town in Hungary
Edelény is a town in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County in Northern Hungary. It lies in the valley of Bódva River, 25 km (16 mi) north of the county seat, Miskolc.
Nearby town Szendrő is also described here.
The area has been inhabited since ancient times (Paleolithic stone tools were found here). Edelény was first mentioned in 1299, but the village of Borsod, which was annexed to the town in the 20th century, was already mentioned in 1108 (Borsod comitatus belonged to the castle of Borsod in the Middle Ages). Edelény got town status in 1986.
Get in
By train
Trains are available from Miskolc in every two hours. From Budapest you have to transfer in Miskolc. The whole journey from Budapest takes more than 3 hours and costs 3990 Ft. Other direct connections are:
- Toward north: Tornanádaska in every two hours.
🌍 Edelény Train Station, Vasútállomás 2, ☏ +36 1 349-4949, informacio@mav-start.hu. Ticket office: M–F 05:30–16:30, Su 07:30–19:00. (updated Dec 2020)
By bus
Frequent buses are available from Miskolc. The journey takes about 45 minutes and costs 465 Ft–560 Ft.
🌍 Edelény Bus Station, Borsodi út 9, ☏ +36 48 341-420, info@volanbusz.hu. Ticket office: M–F 06:00–12:00. (updated Dec 2020)
Get around
There is no local public transport or taxi service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.
- 🌍 L'Huillier-Coburg Palace (L’Huillier–Coburg-kastély), Borsodi út 7, ☏ +36 48 524-030, judit.bay@nofnkft.hu. Apr–Oct: Tu–Su 10:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: Tu–Su 10:00–17:00. This is the seventh largest palace in Hungary. This prominent example of early Baroque architecture was built between 1716 and 1730 by Jean-Francois L'Huillier, who originated from Alsace-Lorraine, France. The palace was reconstructed between 2009–2014. It's a museum now, it can be visited by guided tour. Adult: 2000 Ft–2800 Ft; senior, student: 1000 Ft–1400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Borsod Heritage Museum (Borsodi Tájház), Borsodi út 155, ☏ +36 30 628-3007, borsoditajhaz@gmail.com. Tu–Su 09:00–17:00. Three dwelling houses with exhibition inside. Adult: 400 Ft; senior, student: 200 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), István király útja 47. Built in the 14th century in Gothic style. Remodeled in the 18th and 20th centuries. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church of Borsod (Borsodi református templom), Bors vezér út 2. Built in 1791 in late Baroque style. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Császta Observation Tower (Császtai kilátó). 16 m (52 ft) height tower. Free to visit. (updated Jun 2021)
- 🌍 Treasure House (Kincses Ház), Kovács utca 6, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. Only by appointment. The permanent exhibition "Natural Treasures of the Bódva Valley" presents the architectural values found along the Bódva River as well as the rare wonders of flora and fauna in an interactive way. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Blue Painter's House (Kékfestőház), Petőfi tér 6, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. Only by appointment. The building was built at the beginning of the 19th century in folk Baroque style. The objects in the exhibition present the old tools of the blue painting craft. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 School History Exhibition (Iskolatörténeti kiállítás), Váralja utca 6, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. Only by appointment. The museum opened in 1982 with a collection by Dr. István Demjén, which was selected from the school history values of Cserehát. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Upper Castle Observation Tower (Felsővár-kilátó), Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. Only by appointment. The Upper Castle was one of the most significant castle fortifications of Borsod county in the 16-17. century. The 25 m (82 ft) high wooden observation tower designed by Pál Farkas. It was built in 2012 on the hill of Szendrő on the site of the former gunpowder tower of the castle. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Sports Gallery (Sportgaléria), Kovács utca 8, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. Only by appointment. 300 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Bell Tower (Református harangtorony), Hősök tere 15, Szendrő. Built in the 15–16th century. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Gát utca 12, Szendrő. Built in the 17th century in early Baroque style. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Pedellus House (Pedellus Ház), Fő utca 37, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. Only by appointment. The exhibition commemorates Hungarians who emigrated to America between the two world wars. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
Further afield
In Boldva:
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Monostor tér, Boldva. Built at the end of 12th century in Roman style, in basilica form with 3 naves and 2 towers at the eastern side of the building. Some parts from the 14th century in Gothic style. Remodeled in 1755 and in 19–20th century. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), István király út, Boldva. Built around 1830 in Classicist style. (updated Dec 2020)
In Hangács:
- 🌍 György Szathmáry Király Museum of Church History (Szathmáry Király György Egyháztörténeti Múzeum), Hangács, ☏ +36 46 399-161. Only by appointment. (updated Dec 2020)
In Hidvégardó:
- 🌍 Gedeon Mansion (Gedeon-kúria), Tornai út 54, Hidvégardó. Built around 1770 in Baroque style. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Papp Mansion (Papp-kúria), Tornai út 95, Hidvégardó. Built around 1830 in folk Classicist style. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Szent István tér 1, Hidvégardó. Built in 177 in Baroque style. (updated Dec 2020)
In Martonyi:
- 🌍 Ruins of Pauline Church and Monastery (Pálos templom- és kolostorrom), Martonyi. It was built in 1347 in Gothic style, collapsed at the end of the 16th century. (updated Dec 2020)
In Szalonna:
- 🌍 Reformed Church and Wooden Bell Tower (Református templom és fa harangtorony), Kossuth utca, Szalonna. The church was built in the 12–13th century in Roman style with some Gothic parts form the 14–15th century. The wooden bell tower was built in 1765. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Gedeon Mansion (Gedeon-kastély), Petőfi út 24, Szalonna. Built in the 19th century. (updated Dec 2020)
In Szinpetri:
- 🌍 World's Largest Book (Világ Legnagyobb Könyve), Dózsa György utca 100, Szinpetri, ☏ +36 48 464 220. Apr–Sep: Tu–Su 10:00–17:00. Guinness World Records approved as the current record for "Largest book" on 21 May 2010: "The largest book measures 4.18 m (13.7 ft)×3.77 m (12.4 ft), weighs 1.42 kg (3.1 lb) and consists of 346 pages. It can be viewed in a watermill. Other exhibitions: printing history exhibition, Bible and church book collection. Adult: 1600 Ft; senior, student: 1200 Ft–1300 Ft; children: 600 Ft–1000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Dózsa György utca 65, Szinpetri. Built in 1793 in late Baroque style. (updated Dec 2020)
In Szögliget:
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church of the Visitation (Sarlós Boldogasszony római katolikus templom), Szabadság tér 9, Szögliget. Built in the 13th century in Roman style, remodeled between 1788–1790 in Zopf style. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Ruins of Szádvár (Szádvár romjai), Szögliget. The castle was built in the 13th century, collapsed at the end of the 18th century. Free to visit. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Derenk Heritage House (Derenki tájház), Derenk, Szögliget. (updated Dec 2020)
In Tornaszentandrás:
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Szabadság út, Tornaszentandrás. Built in the 12th century in Roman style, extended in the 14th century in Gothic style. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Pál Hadobás Community Center (Hadobás Pál Művelődési Központ), Borsodi út 9, ☏ +36 48 341-824, mkkm.muvkp@gmail.com. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Hucul Horse Yard, Petőfi Sándor út 17, Szőlősardó, ☏ +36 30 667-0122, szagacs@gmail.com. Trail riding: 5000 Ft per hour. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Sándor Petőfi Community House and Library (Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Ház és Könyvtár), Petőfi út 8, Bódvaszilas, ☏ +36 48 454-026, konyvtar.bodvaszilas@gmail.com. M–F 07:30–16:00. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Szendrő Community Center and Library (Szendrői Közművelődési Központ és Könyvtár), Fő utca 18, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-395, kozmuvelodes@szendro.hu. The building is the late Baroque Csáky Mansion. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Coop, Borsodi út 11, ☏ +36 48 341-743. M–F 06:00-19:00, Sa 06:00–15:00, Su 07:00–11:00. Supermarket. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Penny Market, Borsodi út 9/a, ☏ +36 29 339-345, ugyfelszolgalat@penny.hu. M–Sa 06:00–20:00, Su 07:00–18:00. Supermarket. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Coop, Rákóczi utca 5-7, Szendrő. M–F 06:00–19:00, Sa 06:00–16:00, Su 07:00–11:00. Supermarket. (updated Dec 2020)
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 2000 Ft |
Mid-range | 2000 Ft–2400 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2400 Ft |
- 🌍 Balu Falodája, Tóth Árpád út 4. M–F 06:00–18:30, Sa 06:00–15:30. Fast food bar. 1290 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Döner-Food, Antal György út 17, ☏ +36 30 540-5492. Tu–Sa 10:00–21:00, Su 11:00–21:00. Turkish food bar. 1390 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Gastro Pub, Hősök tere 1. M–F 09:30–19:30, Sa 09:30–19:00. 1390 Ft, hamburger: 650 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Retro Utas Büfé, Borsodi út 5. M–Sa 09:00–19:00, Su 14:00–19:00. Fast food bar. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Bódva Restaurant, Miklós Gyula út 6, ☏ +36 48 525-136, bodvaetterem@citromail.hu. M–Sa 11:30–19:00. Traditional restaurant. Lunch menu: 1000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Templomkerti Restaurant (Templomkerti Kisvendéglő), Miklós Gyula út 4, ☏ +36 48 525-555, info@tkert.hu. M–Th 11:30–21:00, F Sa 11:30–22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2000 Ft, pizza: 1550 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Merlot Wine Hotel, ☏ +36 30 686-3371, merlotborhotel811@gmail.com. Th–Su 12:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. 5 rooms. 2700 Ft, single room: 9000 Ft, double room: 12,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Polc Bistro, Borsodi út 11, ☏ +36 48 778-105, polcbisztro@gmail.com. M–F 12:00–22:00, Sa 12:00–17:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2400 Ft, pizza: 1500 Ft, lunch menu: 1200 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Diana Confectionery, Antal György út 4, ☏ +36 48 525-016. 08:00–18:00. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Büfé, Kossuth Lajos út 1, Bódvaszilas. 07:00–21:00. Pub. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Hullám Pub (Hullám söröző), Szabadság út 41, Bódvaszilas. 07:00–21:00. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Ménes Pub (Ménes söröző), Kossuth Lajos utca 61, Szögliget, ☏ +36 30 983-8202. 07:00–21:00. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Paszti Confectionery, Kovács utca 39, Szendrő. 10:00–19:00. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Póker Pub, Kossuth Lajos út 17, Perkupa. 06:00–21:00. (updated Dec 2020)
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 10,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 10,000 Ft–11,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 11,000 Ft |
- 🌍 Árpád Guesthouse, Szabadság utca 73, Bódvarákó, ☏ +36 48 454-213, info@arpadvendeghaz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 apartments. Apartment for two persons: 9600 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Holló Guesthouse, Kossuth Lajos utca 71, Szögliget, ☏ +36 48 464-117, imremiliczki@gmail.com. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms, 3 apartments. Double room: 8000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Kuckó Guesthouse, Magyar utca 6-8, Abod, ☏ +36 30 284-6298, kuckovendeghaz@gmail.com. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. 4 rooms. Single room: 6000 Ft, double room: 9500 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Matusz Guesthouse, Tornai út 29, Hidvégardó, ☏ +36 30 959-6387, eva.kleiber@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 rooms. Double room: 7000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Turai Guesthouse, Pást utca 8, ☏ +36 30 619-0944, turaivendeghaz@gmail.com. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:30. 3 rooms. Single room: 5000 Ft, double room: 10,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 János Guesthouse, Szabadság utca 20, Bódvarákó, ☏ +36 48 453-014, info@janosvendeghaz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Single room: 5500 Ft, double room: 10,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Mi-Ri Balance Guesthouse, Dózsa György utca 24, Szinpetri, ☏ +36 70 415-3054, szinpetri110@gmail.com. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Double room: 10,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Nefelejcs Guesthouse, Szabadság út 60, Tornaszentandrás, nefelejcstornaszentandras@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 rooms. Double room: 10,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Vár-lak Guesthouse, Part utca 6, Szendrő, ☏ +36 70 374-0775, info@var-lak.hu. Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 14:00. 4 rooms. Single room: 8500 Ft, double room: 9700 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Apollo Guesthouse, Virág út 2/a, ☏ +36 30 855-2988, uveges.eva@freemail.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 rooms, 1 apartment. Single room: 10,000 Ft, double room: 12,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Diófa Apartment House, Juhász Gyula út 18, ☏ +36 30 228-5501, diofaapartman3780@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 2 apartments. Apartment for two persons: 14,400 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Németvár Guesthouse, Rákóczi utca 83, Szendrő, ☏ +36 20 397-4684, vendeghaz@nemetvar.hu. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. 2 rooms. Single room: 9000 Ft, double room: 10,500 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Tópart Guesthouse, Rakaca-tópart, Szalonna, ☏ +36 48 458-052, info@topartvendeghaz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 10 rooms, 1 apartment. Double room: 12,000 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
Edelény's postal code is H-3780, and its telephone area code is 48.
- 🌍 Edelény 1 Post Office, Tóth Árpád út 7, ☏ +36 48 341-231, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M Tu Th 08:00–17:00, W 08:00–18:00, W 08:00–16:00, Sa 08:00–11:00. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Szendrő Post Office, Hősök tere 7, Szendrő, ☏ +36 48 460-118, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M Tu Th F 08:00–15:30, W 08:00–18:00. (updated Dec 2020)
Go next
- Encs – town 50 km (31 mi) east
- Kazincbarcika – town 15 km (9.3 mi) southwest
- Miskolc – city 24 km (15 mi) south
- Ózd – town 45 km (28 mi) west
- Putnok – town 30 km (19 mi) west