town in Hungary
Isaszeg is a town of 11,000 people (2018) in the Gödöllő Hills of Pest County.
Patriot Monument, Isaszeg
Get in
It is 4 km south of Gödöllő, and 30 km east of Budapest's city centre.
The train station is west of the town centre, receiving frequent regional trains running from Budapest-Keleti station towards Gödöllő and Hatvan.
Get around
Church of St. Martin
- The Roman Catholic Church of St. Martin in the cemetery at Marcsányi utca. The “Old Church” was built in Gothic style. The new church was built by the eastern extension (apsis) and by western extension (nave and choir) of the original rotunda. The church has western tower with rectangular lower part and octagonal upper part (Hu: Öregtemplom - Szent Márton templom. On the top of the cemetery hill. Can be visited by appointment: call Mr. Pál Ecseri cemetery caretaker, (☏ +36 28 493010)
- St. Stephen Church (Szent István király templom) at Templom u. 72 was built in 1937. The church contain different style architectural elements as Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque. The altarpiece shown a family of Isaszeg dressed in traditional costumes and a gunner of the famous 1849 battle and a red cap's soldier created by a master painter from Mezőkövesd in 1982. Phone:+36 28 494884. Visit: By appointment only).
- Local History Collection (Városi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény) presents Isaszeg history from prehistoric times to 1945. Madách utca 15. ☏ +36 28 582281, fax: +36 28 582280, Opening hours: M Tu closed, W-F 09:00-17:00, Sa Su 13:00-17:00. Admission: adult/reduced Ft300/150).
- Army graves in cemetery (Honvédsírok) at Katonapallag. Phone: +36 28 583100).
- Jewish cemetery (Zsidó temető). A well-maintained cemetery. Date of first burials in the middle of the 1700s, the last burial was held in 1943. Notable tombstones: Medic Henrik Link, participated in the freedom struggle 1848, who was buried in 104 years of age, and a 19-year-old soldier Haas Bela, who died in World War I, ornate tomb. Caretaker: Otto Toth, ☏ +36 28 494-902).
- Patriot Monument (Honvéd-szobor) is a memorial to a battle in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 between the Austrian Empire and Hungarian Revolutionary Army. The Sculpture (Szobor)-hill (Liberty Hill), was the place of the major battle scene. The statue (iron fence surrounded) depicts a marching patriot who holding a flag, made in 1901. Its base is decorated with reliefs of the four leading Hungarian generals 'Görgey, Damjanich, Klapka and the Aulich'. Under the statue's base is established a tomb, here were collected remains of the fallen from the village's downtown. Szobor-hill. From the railway station a 'red cross sign' trail leads to the Soldier Monument. From the Catholic Church, standing in the middle of the village, take Ady Street to the second crossing further an alley leading to the statue. ☏ +36 28 583100).
- World War II Memorial to soldiers who were killed in World Wars (Világháborús emlékmű) at Fő tér. Each year in January commemoration venue.
take walking tour (Map).
- Memorial Day: Battle of the April 6.
- The Day of the fiesta (farewell day of the church): Aug 20.
- Pentecost tasting fight (local cooking competition, Location: Rose Sports field u. 2): May.
- Day of the Town: Jul 1.
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