Jordanian Arabic phrasebook

variety of Levantine Arabic spoken in the Kingdom of Jordan

The Jordanian dialect of Arabic (اللهجة الاردني) is a continuum of mutually intelligible varieties of Levantine Arabic spoken by the population of the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordanian Arabic varieties are Semitic, with lexical influences from English, Turkish and French. They are spoken by more than 6 million people, and understood throughout the Levant and, to various extents, in other Arabic-speaking regions. As in all Arab countries, language use in Jordan is characterized by diglossia; Modern Standard Arabic is the official language used in most written documents and the media, while daily conversation is conducted in the local colloquial varieties.

Aside from the various dialects, one must also deal with the differences in addressing males, females, and groups; plurals and verb conjugations are highly irregular and difficult to determine from their root letters; and there are several letters in the Arab alphabet that are difficult for an English speaker to pronounce.

Regional Jordanian Arabic varieties

Although there is a common Jordanian dialect mutually understood by most Jordanians, the daily language spoken throughout the country varies significantly through regions. These variants impact altogether pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

The Jordanian Arabic falls into five varieties:

  • Hybrid variety (Modern Jordanian): It is almost the current spoken language among all Jordanians. This variety was born after the designation of Amman as capital of the Jordanian kingdom early in the 20th century. It is the result of the merger of the language of populations who moved from northern Jordan, southern Jordan and later from Palestine. For this reason, it mixes features of the Arabic varieties spoken by these populations. The emergence of the language occurred under the strong influence of the Jordanian north dialect. As in many countries English is being used to substitute many technical words, even though these words have Arabic counterparts in modern standard Arabic.
  • Northern varieties: It is spoken in the area from Amman to Irbid in the far north. As in all sedentary areas, local variations are many. The pronunciation, exemplified by the audio file has /q/ pronounced [g] and /k/ mostly ([tʃ]). This dialect is part of the southern dialect of the Levantine Arabic language.
  • Southern/Moab: Spoken in the area south of Amman, in cities such as Al Karak, Tafilah, Ma'an, Shoubak and their countrysides, replete with city-to-city and village-to-village differences. In this dialect, the pronunciation of the final vowel (æ~a~ɐ) commonly written with tāʾ marbūtah (ة) is raised to [e]. For example, Maktaba (Fuṣḥa) becomes Maktabe (Moab), Maktabeh (North) and Mektaba (Bedawi). Named so after the antique Moab kingdom southern Jordan, this dialect belongs to the outer southern dialect of the Levantine Arabic language.
  • Bedouin: Is spoken by Bedouins mostly in the desert east of the Jordanian mountains and high plateau, and belongs to the Bedawi Arabic. This dialect is not widely used in other regions. It is often considered as truer to the Arabic language, but this is a subjective view that shows no linguistic evidence. Note that non-Bedouin is also spoken in some of the towns and villages in the Badia region east of Jordan's mountain heights plateau, such as Al-Azraq oasis.
  • Aqaba variety

Pronunciation guide

There are some letters of the Arabic alphabet that transliterate into English; others are completely foreign to English speakers, making them difficult to pronounce. The pronunciation guide shown below is case- sensitive; for example, 'th' is a different sound from 'Th' and 'TH'.

There are only two glides, or diphthongs, in Arabic. The first glides from 'a' to 'i' and gives an 'ay' sound as in the English word for bait; the second glides from 'a' to 'u' and gives the 'aw' sound as in the Arabic word mawt meaning 'death'.

One syllable of every Arabic word has more stress than the other syllables of that word. Much meaning is communicated in Arabic by the location of the stress. This is much truer than in most Western languages.


Although some dialects have an 'e' and an 'o', there are only three phonemic vowels that are common to Arabic:

like 'a' in "apple"
like 'ee' in "cheese"
like 'oo' in "too"


Characters marked by an asterisk (*) are ones that may prove more difficult for English speakers than the others.

a (ا)
like 'aa' in "back"
b (ب)
like 'b' in "bed"
t (ت)
like 't' in "top"
th (ث)
like 'th' in "think"
j (ج)
like 'j' in "jump"
H (ح) *
like 'h' in "ahem" (this sound is created by tightly constricting the throat muscles as you force air through; commonly referred to as "heavy h")
kh (خ)
like 'ch' in Scottish "loch" or German "nach" (this sound is similar to a gargled exasperation, as if someone were clearing his throat)
d (د)
like 'd' in "dog"
Th (ذ)
like 'th' in "that"
r (ر)
like 'r' in "row", but produced a little further back in the mouth, by flicking the tongue of the roof of the mouth. When doubled, this letter becomes a rolled 'r'.
z (ز)
like 'z' in "haze"
s (س)
like 's' in "sing"
sh (ش)
like 'sh' in "sheep"
S (ص) *
like 's' in "saw" (this sound has more force than an English 's'; commonly referred to as "heavy s")
D (ض) *
like 'd' in "dot" (this sound has more force than an English 'd'; commonly referred to as "heavy d")
T (ط) *
like 't' in "taught" (this sound has more force than an English 't'; commonly referred to as "heavy t")
TH (ظ) *
like 'th' in "other"
3 (ع) *
a guttural sound produced in the throat, perhaps slightly resembling 'ei' in German "nein", or like the 'aa' in "aargh" (as an expression of frustration). Many foreigners have trouble with this letter, and you will generally be understood even if you don't manage to master it! (While there are different methods of transliterating this difficult character, most Arabs (and this phrasebook!) use the number 3 in informal transliteration because of its resemblance to the original Arabic letter)
gh (غ) *
like French 'r' (this sound is a more gutturalor gargledversion of the English 'g')
f (ف)
like 'f' in "fox"
q (ق)
like 'g' in "got" or as a glottal stop (Jordanian Arabic only occasionally retains the standard Arabic pronunciation of this letter as similar to 'c' in "cat" but produced at the very back of the mouth.)
k (ك)
like 'k' in "kitten"
l (ل)
like 'l' in "lamb"
m (م)
like 'm' in "mother"
n (ن)
like 'n' in "noon"
h (ھ)
like 'h' in "help"
w (و)
like 'w' in "wow"
y (ي)
like 'y' in "yes"
' (ء)
a glottal stop (like the 't' in "better" if said with a cockney accent!)

Phrase list

Alternate versions of each wordused when addressing men, women, or groupshave been listed where applicable. Other variations include word differences if spoken by a male or a female. The Arabic words have been included although the spoken pronunciation may differ from the written script.


Quick Facts
مرحبا (marHaba)
How are you?
كيف حالك
  • (keef Haa'lak) - When speaking to a male; can be abbreviated kee fak
  • (keef Ha'lik) - When speaking to a female; can be abbreviated kee fik
  • (keef Halkom) - When speaking to a group of two or more; can be abbreviated keef kom
Fine, thank you
  • منيح(mniH) - Literally means "good"
  • كويس(kwayyis) - Literally means "good"
  • حمدلله(AlHamdillah) - A very common phrase which can mean "Fine, thank you", but literally means "Praise be to God"
What is your name?
شو اسمك؟
  • (shu ismek) - When speaking to a male
  • (shu ismik) - When speaking to a female
My name is ______ .
اسمي ______ . (ismi _____ .)
Nice to meet you.
تشرفنا\فرصة صعيدة (Tsharrafna/ FurSa sa3ideh)
Please. لو سمحت
  • (law samaHt) - When speaking to a male
  • (law samaHti/arjooki) - When speaking to a female
Thank you.
شكرا\يسلم إيديك (shukran/yislimu ideyk)
You're welcome.
  • ( 3afwan)
  • أهلا وسهلا( 'ahlan o sahlan) - Literally means "welcome" but is also used in this case
نعم\آه(na3am) or (aah)
لا ()
Excuse me. (getting attention or begging pardon)
عفوا 3afwan
I'm sorry.
  • ( 'ana assif) - If spoken by a man
  • ( 'ana assfeh) - If spoken by a woman
مع السلامة (ma3 salama)
I can't speak Arabic [well].
ما بحكي عربي (منيح (ma baHiki 3arabi [mniH])
Do you speak English?
بتحكي انجليزي؟
  • (ibtiHki ingleezi?) - When speaking to a man or a woman
Is there someone here who speaks English?
في حدا بيحكي انجليزي هون؟ (fi Hada biHki ingleezi hun?)
إلحقوني(ilHaquuni!) - Literally means "follow me"
Look out!
دير بالك
  • (dir balak!) - When speaking to a man
  • (dir balik!) - When speaking to a woman
Good morning.
صباح الخير (SabaaH el-khair)
Good evening.
مساء الخير (masa' el-khair)
Good night.
تصبح على خير (tuSbaaH 3ala khair)
I don't understand.
انا مش فاهم\ة
  • (ana mish fahim) - if you are male
  • ("ana mish faahmeh") - if you are female
  • (mish faahim/eh 3alayk) - Literally "I don't understand you"
Where is the toilet?
وين الحمام (wayn il-Hammaam?)


Leave me alone.
‏سيبني / ‏اتركني لحالي (sibni laHalli/itrikni)
Don't touch me!
الشرطة (al-shurtah)
Stop! Thief!
وقف يا حرامي (waqif ya Haarami)
I need your help.
بحتاج مساعدتك
  • (baHtaj musa3adtak) - When addressing a man
  • (baHtaj musaa3adtik) - When addressing a woman
I'm lost. أناضايع
  • (ana Daayi3) - if you are male
  • (ana Day3a) - if you are female
I lost my bag.
ضيعت شنتتي (Daaya3et shantiti)
I lost my wallet.
ضيعت محفظتى (Daaya3et maHfazti)
I'm sick.
أنا مريض (ana mariiD)
I need a doctor.
بدي دكتور (biddi doktor)
Can I use your phone?
بصير أستخدم تلفونك؟ ( bSir asta5dam telefonak?)


The Arabic numeric characters are provided in place of the words due to their more common usage. Unlike Arabic script, Arabic numerals are printed from left to right. In the case where two pronunciations are provided, either can be used interchangeably.

١ (waaHid)
٢ (tinain or ithnain)
٣ (talaata or thalaatha)
٤ (arba'a)
٥ (khamseh)
٦ (sitta)
٧ (saba'a)
٨ (thamaaniyeh or tamaaniyeh)
٩ (tisa'a)
١٠ (asharah)
١١ (iH'dash or H'dash)
١٢ (it'nash or t'nash)
١٣ (talaatash)
١٤ (arba'tash)
١٥ (khamistash)
١٦ (sittash)
١٧ (saba'tash)
١٨ (tamaantash)
١٩ (tisatash)
٢٠ (ashriin)
٢١ (waHid u' ashriin) - Literally "one and twenty"
٢٢ (tinain u' ashriin) - Literally "two and twenty"
٢٣ (talaata u' ashriin) - Literally "three and twenty"
٣٠ (talaatiin)
٤٠ (arba'iin)
٥٠ (khamsiin)
٦٠ (sittiin)
٧٠ (saba'iin)
٨٠ (tamaaniin)
٩٠ (tisa'iin)
١٠٠ (miiyeh)
٢٠٠ (miitayn) - Literally "two [one] hundreds"
٣٠٠ (talaat miiya)
١٬٠٠٠ (elf)
٢٬٠٠٠ (elfeyn) - Literally "two [one] thousands"
١٬٠٠٠٬٠٠٠ (milyon)
number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
رقم _____ (raqam)
نصف (nuS)
اقل (aqal)
اكثر (akthar)


هلا (halla)
بعدين (ba3dain)
قبل (qabel)
صباح (SaabaH)
بعد الظهر (ba3ed id-duhur) - Literally "after the noon"
مساء (masa)
ليل (leyl)

Clock time

one o'clock AM
(issa3a waHdeh [SobiH])
two o'clock AM
(issa3a tintayn [SobiH])
(issa3a itna'ash)
one o'clock PM
(issa3a waHdeh [ba3ad id-duhur])
two o'clock PM
(issa3a tintayn [ba3ad id-duhur])


_____ minute(s)
_____ دقيقة
  • (da'ii'a or dagiiga) - 1 minute
  • (da'ii'tayn or dagiigatayn) - 2 minutes
  • (da'ayi' or dagayig) - 3 to 10 minutes (example: khams dagayig = 5 minutes)
  • (da'ii'a or dagiiga) - 11 minutes and above (example: khamistaashar dagiga = 15 minutes)
_____ hour(s)
_____ ساعة
  • (sa3a) - 1 hour
  • (sa3atayn) - 2 hours
  • (sa3aat) - 3 to 10 hours (example: khams sa3aat = 5 hours)
  • (sa3a) - 11 hours and above (example: khamistaashar sa3a = 15 hours)
_____ day(s)
_____ يوم
  • (yawm) - 1 day
  • (yawmayn) - 2 days
  • (ayam) - 3 to 10 days
  • (yawm) - 11 days and above
_____ week(s)
_____ اسبوع
  • (usbu3) - 1 week
  • (usbu3eyn) - 2 weeks
  • (asaabi3) - 3 to 10 weeks
  • (usbu3) - 11 weeks and above
_____ month(s)
_____ شهر
  • (shaher) - 1 month
  • (shahreyn) - 2 months
  • (tush-hur) - 3 to 10 months
  • (shaher) - 11 weeks and above
_____ year(s)
_____ سنة
  • (sana) - 1 year
  • (sanitayn) - 2 years
  • (siniin or sanawaat) - 3 to 10 years
  • (sana) - 11 years and above


اليوم (il yawm)
بكرة (bukra)
this week
هذا الاسبوع (had al-usbu3)
last week
الأسبوع الماضي\ قبل أسبوع (gabel usbu3 or al-usbu3 al-maDi)
next week
الأسبوع الجاي\ بعد أسبوع (ba3ad uusbuu'a or al-usbu3 al-jayy)
الأحد ([yawm] il-aHad)
الاتنين ([yawm] it-tinayn or il-itnayn)
الثلاثة ([yawm] it-talaata)
الأربعة ([yawm] il-arba3a)
الخميس ([yawm] il-khamis)
الجمعة ([yawm] il-juma3a)
السبت ([yawm] is-sabt)


The following months coordinate with the Islamic calendar and is used only for Muslim holidays. Generally, the Gregorian calendar is used. When defining a month, however, most people use the month numbers (like shahir waaHid, which means "month one" or January).

كانون الثاني (kaanuun it-taani)
شباط (shbaaT)
اذار ( 'aaThaar)
نيسان (niisaan)
ايار ( 'ayyaar)
حزيران (Huzayraan)
تموز (tammuuz)
اّب ( 'aab)
ايلول ( 'ayluul)
تشرين الأول (tishriin il'awwal)
تشرين الثاني (tishriin it-taani)
كانون الأول (kaanuun il'awwal)


Each Arabic color has a masculine and feminine form. Only the masculine forms are displayed here.

اسود (iswad)
ابيض (abyaD)
رمادي (ramaadi or sakini)
احمر (aHmar)
ازرق (azraq)
اصفر (iSfar)
اخضر (akhDar)
برتقاني (burtu'aani)
نهدي (nahadi)
بني (bunni)


Bus and train

How much is a ticket to _____?
قديش تزكرة ل...؟ (qaddesh [tazkara] la____)
One ticket to _____, please.
تزكرة ل____, لو سمحت\ بدي أروح ع____, لو سمحت (tazkara la____, law samaHt or biddi aruH 3a ____, law samaHt (literally: "I want to go to ____, please")
Where does this train/bus go?
لوين رايح هاد الباص\ القطار؟ (la wayn rayiH had al-baS/al-qiTar?)
Where is the bus to _____?
من وين بيطلع الباص ل...؟ (min wayn biTla3 ilbaS la____?)
Does this bus stop in _____?
هاد الباص بوقف ب____؟ (Had il-baS biwagif bi____?)
When does the bus for _____ leave?
إيمتى بيطلع الباص ل____؟ (iymta biTla3 ilbaS la____?)
When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
إيمتى بيوصل الباص\القطار ب____؟ (iymta biyiWsal ilbas/al-giTar bi____? ...)


How do I get to _____ ?
_____ كيف أوصل (kiif awSal _____?)
...the train station?
محطة القطار (maHaTaف al-qaTaar)
...the bus station?
موقف الباص (maw'if al-baaS)
...the airport?
المطار (al-maTaar)
وسط البلد (wasaT il-balad)
...hotel _____?
فندق (funduq il _____)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
السفاره (is-safaareh)
  • American: (is-safaareh al-amerikiyyi)
  • Canadian: (is-safaareh al-kanadiyah)
  • Australian: (is-safaareh al-aastraliyah)
  • British: (is-safaareh al-baritaniyah)
Where are there a lot of...
أين يوجد _____ كثير (wayn fi _____ ktiir?)
فنادق (fanadiq)
مطاعم (maTaa3am)
...sites to see?
اماكن تاريخية (amakin tarikhiyeh) - Literally "historical places"
Can you show me on the map?
فرجيني على الخارطة (farjini 3la al-khariTah)
شارع (shar3ah)
Turn left.
خذ يسار (lif shmal)
Turn right.
ذ لف يمين(lif yamin)
يسار (shmaal or yasaar)
يمين (yaamiin)
straight ahead
towards the _____
_____ تجاه (tijaah)
past the _____
_____ بعد (ba3ad _____)
before the _____
_____ قبل (qabel _____)
Watch for the _____.
انتبه (dir balak)
مفترق طرق (taqaaTa'a)
شمال (shmal)
جنوب (junub)
شرق (sharq)
غرب (gharb)
أعلى الجبل (a3la jabal) - Literally "on the hill"; one may also use fuq, which means "up" or "above"
تحت (taHt) - Literally means "down"
Souvenir shop
:(mahal dekrayat\mahal tedkarat)

/محل تذكارات /محل ذكرايات


تكسي (taksi)
Take me to _____, please.
_____ بدّي اروح
  • (biddi 'aruH ah _____ law samaHt) Literally "I want to go to _____,if you please."
  • (bidna naruH ah _____ law samaHt) Literally "We want to go to _____, if you please."
How much does it cost to get to _____?
كم سيكلف (aysh huwa thaman fi...) Literally "What is the cost for..."


Do you have any rooms available? ‏في غرفة فاضية؟ (fi ghuraf faDiyeh)
How much is a room for one person/two people?
قديش التكلقة (qaddesh bitkalif [lilwaaHid/lilshakhSayn]) Literally "What cost [for one/for two people]"
Does the room come with...
في بل غرفة(fi bil gurfeh...)
شراشف؟... (sharashef)
...a bathroom?
حمام... (Hamaam)
...a telephone?
تلفون؟... (telefun)
...a TV?
تافزيون؟... (televesion)
May I see the room first?
‏ممكن اشوف الغرفة(mumkin 'ashuuf ilgurfeh?)
Do you have anything bigger?
هل يوجد غرفة أكبر؟ (fi gurfeh akbar?)
أنظف؟... ('anDaf?)
أرخص... ('arkhas?)
OK, I'll take it.
‏كويس راح اخذ(kwayyis, raH 'akhudha)
I will stay for 1 night/2 nights/____ nights.
(biddi a3od layleh/laylatayn/____layaali)
Can you suggest another hotel?
‏في فندق تاني ؟ (fi fanadiq taaniyeh [bil manTa'a])
Do you have a safe?
‏في عندكم خزانة ؟ (fi 3andkum khazneh)
Is breakfast/supper included?ر ‏هذا مع الفطورة /العشاء (hadda ma3 il-faTur/il-3asha)
Please clean my room.
(mumkin tanaTHif ghurfiti, law samaHt)‏ممكن تنظف غرفتي
I want to check out.
(biddi 'adf3a al-Haseb) ‏بدي ادفع للحساب


Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
هل تقبل دولارات؟ (btiqbal dulaaraat?)
Do you accept British pounds?
هل تقبل باند انكليزي؟ (btiqbal pound enkliizi?)
Do you accept credit cards?
هل تقبل فيسا؟ (btiqbal visa?)
Where can I get money changed?
أين يوجد صرّاف؟ (wayn fi Sarraaf?)
What is the exchange rate?
ما هوا سعر الدولار؟ (qadaysh si3ir al-[dollar]?)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
أين يوجد جهاز سحب آلي؟ (wayn fi jihaz saHib aalii?)


Can I look at the menu, please?
لائحة الطعام لو سمحت (aa'Tini laa'ihah, law samaHt)
I'm a vegetarian.
انا نباتي (ana nabaati)
فطور (faTuur)
غداء (ghada' )
عشاء (asha)
I want _____.
جاج (jaaj)
عجل ( âjl)
سمك (samak)
خنزير (khanzir) - note pork is not widely available and outside of Christian areas you may not receive a friendly response if you ask for it!
جبنة (jibneh)
بيض (bayD)
سلطة (salaTa)
(fresh) vegetables
خضار (khuDar [Tazeh])
(fresh) fruit
فواكه (fawakeh [Tazeh])
Arabic (flat)bread
خبز (xubiz)
sliced bread
توست (toast)
محمّر (mHammar) - Literally "slightly browned"
معكرونة (ma3karunah)
رزّ (rozz)
فول (ful)
May I have a glass of _____?
_____اعطتني كاسة (a3tini kasit _____, law samaHt) - Literally "give me a glass of _____, if you please."
May I have a cup of _____?
_____ اعطتيني فنجان (a3tini finjan _____, law samaHt)
May I have a bottle of _____?
_____ اعطيني قنينة (a3tini ganinit _____, law samaHt)
قهوة (gahweh)
tea (drink)
شاي (shay)
عصير (aSiir)
(bubbly) water
مياه غازية (miyeh gaziyeh)
مياه (maiy)
بيرة (biirah)
May I have some _____?
اعطيني _____ لو سمحت (a3tini _____, law samaHt) - Literally "give me _____, if you please."
ملح (milH)
black pepper
فلفل أسود (filfel 'iswad)
زبدة (zibdeh)
Excuse me.(getting attention of server)
عفواً ('afwan) or لو سمحت (law samaHt)
I'm finished.
شبعت (shabi3it - literally, "I'm full/satisfied") or خلصت(khallaSt)
It was delicious.
زاكي (kan ktir zaaki)
The check, please.
الفاتورة لو سمحت (el-fattura, law samaHt)


Do you have this in my size?
عندك مقاسي؟
  • (indak maqaasi) - When speaking to a male
  • (indik maqaasi) - When speaking to a female
How much is this?
ما ثمن هذا؟ (qaddaysh ha' hadda?)
That's too expensive.
هادا غالي كتير (hadda gali ktiir)
Would you take _____?
سأدفع لك _____ فقط (raaH adfa'alak...) - Literally "I'm going to pay you..."
غالي (gali)
رخيص (raxiis)
I can't afford it.
ما معي كفاية (ma ma3i kifaayeh) - Literally "I don't have enough"
I don't want it. ما بدي ياه (ma biddi ya)
You're cheating me.
انت تغشني (inta bitgushni)
I'm not interested.
ابا مش مهتم (ana mish mohtam)
OK, I'll take it.
طيب ابا موافق (Tayyib, ana muwaffiq)
Can I have a bag?
أعطيني كيس لو سمحت (a'tiini kiis, law samaHt)
Do you ship (overseas)?
ممكن بتشحم؟ (mumkin btishHam?)
I need...
أحتاج (a'Htah...)
معجون أسنان (ma'juun asnaan)
...a toothbrush.
فرشاية أسنان (furshayit asnaan)
كتكس (kotex)
صابون (Saabuun)
شامبو (shaambuu)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
مسكّن (musakkin) - Literally "coming down"
...cold medicine.
دواء رشح (dawa' rasheH)
...stomach medicine.
دواء للمعدة (dawa' lil ma'deh)
...a razor.
شفرة حلاقة (shafrah xilaaqah) umbrella.
شمسيّة (shamsiyyeh)
...sunblock lotion.
دواء للشمس (dawa' lil shams) - Literally "medicine for the sun"
...a postcard.
كرت (kart)
...postage stamps.
طوابع (tawaaba)
بطاريات (baTaariyaat)
...writing paper.
ورق (waraq)
...a pen.
قلم (qalam)
...English-language books.
كتب اللغة الانكلزية (kutuub illugah ingliziyah)
...English-language magazines.
مجلاّت اللغة الانكلزية (majellaat illugah ingliziyah) English-language newspaper.
جريدة اللغة الانكلزية (jariideh illugah ingliziyah) English-English dictionary.
قاموس اللغة الانكلزية (qaamus illugah ingliziyah)


I want to rent a car.
I want to rent a car. بدي أجر سيارة (beddi asta'jer seyara)‏
Can I get insurance?
Can I get insurance? ‏بقدر اخذ التأمين (bagdar akhod ta'meen...)
stop (on a street sign)
stop وقف (waggef)‏
one way
طريق واحد (Tarig waHed)‏
yield (...)
no parking
no parking (mamnu3' el wuguf...‏ممنوع الوقوف)
speed limit
speed limit (el sur3a ‏السرعة)
gas (petrol) station
gas station (kazeyeh...)
petrol ‏بترول(banzeen‏بنزين)
diesel (diezel...‏ديزل)


I haven't done anything wrong.
I haven't done anything wrong. (Ma imilit ishi ghalat)
It was a misunderstanding.
It was a misunderstanding. (Saar soo tafaahom)
Where are you taking me?
Where are you taking me? (Wein am takhodni)
Am I under arrest?
Am I under arrest? (...)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen. (...)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
I need to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate. (...)
I want to talk to a lawyer.
I want to talk to a lawyer. (Biddi mohaami)
Can I just pay a fine now?
Can I just pay a fine now? (...)

Learning more

This is where you would give more information on learning the language, such as links to online courses or textbooks, suggestions for in-person courses to take, or pointers to a dictionary or two.

How do you say _____ in Arabic?
How do you say _____ ? (...)kif aHki___ bil 3rabi? ‏كيف أحكي بالعربي
What is this/that called?
What is this/that called? (...)shu ismu hada? ‏شو اسمه هذا

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