Lviv Oblast

administrative division (oblast) in western Ukraine

Lviv Oblast is an Oblast in Western Ukraine.



It is one of the three regions of the historical and cultural region of Galicia, part of the Carpathian Euroregion. The region is one of the most densely populated in the country, with a population of 2.75 million people. The Lviv Oblast is known as one of the best places in Ukraine for recreation and tourism.

The landscape is diverse, due to the location at the junction of different physical and geographical regions. With a dense network of rivers, the largest of which are the Dniester and the Western Bug, the meadows of the oblast all shape the oblast.

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Get around

By car

By boat

By public transit


  • 🌍 Belz (Ukrainian: Белз, Polish: Bełz, Yiddish/Hebrew: בעלז) (3 km from the Ukrainian-Polish border, 12 km from Chervonograd and 25 km from the district center - Sokal). day trip. Sights: Arian Tower (1606) only survived part of a medieval fort; the Dominican Sisters Monastery, (1647, rebuilt 1743, 1861); St. Paraskeva Church, with a bell tower, built in 18th century; Ancient Settlement Archeological Site of Belz (old city, probably founded in 1088); Nicholas Cathedral (1926), Church of St. Valentine, (built in 1907-11, neo-gothic style); Jewish cemetery; Bandery villa.
  • 🌍 Chervonograd (Червоноград) (73 km North from Lviv). Good day trip. Sights: A branch of the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion (Potocki Palace), the St. Dukha Church (the St. Vladimir church), the St. Yury Basilian monastery (1771-76); Bernardines monastery (1692-1767) 21 B.Khmel'nyts'kogo st.; Potocki's palace (1736-57), 10 Shashkevycha st. built in baroque and classicism style
  • 🌍 Brody (Ukrainian: Броди, Polish: Brody, Yiddish: בראָד) (North-East about 90 km from Lviv - Take a train to here). Good day trip. St. Yuriya Church (Церковь св. Юрия), built at the beginning of the 17th century, restored in 1867; Palace of Pototskyi Count (1630-1635), History Museum, Ruined Big Synagogue (1742), Palace of Tyshkevich is built in 1909, in English style.
  • 🌍 Drohobych (Ukrainian: Дрогóбич; Polish: Drohobycz). Good day trip. St. Apostles Peter and Paul Monastery), Vultsa Stryiska, 1; St. Bartholomew Catholic Church with the former defence tower now the bell tower of the St. Bartholomew church; Palace of Arts Local Museum, Bruno Shults (Polish Writer) Museum, Vultsa I. Franka, 24; Picture gallery, Sichovykh Striltsiv, 16; Church of Holy Exaltation Cross (Церква Воздвиження Чесного Хреста), 1661, Vulitsa Zvarits'ka, 9
  • 🌍 Horodok (Gorodok, Ukrainian: Городок, Polish: Gródek Jagielloński,), Horodok Raion, Lviv Oblast (West 25 km). A good day trip. Visit: John the Baptist Church (1755)
  • 🌍 Krekhiv monastery (Ukrainian: Крехів, Polish: Krechów), Kozulka settlement (25 km NW at northern rim of the Yavorivskyi National Park). day trip.
  • 🌍 Olesko (Ukrainian: Олесько; Polish: Olesko; Yiddish: אלעסק Alesk) (E ~60km - take bus toward Brody or Dubno). Good day trip. See here: St. Joseph Church and monastic cells of the monastery of capuchins (1838); the Castle, Vulitsa Zamkova, 34 (14-17th centuries); take a walk in the Castle Park (13 ha); right the next is the Capuchin Monastery (1700s); visit the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Vulitsa T. Shevchenka, 59
  • 🌍 Pidhirtsi (Ukrainian: Підгірці; Polish: Podhorce) (80 km east of Lviv, ~2 грн by bus). A good day trip to see the Konietspolskikh Castle (замок Конецпольських), 1635-1640; Pidhoretskyi Landscape Park (17 ha); St. Joseph Catholic Church (Костел св. Иосифа), 1765; Plisnesk Archeological Site, 7-13th centuries; Cells of monastery (Келії Підгорецького монастиря) 18th century, Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos? (Церковь Рождества Богородицы), part of the former Vasylyi Monastery (1180)
  • 🌍 Rava-Rus'ka (Ukrainian: Рава-Руська, translit. Rava-Rus'ka; Russian: Рава-Русская, translit. Rava-Russkaya; Polish: Rawa Ruska; Yiddish: ראווע, Rave), Lviv Oblast (~50 km NE of Lviv). St. Michael Church and monastic cells of the Franciscan Abbey (Костел Св. Михайла та монастирські келії монастиря ордену Реформаторів), the first wooden chapel, built here in 1725. St. Joseph Catholic Church from 1843 with the miraculous icon of Mother of God (1670s). French Second World War soldiers' cemetery.
  • 🌍 Sambir (Ukrainian: Самбір, Polish: Sambor) (75 km SW from Lviv - train connection). Good day trip. Sights: Town hall (Самбірська ратуша), Square Rynok, 1; St. Ivan Church, Street Pushkina, 7; Bernardine monastery (Монастир бернардинців), Street A. Mitskevycha, 5-A; Nativity Church (Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці), built in 1738.
  • 🌍 Slavske (Ukrainian: Славське, Polish: Sławsko) (120 km S-SW of Lviv (Skolivskyi Raion) - take a train to here). Good day trip. Take a chair lift on Trostyan mountain for a good walk; Visit the Cave of Painted Draw-well. Cheap accommodations: Al'piis'kyi dvir Guesthouse (Пансионат "Альпийский двор") Tel +380 67 6727230; Rozhanka Resting house (База відпочинку "Рожанка") north-east 2 km. Tel. +380 32 298-5331. Lys Mykyta Cottages Resting house (Котеджі "Лис Микита"), Franka str., 59А Tel. +380 50 334-8295. U Lili ta Yaroslava B&B (Приватна садиба "У Лілі та Ярослава") Tel.+380 67 977-3598; Cottage Zyhva (Котедж "Зигва"), +380 32 514-2578. U Tetiany Hotel (Мини-отель "У Татьяны") Tel.+380 32 514-2332. Sights: Carpathian Museum of the liberation struggle (Карпатський музей визвольної боротьби), Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, 2. Tel.+380 97 333-4630; Assumption of the Virgin Mary church Church (Церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці), T. Shevchenka street., built in 1901.
  • 🌍 Stare Selo (Ukrainian: Старе Село; Polish: Stare Sioło; literally, "old village"), Pustomyty Raion (25 km SE). Castle (Старе Село замок), 1584-1654
  • 🌍 Svirzh (Ukrainian: Свірж), Peremyshliany Raion (40 km SW - Direct public transport almost (nonexistent) take any minibus or bus toward Rohatyn and get off at Bibrka on H09 hwy or at Peremyshlyany on T1414 further eight km from both). Sights: Assumption of the Virgin Mary church (костел Успіння Богородиці), 1546, early 17th century. 1770s; Defense tower (ruins), grotto (оборонна башта, грот), 1484, Svirzh castle (Свірж замок), 1484-1660s.
  • 🌍 Zhovkva (Жовква), Zhovkva Raion (25 km North). A good day trip from Lviv. Visit the Monastery
  • 🌍 Zolochiv (Золочів) (70 km east, Zolochiv Raion, Lviv Oblast - train station 2 km south from the town). Good day trip for visiting: Ascension of Virgin Mary church + cells (костел Вознесіння Діви Марії + келії), 1731-1763; Castle (Золочів замок), 1634-1686; Arsenal (арсенал), 15th century.; Polish cemetery (польський цвинтар).
  • 🌍 Trukhaniv (Труханів), Skolivskyi Raion (108km S of Lviv). Good day trip. Rocks and cave of Dovbush (six km from here), The bottom edge of the village is a picturesque waterfalls cascade, the Sukilski waterfalls, also in the village is a St. Michael Church built in 1840.
  • 🌍 Truskavets (Трускавець), Lviv Oblast (70 km SW - take a train to here). Good for a day trip from Lviv
  • 🌍 Univ monastery (Унів, Міжгір’я?), Peremyshlians'kyi Raion, Lviv Oblast (40 km east - take a bus or minibus to here). Founded in 1390s. It consists of church, partly saved fortress walls with two north and south-west towers (15th century), building of monastic cells (17th-19th centuries) and house of metropolitan (19th century). Good for a day trip from Lviv.









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