town in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, northern Hungary
Sárospatak is a town in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. It lies 70 km (43 mi) northeast from Miskolc, in the Bodrog river valley. The town, often called simply Patak, is an important cultural centre.
Nearby town Cigánd is also described here.
The area has been inhabited since ancient times. Sárospatak was granted town status in 1201 by King Emeric. In the Middle Ages it was an important place due to its proximity to an important trade route leading to Poland. The town's German name is Potok am Bodroch; in Slovak it is called Šarišský Potok or Blatný Potok.
- 🌍 Tourinform Sárospatak, Szent Erzsébet utca 3, ☏ +36 47 513-150, sarospatak@tourinform.hu. Tu–Sa 08:00–16:00. Tourist information. (updated Feb 2020)
Get in
By train
Trains are available in every two hours from Budapest-Keleti pályaudvar via Miskolc and Szerencs. The journey takes about 3 hours and costs 4500 Ft. Other direct connections are:
- Toward north: Sátoraljaújhely in every 1–2 hours.
🌍 Sárospatak Train Station, Csokonai utca 1, ☏ +36 1 349-4949, informacio@mav-start.hu. Ticket office: 03:20–22:20. (updated Feb 2020)
By ferry
There is a ferry service available between Cigánd and Dombrád.
- 🌍 Cigánd Ferry Station, ☏ +36 30 474-0691. M–Th Su 08:00–20:00, F Sa 09:00–21:00. 200 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
Get around
There is no local public transport or taxi service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.

- 🌍 Castle of Sárospatak – Rákóczi Museum (Sárospataki vár – Rákóczi Múzeum), Szent Erzsébet utca 19, ☏ +36 47 311-083, info@rakoczimuzeum.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. The castle, built by Andrew II, is traditionally identified as the birthplace of his daughter Saint Elizabeth. The owners of the castle of Sárospatak include many important individuals in Hungarian history. In the 15th and 16th centuries, it was owned by the Pálóczi (Pálóczy) family, until baron Antal Pálóczi was killed at the first Battle of Mohács in 1526, which precipitated a conflict between the family of his widow, born of the Perényi family, and the Pálóczi-related Dobó family. The Perényi family gained control of the castle, and it was in their possession until 1602, when it passed to the Dobó family. Bálint Balassi, the most important Hungarian poet of the century married Krisztina Dobó at the castle; the bride was the daughter of István Dobó, who defended the castle of Eger against the Ottoman Turks. Later the castle was owned by the Rákóczi family. The residents of the town took an active part in the revolution and war of independence against Habsburg rule led by Francis II Rákóczi between 1703 and 1711. Adult: 4000 Ft; senior, student: 2000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Scientific Collections of Sárospatak Reformed College (Sárospataki Református Kollégium Tudományos Gyűjteményei), Rákóczi út 1, ☏ +36 47 311-057, reftud@iif.hu. Apr–Oct: M–Sa 09:00–17:00, Su 09:00–13:00; Nov–Mar: M–Th 09:00–16:00, F 09:00–14:00. The Reformation began spreading into Hungary from this area. The first Protestant college, one of the most important colleges of Hungary at the time, was founded in Sárospatak in 1531. In 1650 Zsuzsanna Lorántffy, widow of George I Rákóczi prince of Transylvania invited the famous Czech educator Jan Comenius to Sárospatak. Comenius lived there until 1654, as a professor of the college, and he wrote some of his most important works there. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church Collection (Római Katolikus Egyházi Gyűjtemény), Szent Erzsébet utca 13, ☏ +36 47 314-107, info@rkegy.hu. May–Sep: M–F 10:00–17:00, Sa 10:00–14:00; Oct–Apr: M–F 10:00–16:00. Church museum, lapidary, pilgrimage site, library. religious archive, performance venue. The house was built in 1917 on the place of a Jesuit school. Before the Jesuit school here stood the mansion of the queens of the Árpád dynasty and in which Saint Elizabeth was born in 1207. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Sárospatak Gallery (Sárospataki Képtár), Szent Erzsébet utca 14, ☏ +36 20 477-0086, info@patakikeptar.hu. Tu–Sa 10:00–16:00. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Sárospatak Basilica (Sárospataki Bazilika), Szent Erzsébet utca 15, ☏ +36 47 311-183, patakibazilika@gmail.com. Built in the 14–16th century in Gothic style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Lórántffy Zsuzsanna utca 2, ☏ +36 47 311-213, refegyhaz.patak@gmail.com. Built between 1776–1781 in Baroque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Greek Catholic Church (Görög katolikus templom), Szent József utca 8. Built at the and of 18th century in Zopf style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Trinitarian Monastery (Trinitárius kolostor), Szent Erzsébet utca 30. Built in the 17th century in early-Baroque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Tarn on Megyer Hill (Megyer-hegyi tengerszem), ☏ +36 20 220-7026, info@tengerszeminfo.hu. Nature reserve. Free to visit. (updated Feb 2020)
Further afield

In Bodrogolaszi:
- 🌍 Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church (Szentháromság római katolikus templom), Fő utca 1, Bodrogolaszi. Built in the 12th century in Romanesque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Greek Catholic Church (Görög katolikus templom), Cerkó utca 22, Bodrogolaszi. Built in 1780 in late-Baroque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Lónyay Mansion (Lónyay-kastély), Kastély utca 1, Bodrogolaszi. Built in 1860. (updated Feb 2020)
In Cigánd:
- 🌍 Bodrogköz Museum (Bodrogközi Múzeumporta), Fő utca 54, Cigánd, ☏ +36 20 519-7200, info@muzeumporta.hu. Tu–Th 10.00–16.00, F 10:00–13:00. Exhibition on local folk culture and history. Adult: 700 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Petőfi Sándor utca 85, Cigánd. Built in 1793 then between 1835 and 1839. (updated Feb 2020)
In Karcsa:
- 🌍 Heritage House (Tájház), Táncsics utca 16, Karcsa, ☏ +36 47 342-016. 08:00–16:00 (by appointment only). (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Táncsics utca, Karcsa. Árpád-era church, Romanesque building. (updated Feb 2020)
In Karos:
- 🌍 Hungarian Conquest Visitor Center (Honfoglalás Kori Látogatóközpont), Dózsa György utca 24, Karos, ☏ +36 30 864-7113, honfoglalaskaros@gmail.com. Tu–F 10:00–16:00, Sa Su 10:00–18:00. Archaeological park. Here was a Hungarian Conquest era cemetery. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
In Komlóska:
- 🌍 Rusyn Heritage Museum (Ruszin Tájház), Rákóczi út 20, Komlóska. The museum shows the folk architecture and traditional housing culture. The building dates from the 19th century. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Ruins of Castle of Solymos (Solymos vára romjai), Komlóska. Built in the 13th century. Free to visit. (updated Feb 2020)
In Olaszliszka:
- 🌍 Synagogue Memorial Place (Zsinagóga-emlékhely), Kossuth Lajos utca 15, Olaszliszka. Memorial place on the site of synagogue. Created in 2016. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kossuth House (Kossuth-ház), Esze Tamás út 3, Olaszliszka. Built in the 18th century in Baroque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Our Lady Roman Catholic Church (Nagyboldogasszony római katolikus templom), Szent István út, Olaszliszka. Built in 1332 in Gothic style, rebuilt in the 19th century in Baroque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Szent István út, Olaszliszka. Built between 1784 and 1787. (updated Feb 2020)
In Pácin:
- 🌍 Mágóchy-Alaghy-Sennyei Mansion (Mágóchy-Alaghy-Sennyei-várkastély), Kossuth kert 1, Pácin, ☏ +36 20 427-2433, kastely@pacin.hu. Apr–Oct: Tu–Su 09:00–17:00. Built in 1581 in Renaissance style. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)

In Sárazsadány:
- 🌍 Ethnographic Exhibition Site (Néprajzi Kiállítóhely), Fő út 36-38, Sárazsadány, ☏ +36 47 311-083, info@rakoczimuzeum.hu. Apr–Oct: W–Su 10:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: Tu–Sa 08:00–16:00 (by appountment only). Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 250 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
In Tolcsva:
- 🌍 Wine Museum and House of Wine Culture (Bormúzeum és Borászati Kultúra Háza), Kossuth Lajos utca 32, Tolcsva, ☏ +36 47 384-232, bormuzeum.tolcsva@gmail.com. Tu–F 09:00–16:00, Sa 10:00–15:00. The museum shows the authentic tools used in winemaking. Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca, Tolcsva. Built in the 14th century in Gothic style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Rákóczi Mansion (Rákóczi-kastély), Kossuth Lajos utca 63, Tolcsva. Built in the 17th century in early-Baroque style. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Dessewffy Mansion (Dessewffy-kastély), Szent Imre utca 4, Tolcsva. Built in early-Baroque style in 1659. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Szirmay Mansion (Szirmay-kastély), Kossuth Lajos utca 37, Tolcsva. Built around 1820 in Classicist style. Converted to Eclectic style in the second half of 19th century. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Community House (Művelődés Háza), Eötvös út 6, ☏ +36 47 311-811, info@amuvelodeshaza.hu. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Cinema, Szent Erzsébet utca 14, ☏ +36 47 311-160, patakimozi@pr.hu. Ticket: 1000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Iskolakert. Park. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Berek Backwater (Berek-holtág), ☏ +36 30 776-5698. Fishing opportunity. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Betyár Horse Farm, Szeles utca 40, ☏ +36 30 998-2528, betyartanya.sarospatak@gmail.com. Riding training: 2100 Ft for 30 minutes. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Blue Squash Club, Vörössipkások útja 1/c, ☏ +36 20 954-7018, kektomi75@gmail.com. Squash: 2000 Ft per hour per track. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Végardó Bath, Határ út 2/b, ☏ +36 47 655-317, vegardofurdo@vegardofurdo.hu. 08:00–20:00. There are thermal outdoor pools, two of them can be covered. There are reception buildings on the west and east sides with double-gate entrance. There are also holiday homes and a campsite in the area. Adult: 1300 Ft; senior, student: 900 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Zöldút, Kossuth Lajos út 50, ☏ +36 20 220-7026, zoldutazas@sarospatak.com. May–Sep: 10:00–18:00. Bicycle rental. 2500 Ft per day. (updated Mar 2020)
- Saint Elizabeth Holiday (Szent Erzsébet Ünnep). In June. (updated Feb 2020)
- Sárospatak Beer Festival (Sárospataki Sörfesztivál). In June. Daily ticket: 500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- Sárospatak Wine Festival (Sárospataki Borfesztivál). In July. Daily ticket: 1500 Ft–2000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- Assault Weekend (Ostromhétvége), ☏ +36 47 311-083, info@rakoczimuzeum.hu. In July. (updated Feb 2020)
- Tolcsva Wine Festival (Tolcsvai Borfesztivál), Tolcsva. In August. (updated Feb 2020)
- Zemplén Festival (Zempléni Fesztivál), info@zemplenfestival.hu. In August. (updated Feb 2020)

- 🌍 Coop, Rákóczi út 54–56, ☏ +36 47 312-016. M–F 06:30–18:30, Sa 06:30–13:30. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Hegyi Supermarket, Eötvös utca 15. M–Sa 06:00–20:00, Su 07:00–13:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Market of Sárospatak (Sárospataki piac). W Sa 06:00–12:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Penny Market, Wesselényi út 32, ugyfelszolgalat@penny.hu. M–Sa 07:00–20:00, Su 07:00–18:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Coop, Fő utca 26, Cingánd, ☏ +36 47 334-122. M–F 06:00–17:00, Sa 06:00–13:00, Su 07:00–11:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Reál, Fő utca 36, Cingánd, ☏ +36 47 334-428, info@kispatak2000.hu. M–F 06:00–19:00, Sa 06:00–13:00, Su 07:00–11:00. (updated Feb 2020)
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 1600 Ft |
Mid-range | 1600 Ft–2400 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2400 Ft |
- 🌍 El Bundi Pizzeria, Mátyás király út 21, ☏ +36 30 283-4029. M–F 11:00–18:00. Pizzeria. Pizza: 1300 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kolibri, Rákóczi út 41, ☏ +36 20 239-6619, kolibrikolibri9@gmail.com. M–F 09:00–17:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 790 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Makkhetes Restaurant, Kossuth Lajos út 57, ☏ +36 20 993-7844, rfvmakkhetes.etterem@sarospatak.hu. M–F 11:00–15:00. Self-service restaurant. 840 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Lángos Sütöde, Béla király tér 1. M–F 07:30–15:00, Sa 07:30–12:30. Lángos bar. Lángos: 270 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kisvendéglő, Szabadság tér 9, Tolcsva, ☏ +36 47 591-052. 08:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 1300 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Lángos Udvar, Fő utca 26, Cigánd, ☏ +36 70 406-2520. M–F 07:30–16:00, Sa 6:30–11:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 550 Ft, Lángos: 270 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Grill Gödör, Rákóczi út 63, ☏ +36 20 564-4094. Tu–Th Su 11:00–22:00, F Sa 11:00–23:00. Terrace restaurant and pizzeria. 1890 Ft, pizza: 1200 Ft, hamburger: 1290 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Pizza del Fiore, Bercsényi utca 1, ☏ +36 20 577-3656. Tu–Sa 11:00–21:00. Pizzeria. Pizza: 1890 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Pizza Express, Lavotta János utca 56, ☏ +36 30 476-7074. M–Sa 11:00–21:00, Su 15:00–21:00. Pizzeria. 1690 Ft, pizza: 1350 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 V. András Restaurant and Cafe, Béla Király tér 3, ☏ +36 47 312-415, otodikandras@otodikandras.hu. M–W Su 11:00–16:00, Th–Sa 11:00–18:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2010 Ft, lunch menu: 750 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kisdiófa Restaurant and Guesthouse, Petőfi Sándor utca 1, Vajdácska, ☏ +36 20 338-0015, info@kisdiofapanzio-vendeglo.hu. 11:30–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 8 rooms. 1950 Ft, pizza: 1690 Ft, double room: 8900 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Zukor Csárda, Kossuth Lajos utca 9, Ricse, ☏ +36 47 302-151. Tu–F 10:00–22:00, Sa 14:00–22:00, Su 14:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant. 1640 Ft, lunch menu: 890 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Bor and Bazsalikom, Rákóczi út 10, ☏ +36 47 658-150, bor&bazsalikom@gmail.com. 09:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2650 Ft, pizza: 1890 Ft, hamburger: 1050 Ft, lunch menu: 1090 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Boros, Rákóczi út 21, ☏ +36 47 658-200, info@aboros.hu. M–F 12:00–22:00, F Sa 12:00–23:00. Wine bar and restaurant. 3190 Ft, lunch menu: 1400 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Fekete Macska, Szent Erzsébet utca 18, ☏ +36 30 953-5055. Oct–Apr: F–Su 09:00–00:00, May–Sep: 09:00–00:00. Bistro and cafe. 2160 Ft, hamburger: 500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Ristorante Collegno, Szent Erzsébet utca 8, ☏ +36 47 314-494, ristorantecollegno@gmail.com. M–Sa 11:00–23:00, Sa 12:00–22:00. Italian restaurant and pizzeria. 2400 Ft, pizza: 1350 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Vár Restaurant and Guesthouse (Vár Vendéglő és Panzió), Árpád út 35, ☏ +36 47 311-370, info@varvendeglo.hu. M–Sa 12:00–22:00, Su 12:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 6 rooms. 2970 Ft, single room: 10,000 Ft, double room: 16,500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Várhegy Restaurant, Szabadság tér 2, Tolcsva, ☏ +36 20 979-9656, info@varhegyetterem.hu. 11:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. 2100 Ft, lunch menu: 1500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Heitzmann Confectionery, Táncsics Mihály utca 9, ☏ +36 47 311-728, heitzmann.cukraszda@gmail.com. M 11:00–18:00, Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kövér Confectionery, Hild tér, ☏ +36 30 583-8763. 09:00–17:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Vision Ice Cream Shop and Cafe, Szent Erzsébet utca 1. M–Th Su 11:00–20:00, F Sa 11:00–21:00. (updated Feb 2020)

- 🌍 Somossy Koccintó, Táncsics Mihály utca 11, ☏ +36 20 971-0234, bogica1910@gmail.hu. M–F 06:00–20:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Újbástya Cafe, Szent Erzsébet utca 3, ☏ +36 20 477-2007, retro2008kft@gmail.com. M–Th 10:00–00:00, F Sa 10:00–02:00, Su 12:00–00:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Vár Cafe and Bar, Szent Erzsébet utca 26/a, ☏ +36 47 312-264. Tu–Su 10:00–22:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kisgaras Pub, Fő utca 45, Cigánd, ☏ +36 47 334-115. 06:00–22:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Highlander. Oct–Apr: F Sa 20:00–05:00. Entrance fee: 1500 Ft–2500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Lábasház, Attila út 7-9, info@labashaz.hu. May–Sep: F Sa 22:00–05:00. Entrance fee: 1000 Ft–2000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 10,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 10,000 Ft–15,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 15,000 Ft |
- 🌍 Katalin Guesthouse, Wesselényi út 12, ☏ +36 20 224-4920, info@katalinvendeghaz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 rooms. Single room: 4000 Ft, double room: 8000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Kert Guesthouse, Rákóczi út 31, ☏ +36 20 993-0188, info@kertpanzio.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Double room: 9000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Stefán Guesthouse, Rákóczi út 14, ☏ +36 20 230-0099, info@stefandom.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 4 rooms. Single room: 4500 Ft, double room: 8000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Tengerszem Holiday Park and Camping, Herceg Ferenc utca 2, ☏ +36 47 312-744, fax: +36 47 311-527, info@tengerszem-camping.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 64 rooms. Double room: 7000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 House of the Judge of Cigánd (A cigándi bíró háza), Iskola utca 17, Cigánd, ☏ +36 70 595-7822, cigand@cigand.hu. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two persons: 8000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Harmónia Guesthouse, Dobó Ferenc utca 39, ☏ +36 20 967-4522, info@harmoniapanzio.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 5 apartments. Apartment for two persons: 10,000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Huszár Guesthouse and Restaurant, Kazinczy Ferenc út 3, ☏ +36 47 313-018, huszarpanzio@freemail.hu. Restaurant: 08:00–22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 12 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Single room: 10,000 Ft, double room: 14,000 Ft, average meal: 2000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Rákóczi Hotel, Rákóczi út 30, ☏ +36 47 312-111, rakoczipanzio@pr.hu. Restaurant: 07:00–21:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 17 rooms. Double room: 14,000 Ft, average meal: 2800 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Retel Vitéz Guesthouse, Attila út 2, ☏ +36 47 315-428, retelvitez@freemail.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Single room: 7000 Ft, double room: 9500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Simkó Guesthouse, Arad utca 2, ☏ +36 47 311-946, evinor@evinor.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 5 rooms. Single room: 8400 Ft, double room: 13,650 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)

- 🌍 Hotel Bodrog, Rákóczi út 58, ☏ +36 47 311-744, fax: +36 70 394-4577, info@hotelbodrog.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 48 rooms. Single room: 24,950 Ft, double room: 29,500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Hotel Furmint, Eötvös út 7, ☏ +36 47 513-001, info@hotelfurmint.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 23 rooms. Single room: 13,950 Ft, double room: 18,300 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Sólyomvár-lak, Rákóczi út 9, Komlóska, ☏ +36 30 430-7789, solyomvar@t-online.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 13 rooms. Single room: 20,000 Ft, double room: 35,000 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Újhuta Mansion Hotel (Újhuta Kastélyszálló), Kossuth út 2, Háromhuta, ☏ +36 30 177-4340, recepcio@ujhutakastelyszallo.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 21 rooms. Single room: 20,700 Ft, double room: 27,500 Ft. (updated Feb 2020)
Sárospatak's postal code is H-3950, and its telephone area code is 47.
- 🌍 Sárospatak Post Office, Rákóczi út 47, ☏ +36 47 311-020, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–18:00, Sa 08:00–11:00. (updated Feb 2020)
- 🌍 Cigánd Post Office, Petőfi út 93, ☏ +36 47 334-040, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M W–F 08:00–15:30, Tu 08:00–18:00. (updated Feb 2020)
Go next
- Encs – town 44 km (27 mi) west
- Gönc – town 53 km (33 mi) northwest
- Ibrány – town 37 km (23 mi) southeast
- Kisvárda – town 55 km (34 mi) east
- Sátoraljaújhely – town 14 km (8.7 mi) northeast
- Szerencs – town 38 km (24 mi) southwest
- Tokaj – town 35 km (22 mi) south
Routes through Sárospatak |
Miskolc ← Szerencs ← | W ![]() |
→ Sátoraljaújhely |