Carnet de Passages
ID card for vehicles and others, which entitles them to use a vehicle or a trailer etc. abroad without having to pay customs (repeatedly) each time the customs border is crossed
A Carnet de Passages en Douane is a document that facilitates the temporary importation of vehicles, or other property of significant value, across international borders without incurring customs duties. It is effectively a promise that the owner will take the vehicle or property back out of the country on departure, or risk hefty penalties.
While a carnet de passages is most commonly used for a vehicle, professional musicians or photographers may need one when travelling with a lot of equipment, as may a business person bringing goods for use at a trade show.
The Carnet De Passages is a Passport for your vehicle (Car or Motorbike), making travel across country borders easy. Commonly referred to as the Yellow Book, Trip Ticket, Orange Book and CPD. To find your local the official AIT FiA issuing organization, visit