (M: Smolenskaya 0.6 km NW, Kropotkinskaya 0.8 km E, Arbatskaya 1.0 km NE). 1644 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Ascension of Christ on the Nikitskaya (Храм Вознесения Господня на Никитской), Presnensky district, Bolshaya Nikitskaya ulitsa, 18 (M:Arbatskaya 0.6 km S, Aleksandrovskiy Sad 0.7 km SE, Pushkinskaya 0.9 km N). 1680 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Ascension of Christ in Storozhy (Храм Вознесения Господня в Сторожах), Presnensky district, Bolshaya Nikitskaya ulitsa, 36 (M: Arbatskaya 0.9 km SE, Pushkinskaya 1.0 km NE). 1816 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Prophet Elijah in the Obydensky Alley (Храм пророка Илии в Обыденском переулке), Khamovniki district, 3-y Obydenskiy pereulok, 1 (M: Kropotkinskaya 0.4 km N, Borovitskaya 1 km N). 1706 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Apostel John on the Bronnaya (Храм апостола Иоанна Богослова на Бронной), Presnensky district,Bogoslovskiy pereulok, 4 (M: Pushkinskaya 0.5 km NE, Tverskaya 0.4 km NE). 1665 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of Saint Nicholas in Staroye Vagankovo (Храм Николая Чудотворца в Старом Ваганькове), Arbat district, Starovagankovskiy pereulok, 14 (M:Borovitskaya 0.2 km E, Aleksandrovskiy Sad 0.3km N, Biblioteka imeni Lenina 0.3 km NE). 1759 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception of the Theotokos (Церковь Сошествия Святого Духа в Зачатьевском монастыре), Khamovniki district, 2-y Zachatyevskiy pereulok, 2 (M:Kropotkinskaya 0.7 km N, Park Kultury 0.7 km SW). 1850 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem on the Arbat (Храм Воскресения Словущего на Арбате), Arbat district,Filippovskiy pereulok, 20 (M:Arbatskaya 0.4km NE, Kropotkinskaya 0.7 km SE, Aleksandrovskiy Sad & Borovitskaya 0.7 km E). 1688 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem at the Ascension Gorge (Храм Воскресения Словущего на Успенском Вражке), Presnensky district,pereulok Bryusov, 15/2 (M: Pushkinskaya & Tverskaya 0.7 km N, Okhotnyy Ryad 0.7 km E). 1634 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Venerable Simeon Stylites on the Povarskaya (Храм преподобного Симеона Столпника на Поварской), Arbat district,Povarskaya ulitsa, 5 (M:Arbatskaya 0.4 km SE, Aleksandrovskiy Sad 0.8 km E, Borovitskaya 0.9 km SE). 1679 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Martyr Tatiana at the Moscow State University (Храм мученицы Татианы при Московском университете), Arbat district, Bolshaya Nikitskaya ulitsa, 1 (M:Aleksandrovskiy Sad 0.4 km SW, Biblioteka imeni Lenina 0.3km S, Okhotnyy Ryad 0.5 km NE). 1791 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Venerable Theodore Studites (Храм преподобного Феодора Студита), Arbat district, Bolshaya Nikitskaya ulitsa, 29? (M:Arbatskaya 0.6 km SE, Aleksandrovskiy Sad 0.9 km SE). 1627 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the Ascension Gorge (Церковь Успения Богородицы на Успенском Вражке), Tverskoy district, Gazetnyy pereulok, 15 (M: Okhotnyy Ryad or Teatralnaya 0.6 km E, Pushkinskaya 0.8 km N). 1860 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos on the Tombs (Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы на Могильцах), Khamovniki district, Bolshoy Vlasyevskiy pereulok, 2/2 (M: Smolenskaya 0.6 km NW, Kropotkinskaya 0.8 km E, Park Kultury 1.0 km S). 1806 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Protection of the Theotokos on the Ostoshenka (Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы на Остоженке), Khamovniki district, Pereulok Turchaninov, 4 (M: Park Kultury 0.4 km SW). 1908 Old Believers (Old-Rite Church)
- 🌍 Church of the Theotokos icon of the Sign in the Sheremetev Yard (Храм иконы Божией Матери «Знамение» на Шереметевом дворе), Arbat district, Pereulok Romanov, 2/6 (M:Aleksandrovskiy Sad or Biblioteka imeni Lenina 0.2 km S). 1691 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of the Transfiguration in Peski (Храм Спаса Преображения на Песках), Arbat district, Spasopeskovsky Pereulok (Спасопесковский переулок), 4а. (M: Smolenskaya), ☏ +7 499 241-6203, fax: +7 499 241-0809, hram-peski@bk.ru. 08:00-19:00. Architecture is typical for Moscow churches end of the 17th century. With five domes and belfry connects low refectory. Chapels located asymmetrically. Decor elements correspond to the spirit of the church of the 17th century - advanced portals, window casings, kokoshniki on top.
- 🌍 Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Sand (Храм Спаса Преображения на Песках), Arbat district, Spasopeskovskiy pereulok, 4А (M:Smolenskaya 0.4 km SW, Arbatskaya 0.9 km E, Kropotkinskaya 1.0 km SE). 1711 Russian Orthodox Church.
- 🌍 Church of St. Nicholas on Schepah (Nikoloshchepovskiy Church, Церковь Николая Чудотворца на Щепах), Arbat district, 1st Smolensky Pereulok(1-й Смоленский пер.), 20 (On the corner of First and Second Smolensk Nikoloshchepovskiy lanes, M: Smolenskaya (Filevskaya line)), ☏ +7 499 241-0445. The first (wood) church built this place in 1649. It was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas of Myra. In 1686 was built a new stone church. Like the old wooden church, this temple was called "on Schepah" because located to a nearby wood (Schepnoy) courtyard where manufactured log cabins for wooden palace buildings. In 1773 in the refectory of the church was built a chapel of Simeon and Anna the Prophetess. The bell tower built in 1813. In World War II production of ammunition was launched.
- 🌍 A. N. Skryabina Memorial Museum (Государственный мемориальный музей А. Н. Скрябина), Arbat district, B.Nikolopeskovsky lane, 11 (M: Smolensk, Arbat), ☏ +7 8 499 241-1901, fax: +7 8 499 241-2152, scriabinmuseum@mail.ru. W 11:00-19:00, Th 11:00-21:00, F-Su 11:00-19:00. In this house lived the last three years of his life, in 1912-1915 the great Russian composer, pianist, philosopher and poet Alexander Scriabin. Last Friday each month - day Every third Sunday of the month - free of charge.
- 🌍 Bourganov’s House State Museum (Московский государственный музей "Дом Бурганова"), Arbat district, Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Pereulok, 15, STR, 9 (M: Kropotkinskaya), ☏ +7 495 695-0429, fax: +7 (495) 695-45-15. 11:00-19:00. - The main exposition part is in the open air. Take your umbrella when it is raining. There is the Legend People Gallery what is a gallery of portraits to the honoured workers of Russian culture. - Free.
- 🌍 Galeyev Gallery (Галеев Галерея), Arbatskaya distr, Malyy Kozikhinskiy pereulok (Малый Козихинский переулок), 19 (Moscow Central-West, M:Chekhovskaya 0.8 km (0.50 mi) E), ☏ +7 495 699-9854, gallery@ggallery.ru. Specializing in the 20th-century Russian works of art of the pre-World War II period.
- 🌍 Museum of History of Moscow (Музей истории Москвы), Zubovskiy bulvar (Зубовский бульвар), 2 (Park Kultury (Парк Культуры) 0.1 km (0.062 mi) W), ☏ +7 495 739-0008, migm@mail.ru. Tu-Su 10:00-20:00, Th 11:00-21:00. The Museum has in its disposal the unique collection which exposes the Moscow-s history since ancient times to now. Its collections: archaeological (special about the Dyakovo Culture); pictorial and graphic works, the documentary fund (from 16th century); The fund of a rare book (since the 16th century); numismatics, awards, badges, memorial medals, orders; porcelain, glass and ceramics; costume; accessoiries; furniture; watches. - Other units of Moscow Museum: Manor Princes Golitsyn, Servant Wing see Moscow Outskirts, Manor Princes Golitsyn, (Stables) & Children's Museum Center. See Moscow Outskirts, A. Mireka, Russian harmonic Museum ; Lefortovo History Museum See Moscow Outskirts, Museum of Archaeology (Музей археологии Москвы) 300 руб.
- 🌍 Shchusev State Museum of Architecture (Государственный научно-исследовательский музей архитектуры имени А. В. Щусева), Arbat district, Street Vozdvizhenka (ул. Воздвиженка), 5 (M: Aleksandrovsky Sad, Smolenskaya). Tu-Su 11:00-19:00, Th 13:00-21:00. The collections include more than 1 million items. The collections reflect the ancient history of architecture in Russia. The most valuable of them are frescoes Trinity Monastery of Makaryevsky Kalyazin (17th century), Furniture collection (19th century), Copyright models of architectural structures. 100 руб. (updated Jan 2014)
- 🌍 Pushkin Museum (Музей изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина), Volkhonka street 12 (Metro: Borovitskaya, Lenin Library, Kropotkinskaya,), ☏ +7 495 697-7415. Tu-Su 10:00-19:00, Th 10:00-21:00. Dedicated to Western art and has one of the world's most significant Impressionist and Post-Impressionist collections, along with some Old Masters. The Impressionists and Post-Impressionists were rather unfortunately relocated to an annexe in 2007 across the street from the main building. 400 руб; schoolchildren, students & pensioners: 200 руб.
- Pushkin Memorial Apartment on the Arbat (Мемориальная квартира Пушкина )
- Memorial Apartment of Andreya Belovo (Boris Bugaev) on Arbat (Мемориальная квартира Андрея Белого)
- Alexander Pushkin Museum, Государственный музей А. С. Пушкина (литературный), выставочные залы Российской академии художеств, Khamovniki District, Prechistenka, 12/2
- Leo Tolstoy Museum, Khamovniki District, Prechistenka, 11
- Leo Tolstoy Estate in Khamovniki, Khamovniki District, Lva Tolstogo, 21
- Red Chambers ( Khamovniki District, Ostozhenka, 2)
- White Chambers ( Khamovniki District, Prechistenka, 1) at Prechistenskye Gates
- Moscow Museum, Музей Москвы (в комплексе «Провиантские магазины»), Khamovniki District,
- House-Museum of Alexander Herzen, Дом-музей А. И. Герцена, выставочный зал Федеральных архивов,Khamovniki District,
- Sports Museum, Музей спорта в Лужниках, Khamovniki District,
- Zuraba Tsereteli Art Gallery (Галерея искусств Зураба Церетели и другие музеи). Khamovniki District,
- Timirjazeva's State Museum of Biology (Государственный биологический музей им. К. А. Тимирязева), Presnensky District
- Oriental Art Museum (Государственный музей искусства народов Востока), Presnensky District
- Historical and Memorial Museum of Presnya district (Историко-мемориальный музей «Пресня»), Presnensky District
- 🌍 Vernadsky State Geological Museum (Государственный геологический музей им. В. И. Вернадского РАН(), Mokhovaya ulitsa (Моховая ул.), 11 (M: Okhotniy Ryad), ☏ +7 495 692-0943, info@msk.sgm.ru. Tu-F 11:00-19:00, Sa Su 12:00-19:00. It is the earth science and educational centre of Russian Academy of Sciences.The main expositions: - The World of Minerals (Мир минералов). The most unique samples of minerals are exhibited, one of the world best collections of Ural malachite, the biggest crystal of phlogopite mica from Slyudyanka (the Baikal region), a slab of native copper from Kazakhstan that weighs approximately 500 kilograms, a huge amethyst geode from Brasilia, and a gigantic sample of rock salt. - Planet Earth (Планета Земля). The exposition shows the inner structure of our planet and tells about the origin of rocks, movement of lithosphere plates, and the causes of volcanic ejections and earthquakes. The extensive paleontological collections provide insight into development of our flora and fauna. - Historical Collections, end 18th-early 20th centuries ( «Исторические коллекции конца XVIII – начала XX в.в.») of the Late 18th and the Early 20th Centuries. The exposition is a golden reserve of the Museum and shows collections of minerals, rocks, fossil remains. - Cabinet of Geological Curiosities (Геологическая кунсткамера). The exposition represents unusual geological items created by nature-architect, artist and sculptor, beauty and harmony of wonderful natural combinations of colours and forms. - Useful Fossils of Russia (Недра России). The exposition shows mineral wealth of Russia, its amazing diversity of mineral raw materials — ferrous, nonferrous, and rare and noble metals, oil, gas, coal, mining chemical feedstock, building and ceramic raw materials, diamonds, and semiprecious stones. - Geological Sketch of Moscow Surroundings (Геологический очерк окрестностей Москвы). The exposition tells about the history of geological development and opening up of natural resources of Moscow area. Tickets to the museum 250 руб, tickets to Academy of Mining (Шахта «АКАДЕМИЧЕСКАЯ») 300 руб, discounted 150 руб.
- 🌍 Zoological Museum of Moscow University (Зоологический музей Московского государственного университета), Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street (ул. Большая Никитская), 6 (M: 'Okhotniy Ryad' or 'Library imeni V.I. Lenin'), ☏ +7 495 629-4435. Tu-Su 10:00-17:00, closed the last Tuesday of each month. Lower Hall Shown representatives of all types of the animal kingdom, except for birds and mammals. Upper Hall (2nd floor), is reserved for the entire exposition telling about the diversity of birds and mammals. The Hall of comparative anatomy, or as it is briefly called the Bone room, also on 2nd floor. Tickets adult/discount 200 руб/50 руб.
- 🌍 Bulgakov House (Музей - театр "Булгаковский Дом"), Bolshaya Sadovaya ulitsa (Большая Садовая) no. 10 (M: Mayakovskaya). Su-Th 13:00-23:00 ; F, Sa until 01:00. - The building where the Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov used to live, and in which some major scenes of his novel The Master and Margarita are set. - The building was originally intended for luxury rental apartments and was built between 1902 and 1905 by order of the Russian millionaire Ilya Pigit, owner of the tobacco company Ducat. The building was erected in the so-called Russian Art Nouveau style. free.
- 🌍 Pashkov House (Пашков дом), Arbat district, Ulitsa Vozdvizhenka, 3/5 (Near to corner Mokhovaya and Vozdvizhenka streets. M: Borovitskaya 150m NE, M: Aleksandrovskiy Sad 300m N, M: Biblioteka imeni Lenina 350m NE), ☏ +7 95 202-5953. The famous Neoclassical mansion that stands on a hill overlooking the western wall of the Moscow Kremlin. - It used to be home to the Rumyantsev Museum (Moscow's first public museum) in the 19th century. In 1925 the museum was closed, the exhibits went to other museums of the city, its books had formed the stem of the State Lenin Library. - The mansion, being at the same time a town manor, has a flat-topped lay-out with a court of honor opened towards the entrance. The facade looking on to the Mokhovaya Street is characterized by linear expansion. The arrangement centrifugally unwraps around and above. Two one-storey tunnels run to the right and to the left of the central cube ending in two-storied Service wings. The main building has colonnaded porticos on both sides. The building is topped with a cylindrical belvedere.
- 🌍 Spaso House (Особняк Второва, Спа́со-ха́ус,), Arbat district, Spasopeskovskaya Square. (Спасопесковская площадь), 10 (M: Smolenskaya 0.5km SW, Arbatskaya 1km E). - Neoclassical Revival building. Built in 1913 as the mansion of the textile industrialist Nikolay Vtorov. Since 1933 it has been the residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union and (since 1991) to the Russian Federation. - Spaso House takes its name from Spasopeskovskaya Square, in the Arbat District. "Spasopeskovskaya" meant "Saviour on the Sands", referring to the sandy soil of the neighborhood.
- 🌍 Tsoi Wall (Стена Цоя), Arbat Street, №37 (At the intersection of Arbat Street and Krivoarbatsky Lane). This is a graffiti-covered wall in Moscow, dedicated to musician Viktor Tsoi and his band Kino. It is considered one of Moscow's landmarks. It is customary for Tsoi's fans to leave a broken lighted cigarette in the special ash plate by the wall.
- 🌍 Tverskaya Street (Тверская улица) (This street starts from the Kremlin itself and runs northwest in the direction of Tver (hence the name) and Saint Petersburg. - Metro south to north: Ohotnii Ryad/Teatralnaya, Tverskaya/Pushkinskaya/Chehovskaya (Puskinskaya Square), Mayakovskaya (Triumfalnaya Square, sometimes called second Theatre square, containing Chaikovskii Concert Hall, Satire Theatre and nearby Mossovet Theatre), Belorusskaya.). This road was a very important thoroughfare in Tsarist Russia. It is now Moscow's most fashionable street, with several prestigious boutiques. It is also lined with cafés, restaurants, coffeehouses, a couple of theatres, and several hotels, including two locations of the Marriott. Most of the street's architecture doesn't actually have much history to it, though along the way you will find Russia's first, and the world's busiest, McDonalds. The statue of Pushkin at Pushkinskaya Square is a very popular meeting point. Walk its length. From Red Square to Belorusski Train Station is about one hour and is a great way to see the most famous street in Moscow. Take a peek inside the Yeliseev Grocery Store, Moscow's answer to Harrod's food halls, to see the restored ornate interior.
- 🌍 Melnikov House (Дом Мельникова). Own house of famous 1920s architect Konstantin Melnikov, build in constructivist architecture style in 1929. Part of MUAR museum since 2014. Visits to the Melnikov House are only with pre−booked guided tours in Russian. 700 р. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Narkomfin House (Дом Наркомфина). 5-storey apartments build in 1930. Many ears was in decay, repaired in 2018.
- 🌍 Government House (Белый дом, Дом Правительства РФ), Presnensky District, Sredny Trekhgorny lane (Средний Трехгорный переулок), 6/20. All building surround by fence, entrance is unavailable
- 🌍 Aquarium garden, Time River Water-Landscape Fountain Complex (Фонтанный комплекс в саду «Аквариум», Водно-ландшафтная композиция «Река времени»), Bolsaya Sadovaya (Большая Садовая улица) (Aquarium garden). - The Idea originates from Greek mythology, styled wall with a source in the form of a shell-headed Hydra. - Then, after a small bridge flowing to beneath the Aquarium rotunda and continues her a stylized "river" of granite plates, made in the form of a winding tape laid in the pavement of the alley.
- 🌍 Natalia and Alexander Fountain at Nikitskiy Vorot (Фонтан-ротонда «Наталья и Александр» у Никитских Ворот), Str. Bolsaya Nikitinskaya ((ул. Никитская Большая) (Nikitskiy Gate, M: Arbatskaya, Tverskaya). ON June 6, 1999, the day of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin, was opened fountain rotunda "Natalia and Alexander" in memory of his wedding with Natalia Goncharova, who lived nearby in a wooden house on the corner Nikitskaya street and Skaryatinsky alley (now this is the Spanish Embassy). - Designed by known Moscow architect Mikhail Belov, Maxim Kharitonov and sculptor Mikhail Dronov
- 🌍 Turandot Fountain («Принцесса Турандот» Фонтаны на Старом Арбате), Ul. Arbat, 26. Made by Bourganov, next to the Vakhtangov Theater on the Old Arbat
Parks and Recreation
- 🌍 Patriarshi ponds area (Patriarshiye Prudy,Russian: Патриаршие пруды), Metro Mayakovskaya (From metro walk along Sadovoye Ring, passing Satire and Mossoveta Theatres to Bronnaya street, then turn left.). There is only one pond left, but it is squared with buildings so it is quite peaceful here despite hectic Sadovoye Ring nearby. Here you can take a nice walk and enjoy the mysterious atmosphere, for which the area is famous - due to the novel of Mikhail Bulgakov: Master and Margaret (Master i Margarita), which is well known for its combination of demonology, mysticism, humour, satire, art and love as well as wonderful depictions of the Moscow of the 1930s. Some Muscovites are eager to take a seat on a bench with their back to Malaya Bronnaya street, as it is a reference to the novel.
- Moscow Zoo (Московский зоопарк), Presnensky District
- Krasnopresnensky park (Краснопресненский парк), Presnensky District
- Presnenskiy Children's Park ( Park of Pavlik Morozov) (Детский Парк Пресненский, Парк им. Павлика Морозова), Presnensky District
- Dekabrskovo uprising Park (Парк Декабрьского восстания (Сквер 1905 года)), Presnensky District
- 🌍 Mayakovsky Theatre (Театр Маяковского; Московский академический театр имени Вл. Маяковского), Arbatski district, Bolshaya Nikitskaya (Большая Никитская улица), 19/13 (M: Aleksandrovskiy Sad 0.8km SW), ☏ +7 495 690-4658, fax: +7 (495) 690-27-25, pressa@mayakovsky.ru. Casdesk 11:00-20:00. - The Theatre at Nikitsky (that's how it was known for a while) was built in 1886. 400-3500 руб.
- Gorky Art Theatre (МХАТ им. М. Горького), Presnensky District.
- 🌍 Pushkin Drama Theatre (Московский Драматический Театр им. А. С. Пушкина), Presnensky District, Tverskoy Boulevard (Тверской бульвар), 23 (M: Chekhovskaya 0.7km NE), ☏ +7 495 694-1289, director@teatrpushkin.ru. ticket office daily 11:00-20:00, weekends break 15:00-16:00. BRANCH Theatre, Sytinskaya lane (Сытинский переулок), 3/25
- 🌍 Mossovet Theatre (Государственный академический театр имени Театр Моссовета), Ul. Bolshaya Sadovaya (ул. Б. Садовая), 16 (M: Mayakovskaya (Маяковская)), ☏ +7 495 699-2035, fax: +7 495 699-6421, mossovet@theatre.ru. Tickets M-F 12:00-20:00, Sa-Su 12:00-19:00, lunchtime 15:00-16:00.
- Satire Theater (Московский академический театр Сатиры), Presnensky District
- Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya (Московский драматический театр на Малой Бронной), Presnensky District
- Nikitsky Gate Theater (Театр «У Никитских ворот» п/р Марка Розовского), Presnensky District
- 🌍 Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute (Театральный институт имени Бориса Щукина), Arbat district, Bolshoy Nikolopeskovskiy pereulok (Большой Николопесковский пер.), 12-а (M: "Arbat" or "Smolensk" 0.6km, Troll. 2, 44 to stop Kino Oktyabr), ☏ +7 499 241-0890, sh-tea-inst@mail.ru. M W F 11:00–18:00. A Russian drama college, formed in 1914 as part of the Vakhtangov Theatre. Age limits: Women – up to 22 years old, men – up to 24 years old
- 🌍 Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory (Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П. И. Чайковского), Presnensky District, Str. Nikitskaya (ул. Большая Никитская), 13 (Metro Krasnopresnenskaya 500 m, Metro Barrikadnaya 500 m). World-renowned music conservatory open only to graduate study.
Fast food
- 🌍 McDonalds (Макдоналдс), Gazetnyi Pereulok (Газетный переулок), 17 (M:Okhotnyi), ☏ +7 495 956-9817, info@ru.mcd.com.
- 🌍 Moo-Moo, Arbat (Му-Му), Arbat St, 4 (M: Arbatskaya). This chain restaurant offers decent canteen food, with English menus. -Operates as a cafeteria-style restaurant and as such can be considered a fast food restaurant. The entire menu is self-service, and includes a wide variety of meats (including shashlik), vegetables, soups, breads, and desserts. Moo-Moo restaurants are decorated with a black-and-white cow motif. USD10-15 per person.
- Prime Star, Ulitsa Bol'shaya Dmitrovka, 7/5c1 (M:), ☏ +7 495 664-2363, fax: +7 495 664-2363, office@prime-star.ru. Daily 09:00-21:00. – A chain of fast-food restaurants specialized in hand-made, natural food. Most is cold (sandwiches, salads, etc.) but some hot dishes are available. 400 руб.
- * Hard Rock Cafe, Old Arbat Street. 06:00-24:00. Serves the same menu it does worldwide for reasonable prices. Fresh squeezed orange juice and hash browns are a highlight here. You can eat outdoors and watch the endlessly fascinating parade of characters that walk the street all day and all night. Western breakfasts for US$8 per person.
- 🌍 White Rabbit, Smolenskaya Square, 3, ☏ +7 495 663-39-99. Ranked amongst the world's best restaurants, White Rabbit serves modern takes on classic - often forgotten - Russian cuisine. Located under a glass dome at the 16th floor, the view rivals the food in spectacularly. (updated Feb 2017)
Beer andcwine
- Simple Things-Nikitskaya Winebar (Простые Вещи), B. Nikitskaya, (Большая Никитская улица) 14 (M: Arbatskaya), ☏ +7 495 629 34 94. Daily 12:00-00:00. Great choice of wines and snacks in a cozy bazement right across Cofemania, with a special person who sit downs to talk (and recommend a drink or two) with you if you're alone.
- Kofemaniya Nikitskaya, Bol'shaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa, 13, ☏ +7 495 651 97-57. open 24 hours. The most expensive coffee chain in Moscow. The cafe on Bolsaya Nikitskaya 13 next to the Moscow Conservatory serves great breakfasts and is excellent for people watching in the morning and pre-concert coffee in the evening as well.
- Starbucks Cafe, Old Arbat Street, 19? 38?. Starbucks has finally broken the wall into hard ground Russia. Promises to open another 10-20 stores.
- 🌍 Lotte Hotel Moscow (Лотте Отель Москва), Arbat district (In the intersection of New Arbat Avenue and Novinsky Boulevard. M: Smolenskaya), ☏ +7 495 745 1000, fax: +7 495 287 0555. 300 rooms. Five star. Two top-notch restaurants. If you want to burn packet money try the Royal Suite for US$14000 per night! Rooms 15000-48000 руб; Suites 55000-490000 руб.
- 🌍 Russian State Library (Российская государственная библиотека), Str. Vozdvizhenka, 3/5. 2 (Metro: Biblioteka Im.V.I.Lenina/Alexandrovskii Sad/Borovitskaya/Arbatskaya, Dark Blue line, east exit), ☏ +7 499 557-0470, toll-free: 800 100-5790, nbros@rsl.ru. M-F 09:00–20:00, Sa 09:00–19:00. One of the largest libraries in the world. Anyone (Russian or foreign) over 18 can view electronic media for free, other items may be viewed by purchasing a "Reader's Card" (a photo id to gain access to physical materials). Previously received a copy of every book, musical score, & map published in the USSR, it now only receives a copy of every Russian book. The military reading room receives over 15,000 readers a year. - Internet 44 units, - Building A, Entrance 1, 1st fl., room A-116
- 🌍 Central Telegraph (Центральный телегра), Ul. Tverskaya (Тверская ул.), 7 (M: Okhotny Ryad), ☏ +7 495 504-4444. Daily 08:00-22:00, (24-hr phone). Architectural monument. Built in 1925-1927, in constructivism style. The total area of 40,000 m². At the Central Telegraph building is now possible to see one of the earliest projects emblem of the Soviet Union (1923): a globe surrounded by ears, above the red star on the sides of the hammer and sickle.
- Beeline salon (Билайн), Ul. Arbat (ул. Арбат), 12 (M:Arbatskaya).
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