Conway (South Carolina)

city in and county seat of Horray County, South Carolina, United States

Conway is one of the oldest cities in South Carolina, being founded in 1732 under Royal Governor Robert Johnson.

Historic downtown, Conway, South Carolina (18 November 2006)

Get in

Get around

By taxi

There are several private cab services in the area which can run up to $50 for a trip across the Grand Strand. The rate is $2.80 a mile $1 for extra passenger, rates are set by the City of Conway, SC. Serving all of the Conway area is Yellow Cab Taxi (843) 606-1000. Taxi cab rates are not regulated by the city of Conway, SC. You should always call and get a flat rate quote in the areas of Horry county. Two good services for flat rate rides are Godfather's Taxi +1 843 855-4085 and Myrtle Beach Discount Taxi +1 843 450-6233.

Or better yet, just use the local transit service, Coast RTA at +1 843 488-0865 and not have to worry about all that.



Conway Marina






Go next

Routes through Conway
Columbia Sumter ← Jct N S  W  E  END
Southern Pines Laurinburg ← Jct N S  N  S  Myrtle Beach END

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