Estonian phrasebook
Finno-Ugric language
Estonian (eesti keel) is a Finno-Ugric language spoken by roughly 1.1 million people in Estonia. Though closely related to Finnish and distantly to Hungarian, Estonian bears almost no resemblance to any other European language in either vocabulary or grammar.
The lack of Indo-European language structures makes Estonian a rather difficult language to learn. The fact that it has more words of Indo-European origin than Finnish, for instance, it is slightly easier to learn. Even though many people in Estonia (especially young people) speak English and many of the older generation understand Russian (though Russian has an association with the Soviet and Russian imperial times and starting a conversation with native Estonian speakers in Russian can be perceived as rude), an attempt at some basic phrases will definitely impress the locals and you will receive an enthusiastic welcome.
Pronunciation guide
Written Estonian is based on the Latin alphabet and uses 27 letters:
- a b d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s š z ž t u v õ ä ö ü
Additionally, the letters c, q, w, x and y are used in loanwords, foreign proper names and quotes.
Pronunciation is fairly straightforward. Most words are pronounced as they are written, with a major exception being vowel length (see below).
Long vowels are indicated simply by doubling the vowel in question.
- a
- like a in father, but short and clipped
- aa
- like a in father
- e
- like e in get
- ee
- not found in English, but just stretch out the e sound
- i
- like i in bit
- ii
- like ee in beet
- o
- like o in nor
- oo
- stretch out the o sound
- u
- like u in rule — that's the same u as in German, Italian or Spanish
- uu
- stretch out the u sound
- ä
- like a in cat
- ää
- like a in bad
- ö
- like German ö, similar to e in her (transcribed ew )
- öö
- not found in English, but just stretch out the "ö" sound
- ü
- like German ü, something like ew in few, but there's no ü sound in English
- üü
- not found in English, but just stretch out the "ü" sound
- õ
- a uniquely Estonian sound pronounced with the tongue in the same position as the o sound, but with lips unrounded; kind of halfway between the e in get and the u in hung
- õõ
- not found in English, but just stretch out the "õ" sound
The duration of vowel sounds can be short, long, or overlong, depending on the word. Short vowels are written with one letter, long and overlong vowels with two. Overlong vowels often change the pitch or stress of the syllable as well as the duration. There is no written distinction between long and overlong vowels. Example:
short sada (SAH-dah) → one hundred long saada (SAAH-dah) → send! overlong saada (SAAAH-dah) → to get
- c, foreign letter, used only in names and foreign words. Pronounced as ts in hats, also, for example the place name Chicago is pronounced in the same way as in English.
- h : silent at the beginning of a word; before a vowel like English h; before a consonant harshly pronounced guttural h
- j : like y in yes
- q, foreign letter, used only in names and foreign words. Sounds similar to k in kitchen
- r : like r in trilled, like Spanish rr
- s : like s in soap
- š, foreign letter, but used in loan words. Sounds like sh in shoe
- ž, foreign letter, but used in loan words. Sounds like s in measure
- w, foreign letter, used only in names and foreign words. Sounds like w in Worry
- x, foreign letter, used only in names and foreign words. Sounds like x in excite [ks sound]
- b d f g k l m n p t v y z : pronounced as in English
Consonants can appear doubled, such as kk, pp, tt, etc., and are pronounced by inserting a glottal stop or prolonging the duration of the consonant.
- ae
- as the 'ie' in "diet" [two sounds]
- ai
- as the 'ai' in "aisle"
- äe
- as the 'ae' in "aesthetic"
The first syllable of a word is always stressed, except in some foreign words such as Ameerika (ah-MEHH-ree-kah).
Phrase list
common signs
- Hello.
- Tere. (TEHR-reh); Tervist. (TEHR-veest)
- How are you?
- Kuidas läheb?
- Fine, thank you.
- Hästi, aitäh.
- What is your name?
- Mis on sinu/teie nimi? (your [singular]/Your – polite version)
- My name is ______ .
- Minu nimi on ______ . (MEE-noo NEE-mee ohn _____ .)
- Nice to meet you.
- Meeldiv tutvuda.
- Please. / You're welcome
- Palun. (PAH-loon)
- Thank you.
- Tänan. (TA-nahn), Aitäh
- Yes.
- Jah. (YAHH)
- No.
- Ei. (ay)
- Excuse me.
- Vabanda. (VAH-bahn-dah, singular), Vabandage (plural or polite singular)
- I'm sorry.
- Vabandust. (VAH-bahn-doost)
- Goodbye
- Head aega. (HEH-ahd AH-eh-gah), meaning "have a good time!"
- Goodbye (informal)
- Nägemist (NAH-geh-mist), meaning "see you again!"
- I can't speak [much] Estonian.
- Ma ei räägi [palju] eesti keelt. (MAH ay RAA-gee [PAHL-yoo] EHS-tee KEHLT)
- Do you speak English?
- Kas sa/te räägid/räägite inglise keelt? (KAHS sah RAA-gee-th EENG-lee-seh KEHLT?/KAHS teh RAA-gee-teh EENG-lee-seh KEHLT?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Kas on keegi siin kes räägib inglise keelt? (kahs ohn KEH-key seen kehs RAA-keyeb EEN-klee-seh kehlt?)
- Help!
- Appi! Aidake! (IGH-dak-keh!)
- Watch out!
- Vaata ette!, or Olge ettevaatlik! (OHL-geh EHT-teh-vaaht-leek!)
- Good morning.
- Tere hommikust. (TEH-reh HOHM-mee-koost)
- Good evening.
- Tere õhtust. (TEH-reh HOOKH-toost)
- Good night.
- Head ööd. (HEH-ahd hird) [ööd-similar to the 'ird' in "bird"]
- I don't understand.
- Ma ei saa aru. (MAH ay sahh AH-roo)
- Where is the toilet?
- Kus on tualett? (KOOS ohn TWAH-let?)
- Leave me alone.
- Jäta/Jätke mind rahule. (YA-tah/YA-tkeh meend rah-HOO-leh)
- Don't touch me!
- Ära puuduta mind! (A-rah poo-OODOO-tah meend)
- I'll call the police.
- Ma kutsun politsei. (mah KOOT-soon poh-LEET-say)
- Police!
- Politsei! (poh-LEET-say)
- Stop! Thief!
- Stop! Varas! (stohp VAH-rahs!)
- I need your help.
- Ma vajan teie abi. (mah VAH-yahn TAY-ee-eh AH-bee)
- It's an emergency.
- See on hädaolukord. (sehh ohn ha-dow-LOO-kohrd)
- I'm lost.
- Ma olen eksinud. (mah OH-lehn ehk-SEE-nood)
- I lost my bag.
- Ma kaotasin oma koti. (mah kah-oh-TAH-seen OH-mah KOH-tee)
- I lost my wallet.
- Ma kaotasin oma rahakoti. (mah kah-oh-TAH-seen OH-mah rah-HAH-koh-tee)
- I'm sick.
- Ma olen haige. (mah OH-lehn HAI-geh)
- I've been injured.
- Ma olen vigastatud. (mah OH-lehn vee-gahs-TAH-tood)
- I need a doctor.
- Ma vajan arsti. (mah VAH-yahn AHRS-tee)
- Can I use your phone?
- Kas ma võin/võiksin sinu/teie telefoni kasutada? (kahs mah vehh-EEK-seen teh-ee-eh teh-LEH-foh-nee kah-SOO-tah-dah?)
- 0
- null (nool)
- 1
- üks (ewks)
- 2
- kaks (kahks)
- 3
- kolm (kohlm)
- 4
- neli (NEH-lee)
- 5
- viis (veess)
- 6
- kuus (kooss)
- 7
- seitse (SAYT-seh)
- 8
- kaheksa (KAH-hek-sah)
- 9
- üheksa (EW-hek-sah)
- 10
- kümme (KEWM-meh)
- 11
- üksteist (EWKS-tayst)
- 12
- kaksteist (KAHKS-tayst)
- 13
- kolmteist (KOHLM-tayst)
- 14
- neliteist (NEH-lee-tayst)
- 15
- viisteist (VEESS-tayst)
- 16
- kuusteist (KOOSS-tayst)
- 17
- seitseteist (SAYT-seh-tayst)
- 18
- kaheksateist (KAH-hek-sah-tayst)
- 19
- üheksateist (EW-hek-sah-tayst)
- 20
- kakskümmend (KAHKS-kewm-mend)
- 21
- kakskümmend üks (KAHKS-kewm-mend EWKS)
- 22
- kakskümmend kaks (KAHKS-kewm-mend KAHKS)
- 23
- kakskümmend kolm (KAHKS-kewm-mend KOHLM)
- 30
- kolmkümmend (KOHLM-kewm-mend)
- 40
- nelikümmend (NEH-lee-kewm-mend)
- 50
- viiskümmend (VEESS-kewm-mend)
- 60
- kuuskümmend (KOOSS-kewm-mend)
- 70
- seitsekümmend (SAYT-seh-kewm-mend)
- 80
- kaheksakümmend (KAH-hek-sah-kewm-mend)
- 90
- üheksakümmend (EW-hek-sah-kewm-mend)
- 100
- sada (SAH-dah)
- 200
- kakssada (KAHKS-sah-dah)
- 300
- kolmsada (KOHLM-sah-dah)
- 1000
- tuhat (TOO-haht)
- 2000
- kaks tuhat (KAHKS TOO-haht)
- 1,000,000
- miljon (MEEL-yohn)
- 1,000,000,000
- miljard (MEEL-yahrd)
- 1,000,000,000,000
- biljon (BEEL-yohn)
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- number _____ (NOOM-behr _____)
- half
- pool (pohl)
- less
- vähem (VA-hehm)
- more
- enam (EH-nahm)
- now
- nüüd (newd)
- later
- hiljem (HEEL-yehm)
- before
- enne (EHN-neh), ennem (EHN-nehm)
- morning
- hommik (HOHM-meek)
- afternoon
- pärastlõuna (PA-rahst-LUH-oo-nah)
- evening
- õhtu (UHH-too)
- night
- öö (just like longer ea in earn or i in bird)
Clock time
Estonia uses a 24 hour clock for most things
- one o'clock AM
- kell üks (kehl EWKS)
- two o'clock AM
- kell kaks (kehl KAHKS)
- noon
- keskpäev (KEHSK-pa-ehv)
- one o'clock PM
- kell kolmteist (kehl KOHLM-tayst)
- two o'clock PM
- kell neliteist (kehl NEH-lee-tayst)
- midnight
- kesköö (KEHSK-urr)
- _____ minute(s)
- _____ minut(it) (MEEH-noot(-eet))
- _____ hour(s)
- _____ tund(i) (TOOND(/-dee))
- _____ day(s)
- _____ päev(a) (PIGHV(/-vah))
- _____ week(s)
- _____ nädal(at) (NA-dahl(/-laht))
- _____ month(s)
- _____ kuu(d) (KOOH(D))
- _____ year(s)
- _____ aasta(t) (AH-stah(t))
- today
- täna (TAH-nah)
- yesterday
- eile (AY-leh)
- tomorrow
- homme (HOHM-meh)
- this week
- sel nädalal (sehl NAH-dah-lahl), see nädal
- last week
- eelmine nädal, möödunud nädalal (MERR-duh-nuhd NAH-dah-lahl)
- next week
- järgmisel nädalal (YARG-mee-sehl NAH-dah-lahl)
- Monday
- esmaspäev (ESS-mahs-paehv)
- Tuesday
- teisipäev (TAY-see-paehv)
- Wednesday
- kolmapäev (KOHL-mah-paehv)
- Thursday
- neljapäev (NEHL-yah-paehv)
- Friday
- reede (RREH-deh)
- Saturday
- laupäev (LAH-oo-paehv)
- Sunday
- pühapäev (PEW-hah-paehv)
- January
- jaanuar (YAAH-noo-ahr)
- February
- veebruar (VEH-broo-ahr)
- March
- märts (MARTS)
- April
- aprill (AH-preell)
- May
- mai (MAH-ee)
- June
- juuni (YOO-nee)
- July
- juuli (YOO-lee)
- August
- august (AH-oo-goost)
- September
- september (SEHP-tehm-behr)
- October
- oktoober (OHK-toh-behr)
- November
- november (NOH-vehm-behr)
- December
- detsember (DEHT-sehm-behr)
- Spring
- kevad
- Summer
- suvi
- Autumn
- sügis
- Winter
- talv
Writing time and date
Estonia like most of Europe follow the 24 hour clock.
- half past ...
- pool (followed by the NEXT hour, as if "half til ...")
For instance: Half past six. - Pool seitse. (Half (un)til seven.)
- a quarter past ...
- veerand (same rule)
- a quarter to ...
- kolmveerand ... (literally "3/4 (of) ...")
- black
- must (muhst)
- white
- valge (VAHL-geh)
- gray
- hall (hahl)
- red
- punane (POO-nah-neh)
- blue
- sinine (SEE-nee-neh)
- yellow
- kollane (KOHL-lah-neh)
- green
- roheline (ROH-heh-lee-neh)
- orange
- oranž (OH-rahzh)
- purple
- lilla (LEEL-lah)
- brown
- pruun (proon)
- pink
- roosa (ROHH-sah)
- taxi
- takso (TAHK-soh)
- airplane
- lennuk (LEHN-nook)
- airline
- lennufirma (LEHN-noo-feer-mah)
- bus
- buss (booss)
- car
- auto (OW-toh)
- ferry
- praam (prrahhm)
- train
- rong (rrohng)
- truck
- veoauto (VEH-oh-ow-toh), rekka
- boat
- paat (pahht)
- ship
- laev (LAH-ehv)
- tram
- tramm (trrahm)
- trolleybuss
- troll, trollibuss (TROHL-lee-booss)
- bicycle
- jalgratas (YAHL-grah-tahs)
- motorcycle
- mootorratas (mohh-TOHR-rah-tahs)
Buying Tickets
- Where can I buy tickets?
- Kust saab osta pileteid? (koost saahb OHS-tah PIH-leh-tayd?)
- I want to travel to...
- Ma tahan sõita ... (mah TAH-khahn SOE-ee-tah)
- Do I need to book/make a reservation?
- Kas mul on vaja broneerida/teha reservatsiooni? (kahs muhl ohn VAH-yah BROH-nehh-rih-dah/TEH-hah REH-sehr-vah-tsyohh-nih?)
- Is it sold out?
- Kas see on välja müüdud? (kahs sehh ohn VAH-Lja MEWW-dood?)
- Any tickets available?
- Kõik piletid on saadaval? (KEW-ihk PIH-leh-tihd ohn SAA-dah-vahl?)
- I'd like to book/reserve a seat to...
- Soovin broneerida / reserveerida koha... (SAW-vihn BROH-nea-rih-dah / REH-sehr-vea-rih-dah KOH-hah)
- I'd like (a)...
- Sooviksin ... (SAW-vihk-sihn ...)
- ticket.
- ...ühe suuna pilet. (EW-heh SOO-nah PIH-leht), ...ühe otsa piley.
- ...return ticket.
- ...edasi-tagasi pilet. (EH-dah-sih-TAH-gah-sih PIH-leht)
- ...two tickets.
- ...kaks piletit. (kahks PIH-leh-teet)
- ...1st. class ticket.
- ...esimese klassi pilet. (EH-siy-me-sey KLAHS-sih PIH-leht)
- ...2nd. class ticket.
- ...teise klassi pilet. (TAY-seh KLAHS-sih PIH-leht)
Bus and train
- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Kui palju maksab pilet _____? (kooi PAH-lyoo MAHK-sahb PEE-leht...?)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- Üks pilet _____, palun. (ewks PEE-leht..., PAH-loon)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Kuhu see rong/buss sõidab? (KOO-hoo sehh rohng/boos suhh-ee-dahb?)
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Kust väljub rong/buss _____? (koost VAA-lyoob rohng/ boos...?)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- Kas see rong/buss peatub _____? (kahs sehh rrohng/ booss PEH-ah-toob...?)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- Millal väljub rong/buss _____? (MIHL-lahl VA-lyoob rrohng/ booss)
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- Millal saabub rong/buss _____? (MIHL-lahl SAHH-boob rrohng/ booss)
- How do I get to _____ ?
- Kuidas ma saan _____ ? (KUY-dahs mah sahhn?)
- ...the train station?
- ...rongijaama? (RROH-gih-yahh-mah?), raudteejaama, jaama
- ...the bus station?
- ...bussijaama? (BOOS-sih-yahh-mah?)
- ...the airport?
- ...lennujaama? (LEHN-noo-yahh-mah?)
- ...downtown?
- ...kesklinna? (KEHS-klihn-nah?)
- ...the youth hostel?
- ...noortehostelisse? (NOHHR-teh-hos-tehl-lesah?)
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ... _____ hotelli? (HOH-tehl-lih?)
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ...Ameerika/Kanada/Austraalia/Briti konsulaati? (AMEHH-rih-kah/ KAH-nah-dah/ OWS-trahh-lyah/ BRIH-tih KOHN-soo-lahh-tih?)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Kust ma võiksin leida...? (koost mah VEHIHK-sihn LEI-dah)
- ...hotelle? (HOH-tehl-leh)
- ...restaurants?
- ...restorane? (REHS-toh-rah-neh)
- ...bars?
- ...baare? (BAHH-reh)
- ...sites to see?
- ...vaatamisväärsusi? (VAHH-tah-mihs-vahhhr-soo-sih?)
- Can you show me on the map?
- Kas sa/te näitaksid/näitaksite mulle kaardil? (kahs teh NAIH-tahk-sih-teh MOOL-leh KAHHR-dihl?)
- street
- tänav (TA-nahv)
- Turn left.
- Pööra vasakule. (PUHR-rah VAH-sah-koo-leh)
- Turn right.
- Pööra paremale. (PUHR-rah PAH-reh-mah-leh)
- left
- vasak (VAH-sahk)
- right
- parem (PAH-rrehm)
- straight ahead
- otse edasi (OHT-seh EH-dah-sih)
- towards the _____
- _____ suunas (SOO-nahs)
- past the _____
- _____ mööda (MUHH-dah)
- before the _____
- enne _____ (EHN-neh)
- Watch for the _____.
- Jälgige _____. (YAL-gee-geh)
- intersection
- ristmik/risttee (REES-meek/REEST-tehh)
- north
- põhi (PUH-hee)
- south
- lõuna (LUHWOH-nah)
- east
- ida (EE-dah)
- west
- lääs (laahs)
- uphill
- ülesmäge (EW-lehs-ma-geh)
- downhill
- allamäge (AHL-lah-ma-geh)
- Taxi!
- Takso! (TAHK-soh)
- Take me to _____, please.
- Viige mind _____, palun. (VEE-geh mihnd, PAH-loon)
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Kui palju maksab sõit _____? (kuy PAH-lyoo MAHK-sahb syiht?)
- Take me there, please.
- Viige mind sinna, palun. (VEE-geh mihnd SIHN-nah, PAH-loon)
- Please stop here.
- Palun lõpetage siin. (PAH-loon LY-peh-tah-geh seen)
- Do you have any rooms available?
- Kas teil on vabu kohti? (kahs tayl ohn VAH-buh KOH-tih?)
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Kui palju maksab tuba ühele/kahele inimesele? (kuy PAH-lyuh MAHK-sahb TUH-bah EW-heh-leh/KAH-heh-leh IH-nih-meh-seh-leh?)
- Does the room come with...
- Kas toa juurde kuulub/kuuluvad... (kahs twah YOOHR-deh KOOH-loob/KOOH-loo-vahd)
- ...bedsheets?
- ...voodilinad? (VOHH-dih-lih-nahd?)
- ...a bathroom?
- ...vannituba? (VAHN-nih-too-bah?)
- ...a telephone?
- ...telefon? (TEH-leh-fohn?)
- ...a TV?
- ...televiisor? (TEH-leh-vee-sohrr?), telekas
- May I see the room first?
- Kas ma tohin enne tuba vaadata? (kahs mah TOH-heen EHN-neh tubah SEH-dah VAAH-dah-tah?)
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Kas teil on mõni vaiksem? (kahs tail ohn MER-nee VAYK-sehm?)
- ...bigger?
- ...suurem? (SOO-rehm?)
- ...cleaner?
- ...puhtam? (POO-tahm?)
- ...cheaper?
- ...odavam? (OH-dah-vahm?)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Olgu, ma võtan selle. (OHL-goo, mah VEHRR-tahn SEHL-leh)
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- Ma jään _____ ööks. (errks)
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Kas te saate soovitada mõnda teist hotelli? (kahs teh SAAH-teh SAW-vee-tah-dah MUHN-dah tayst HOH-tehl-lee?)
- Do you have a safe?
- Kas teil on seif? (kahs tayl ohn sayf)
- ...lockers?
- ...kapp? (kahpp)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- Kas hommikueine/õhtueine kuuluvad selle juurde? (kahs HOHM-mee-kweh-ee-neh/EWW-tweh-ee-neh KEWW-loo-vahd YEWWR-deh?)
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- Mis kell on hommikueine/õhtueine? (mihs kehll ohn HOHM-mih-kweh-ee-neh/IH-tweh-ee-neh)
- Please clean my room.
- Palun, koristage mu tuba. (PAH-loon, KOH-rihs-tah-geh moo TOO-bah)
- Can you wake me at _____?
- Kas te ärataksite mind kell _____? (kahs teh A-rah-tahk-sih-teh mihnd kehll_____?)
- I want to check out.
- Ma soovin ennast välja registreerida. (mah SOHH-vihn EHN-nahst VA-lyah REH-gihs-trehh-rih-dah)
- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- Kas te võtate vastu Ameerika/Austraalia/Kanada dollareid? (kahs teh VEW-tah-teh VAHS-too AH-mehh-rih-kah/OWS-trahh-lyah/KAH-nah-dah DOHL-lah-rayd?)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- Kas te võtate vastu Briti naelu (naelsterlinguid)? (kahs teh vehh-TAH-teh VAHS-too BRIH-tih NAH-eh-loo (NAH-ehls-tehr-lihn-gayd)?)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Kas te võtate vastu krediitkaarte? (kahs teh VEHH-tah-teh VAHS-too KREH-dihht-kaar-teh?)
- Can you change money for me?
- Kas te saa(ksi)te mulle raha/valuutat vahetada? (kahs teh saa(ksih) teh MOOL-leh RAH-hah/VAH-loo-taht VAH-heh-tah-dah?)
- Where can I get money changed?
- Kus ma saa(ksi)n raha/valuutat vahetada? (koos mah saa(ksih)n MOOL-leh RAH-hah/VAH-loo-taht VAH-heh-tah-dah?)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- Kas te saa(ksi)te mulle reisitšeki/akreditiivi vahetada? (kahs teh saa(ksih) teh MOOL-leh RAY-siht-sheh-kih/AHKREH-dih-tiih-vih VAH-heh-tah-dah?)
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Kus ma saa(ksi)n reisitšeki/akreditiivi vahetada? (koos mah saa(ksih) n RAY-siht-sheh-kih/AHKRE-dih-tiih-vih VAH-heh-tah-dah?)
- What is the exchange rate?
- Milline on valuuta kurss? (MIHL-lih-neh ohn VAH-loo-tah KOO-rahs?)
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Kus on (üks) rahaautomaat? (koos ohn (ewks) RAH-haaow-toh-maht?)
- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Laud ühele/kahele (inimesele), palun. (LAH-ood EW-heh-leh/KAH-heh-leh (IH-nih-meh-seh-leh), PAH-loon)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Kas ma saaksin vaadata menüüd, palun? (kahs mah TOH-hihn VAA-dah-tah MEH-newwd, PAH-loon)
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Kas ma tohin vaadata köögis? (kahs mah TOH-hihn VAA-dah-tah KEHH-gihs?)
- Is there a house specialty?
- Kas teil on eriroog? (...)
- Is there a local specialty?
- Kas teil on kohalik eriroog? (...)
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Ma olen taimetoitlane. (...)
- I don't eat pork.
- Ma ei söö sealiha. (...)
- I don't eat beef.
- Ma ei söö veiseliha. (...)
- I only eat kosher food.
- Ma söön ainult koššertoitu. (...)
- I only eat halal food.
- Ma söön ainult halaltoitu. (...)
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Kas te saate seda vähese ravaga teha, palun? (...)
- fixed-price meal
- fixed-price meal (...)
- à la carte
- à la carte (...)
- breakfast
- hommikusöök (...)
- lunch
- lõuna(söök) (...)
- tea (meal)
- tee (...)
- supper
- õhtusöök (...)
- I want _____.
- Ma soovin _____. (...)
- I want a dish containing _____.
- Ma soovin rooga milles oleks _____. (...)
- chicken
- kana (...)
- beef
- veiseliha (it is often simply called "loomaliha" (animal/cattle meat)) (...)
- fish
- kala ( )
- ham
- sink (...)
- sausage
- vorst (...)
- cheese
- juust (CHOO-st)
- eggs
- munad (...)
- salad
- salat (...)
- (fresh) vegetables
- (värsked) köögiviljad ("juurviljad" referres to vegetables the tubers or roots of which are eaten like potatoes or beetroot) (...)
- (fresh) fruit
- (värsked) puuviljad (...)
- bread
- leib (laib)
- toast
- röstsai (...)
- noodles
- nuudlid (NUH-dlihd)
- rice
- riis ( )
- beans
- oad (oahd)
- May I have a glass of _____?
- Kas ma saaksin klaasi _____? (...)
- May I have a cup of _____?
- Kas ma saaksin kruusi _____? (...)
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- Kas ma saaksin pudeli _____? (...)
- coffee
- kohv (...)
- tea (drink)
- tee (...)
- juice
- mahl ("jook" referres to light juice)(...)
- water
- vesi (...)
- mineral water
- mineraalvesi (...)
- (bubbly) water
- (gaseeritud) vesi (...)
- beer
- õlu (...)
- red/white wine
- punane/valge vein (PUH-nahne/vahl-geh vain)
- May I have some _____?
- Kas ma saaksin natuke _____? (KAH-s mah SHAK-sin nah-too-ke ____?)
- salt
- sool (soel)
- black pepper
- must pipar (MOO-st pee-par)
- butter
- või (...)
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Vabandage, kelner? (...)
- I'm finished.
- Ma olen lõpetanud. (...)
- It was delicious.
- See oli maitsev. (sehh OH-lih MAIT-sehv)
- Please clear the plates.
- Palun koristage taldrikud (ära). (PAH-loon KOH-rihs-tah-geh TAHL-drih-kood ('A-rah'))
- The check, please.
- Arve, palun. (AHR-veh, PAH-loon)
- Do you serve alcohol?
- Kas te serveerite alkoholi? (...)
- Is there table service?
- Kas on lauateenindus? (...)
- A beer/two beers, please.
- Õlu/kaks õlut, palun. (...)
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Klaas punast/valget veini, palun. (...)
- A pint, please.
- Üks pint, palun. (...)
- A bottle, please.
- Üks pudel, palun. (...)
- whiskey
- viski (...)
- vodka
- viin (...)
- rum
- rumm (...)
- water
- vesi (...)
- club soda
- mullivesi (...)
- tonic water
- toonik (...)
- orange juice
- apelsinimahl (...)
- coke (soda)
- koola (...)
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- Kas teil on (baari)suupisteid? (...)
- One more, please.
- Palun, üks veel. (...)
- Another round, please.
- Another round, please. (...)
- When is closing time?
- Millal on sulgemisaeg? (...)
- Do you have this in my size?
- Kas teil on seda minu suuruses? (...)
- How much is this?
- Kui palju see maksab? (...)
- That's too expensive.
- See on liiga kallis. (...)
- Would you take _____?
- Kas te võtaksite _____? (...)
- expensive
- kallis (...)
- cheap
- odav (...)
- I can't afford it.
- Ma ei saa seda endale lubada. (...)
- I don't want it.
- Ma ei soovi seda. (...)
- You're cheating me.
- Te petate mind. (...)
- I'm not interested.
- Ma pole huvitatud. (..)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Olgu, ma võtan selle. (...)
- Can I have a bag?
- Kas ma saaksin koti? (...)
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- Kas te transpordite (üle mere)? (...)
- I need...
- Mul on vaja... (...)
- ...toothpaste.
- ...hambapastat. (...)
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...hambaharja. (...)
- ...tampons.
- ...tampoone. (...)
- ...soap.
- ...seepi. (...)
- ...shampoo.
- ...šampooni. (...)
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen or ...)
- ...valuvaigistit. (...)
- ...cold medicine.
- ...nohurohtu. (...)
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...kõhu(valu)ravimit. (...)
- ...a razor.
- ...žiletti/pardlit. (...)
- umbrella.
- ...vihmavarju. (...)
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ...päikesekreemi. (...)
- ...a postcard.
- ...postkaarti. (...)
- ...postage stamps.
- ...postmarke. (...)
- ...batteries.
- ...patareisid. (...)
- ...writing paper.
- ...kirjutuspaberit. (...)
- ...a pen.
- ...pastakat, pastapliiatsit. (...)
- ...a pencil.
- ...(harilikku) pliiatsit (...)
- ...English-language book.
- ...ingliskeelset raamatut. (...)
- ...English-language magazine.
- ...ingliskeelset ajakirja. (...)
- English-language newspaper.
- ...ingliskeelset ajalehte. (...)
- English-Estonian dictionary.
- ...Inglise-Eesti sõnaraamatut. (...)
- I want to rent a car.
- Ma tahan/soovin rentida autot. (...)
- Can I get insurance?
- Kas ma võin saada kindlustust? (...)
- stop (on a street sign)
- stop (...)
- one way
- ühesuunaline liiklus (one way traffic)
- yield
- teed andma (...)
- no parking
- parkimine keelatud (parking denied)
- speed limit
- kiiruspiirang (...)
- gas (petrol) station
- bensiinijaam (...), tankla (...)
- petrol
- bensiin (...), kütus (...)
- diesel
- diiselkütus(...), diisel (...)
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Ma pole midagi valesti teinud. (...)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- See oli arusaamatus. (...)
- Where are you taking me?
- Kuhu te mind viite? (...)
- Am I under arrest?
- Kas ma olen arreteeritud (aresti all)? (...)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Ma olen Ameerika/Austraalia/Briti/Kanada kodanik. (...)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Ma soovin rääkida Ameerika/Austraalia/Briti/Kanada saatkonnaga/konsulaadiga. (...)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Ma soovin rääkida advokaadiga. (...)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- Kas ma võin nüüd lihtsalt trahvi ära tasuda? (...)