Mariánské Lázně
spa town in the Karlovy Vary Region, Czech Republic
Mariánské Lázně ("mariaanskae laaznjae") is a spa town in West Bohemia in Western Czech Republic with a population of 13,300 and is close to the German border.
The town is popular with German and Russian tourists and it can be difficult to communicate in English. The town is renowned as a spa town and hosts a number of springs. Accordingly, many hotels offer relaxation packages. Spa tourism has a long history here and the town is considered one of the three "corners" of the West Bohemian Spa Triangle, along with Karlovy Vary and Františkovy Lázně. All three are part of the "Great Spa Towns of Europe" UNESCO world heritage site shared with eight other cities around the continent. 🌍 Tourist information kiosk (Městské infocentrum), Hlavní 47, Daily 9:00 - 18:00.
Get in
By train
see also: Rail travel in the Czech Republic
Get around
The town is walkable, although there are trolley buses available as part of the town's public transport. The fare is 12Kč (as of August 2014) payable through a machine when you enter the bus (exact change only). Handy if your hotel is further from the centre, or you don't want to walk 20-30 minutes from the main station to Kolonada. While there were several attempts to shut down the trolleybus system, ultimately the argument that a Spa Town needs to keep its air as clean as possible won out and the deficiencies of battery buses convinced those in charge to keep the trolley buses.

- 🌍 The Singing Fountain (Zpívající fontána). Daily 7A-10P, May-October. A spectacular fountain with a ten-minute recorded music show to accompany it every other hour.
- 🌍 The Colonnade (Kolonáda). The new Baroque Colonnade is an icon that could be said to represent the Czech spas.
- 🌍 Boheminium Miniature Park (Park Boheminium), Krakonoš 665. Models (on 1:25 scale) of important historical buildings and technical monuments.
- 🌍 Tourist mini train, Hlavní 47. April to October. Sightseeing ride.
- 🌍 Nová Chebská, Chebská. 7:00 - 22:00. Shopping centre.
- 🌍 Golden Globe (U zlaté koule), Nehrova 26. 11:00 - 23:00.
- 🌍 Doma Restaurant, Anglicka 116/23. 11:00 - 22:00.
- 🌍 Club Na Rampě, Kollárova 7. 17:00 -.
- 🌍 Hostel Foster, Tyrsova 243/1.
- 🌍 Villa Sunbeam (Villa Sonnenstrahl), Karlovarská 334/9, ☏ +420 354 403 811. Apartment house.
- 🌍 Boutique Hotel SwissHouse, Zeyerova 87 (From Prague: D5 motorway, exit 128 km, direction Mariánské Lázně.), ☏ +420 777 602 213, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. 100 €. (updated Aug 2021)
- 🌍 Esplanade Spa and Golf Resort, Karlovarská 438. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00.