< Budapest


district in Budapest

Zugló (Mediaval name: Szugló, German: Lerchenfeld) is the official name of the 14th district of Budapest. It is a large and mixed neighborhood, with communist era style highrise apartments sprinkled between decently kept one house residential streets. This article describes the eastern part of the district (everything except Városliget and Istvánmező).


Parts of Rákosmező is thought to be part of Zugló now; this was the ground for the inaugurational process for the king at times in Hungarian history dating back to the 13th century. The development of the area started in the middle of the 19th century as Pest expanded. The subway (the first subway in continental Europe outside London) reached the district at the end of the 19th century. The first mansions were built around the City Park.

As the city expanded, the suburban district quickly found itself fairly central in the city, and larger houses started to appear in certain areas. The Communist era brought large developments of pre-fab housing projects into some areas of the district, but large parts of the district still maintain the suburban feeling; and some areas even retained the glamour of the mansions built at the turn of the century.

Get in

To Zugló from the center:

  • From Mexikói út  M1  by  3  to 🌍 Bosnyák tér.
  • From Nyugati pályaudvar  M3  by  S21 ,  S50  or  Z50  to 🌍 Zugló Train Station.
  • From Keleti pályaudvar  M2  M4  by  7 ,  7E ,  8E ,  108E ,  110 ,  112  or  133E  to Bosnyák tér.

Public transport map of Zugló.



Steam locomotives in Hungarian Railway History Park
  • 🌍 Hungarian Railway History Park (Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park), XIV, Tatai út 95 (Rokolya utca  30 ), +36 1 450-1497, . Apr–Oct: Tu–Sa 10:00–18:00, Su 10:00–17:00. A railway museum in a railway workshop of the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV), the former Budapest North Depot. The museum covers more than 70,000 km (27,000 sq mi) and it has over one hundred exhibits, including railway vehicles and equipment. Visitors can not only admire the old machines: they can also try them out for extra prices. Adult: 1800 Ft; senior, student: 1100 Ft; children: 900 Ft.
  • 🌍 Loránd Eötvös Memorial Collection (Eötvös Loránd Emlékgyűjtemény), XIV, Columbus utca 17-23 (Amerikai út  7  / Zugló vasútállomás  1 ), +36 1 252-4999, . M W F 10:00–16:00. The museum presents the personal legacy and laboratory equipment and creations of Loránd Eötvös.
  • 🌍 Atanáz Fedinecz Ruthenian Museum of Hungary (Fedinecz Atanáz Magyarországi Ruszinok Közérdekű Muzeális Gyűjteménye és Kiállítóhelye), XIV, Gyarmat utca 85/b (Fűrész utca  277 ), +36 1 468-2636, . M–Th 09:00–16:00, F 09:00–14:00.
  • 🌍 Japanese Garden (Japánkert), XIV, Kövér Lajos utca 1 (Róna utca  77 ), +36 1 273-2741, . 08:00–20:00. Botanical garden designed by Márton Varga in 1928. Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft.

Churches and statues

Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Parish Church
  • 🌍 Saint Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Parish Church (Páduai Szent Antal római katolikus plébániatemplom), XIV, Bosnyák tér (Bosnyák tér  3  7 ), +36 1 383-0550, . Built in 1946.
  • 🌍 Herminamező Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Parish Church (Herminamezői Szentlélek római katolikus plébániatemplom), XIV, Kassai tér (Kassai tér  74 ), +36 1 251-1359, . Built in 1937.
  • 🌍 Zugló Reformed Church (Zuglói református templom), XIV, Róna utca 197-199 (Nagy Lajos király útja / Czobor utca  3  5 ), +36 1 251-3447, . Built in 1893.
  • 🌍 Zugló Lutheran Church (Zuglói evangélikus templom), XIV, Lőcsei út 32 (Bosnyák tér  3  7 ), +36 422-0637, .
  • 🌍 King Stephen Roman Catholic Church (Szent István király római katolikus templom), XIV, Álmos vezér tere 1 (Füredi utca / Ond vezér útja  81 ), +36 1 363-5976. Built in 1887 in Neo-Romanesque style, according to plans of József Pucher. It was expanded in 1949.
  • 🌍 Statue of Count István Tisza (Gróf Tisza István-szobor), XIV, Tisza István tér (Tisza István tér  7  82 ). 3 m (9.8 ft) high Bronze statue made by István Harmath in 2012. Count István Tisza was a Hungarian politician, prime minister, political scientist, international lawyer, macroeconomist, member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and champion duelist.
  • 🌍 Statue in Honor of Bulgarian Gardeners (A bolgárkertészek tiszteletére-szobor), XIV, Bosnyák tér (Bosnyák tér  3  7 ). Made by Kozsuharov Ognjan in 2014 in the honor of the 100th anniversary of the Association of Bulgarians in Hungary.



Herminamező Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Parish Church




Zugló Reformed Church
  • 🌍 Bosnyák Square Market Hall (Bosnyák téri Vásárcsarnok), XIV, Csömöri út 9-11 (Bosnyák tér  3  7 ), +36 1 273-1211, . M 06:00–17:00, Tu–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery.
  • 🌍 Sugár, XIV, Örs vezér tere 24 (Örs vezér tere  M2 ), +36 1 469-5333, . M–Sa 10:00–20:00, Su 10:00–18:00; Spar Supermarket: M–F 06:30–21:30, Sa Su 08:00–20:00; Sugár Cinema: 12:00–23:00; Sugár Bowling: M–Th 15:00–00:00, F 15:00–01:00, Sa 10:00–01:00, Su 10:00–00:00; Continental Food Bar: M–Sa 10:00–21:00, Su 10:00–20:00. Shopping center. Built in 1980. Services: supermarket, food bar, cafe, technical store, drug store, book store, clothes store, hair salon, optics, post office, bank, pharmacy, indoor playground, bowling, fitness, cinema. Ticket to the cinema: 1850 Ft for adult, 1410 Ft for senior, student; bowling: 3295 Ft6990 Ft per hour; billiard: 550 Ft for 20 minutes; average meal in the food bar: 1350 Ft.
  • 🌍 Tesco, XIV, Pillangó utca 15 (Pillangó utca  80  / Pillangó utca  M2 ), . 24 hours daily. Hypermarket. Services: post office.
  • 🌍 Spar, XIV, Nagy Lajos király útja 191 (Nagy Lajos király útja / Czobor utca  3  5 ), +36 20 823-7783, . M–F 06:00–19:00, Sa 07:00–19:00, Su 07:00–15:00. Supermarket.
  • 🌍 Szafi Shop, XIV, Nagy Lajos király útja 113 (Szugló utca / Nagy Lajos király útja  3 ), . M–F 09:00–18:00, Sa 09:00–17:00. Deli shop, cafe and healthy breakfast.


This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BudgetUnder 1700 Ft
Mid-range1700 Ft2500 Ft
SplurgeOver 2500 Ft


Zugló Lutheran Church



Motor car on track in Hungarian Railway History Park


Cafe and breakfast

Statue in Honor of Bulgarian Gardeners
  • 🌍 Belgian Bakery, XIV, Fogarasi út 156 (Fischer István utca  80 ). M–F 06:00–19:00, Sa Su 07:30–14:30. Bakery and cafe.
  • 🌍 Bóbita Bakery, XIV, Erzsébet Királyné útja 63 (Fűrész utca  5  69 ), . M–F 06:30–19:00, Sa 06:30–13:00. Bakery and cafe.
  • 🌍 Cafe Box, XIV, Csertő park 1 (Vezér utca  82 ), +36 20 500-7650. M–F 07:00–18:00, Sa 08:00–17:00.
  • 🌍 Cafe Cortado, XIV, Nagy Lajos király útja 157-159 (Bosnyák tér  3  7 ). M–Sa 08:00–19:00, Su 08:00–17:00.
  • 🌍 Guns and Coffee, XIV, Thököly út 139 (Amerikai út  7 ), +36 30 621-7353, . M–F 08:00–18:00, Sa 10:00–15:00.

Cafe and confectionery


Statue of Count István Tisza


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetUnder 15,000 Ft
Mid-range15,000 Ft20,000 Ft
SplurgeOver 20,000 Ft



The Northern depot with the turntable in Hungarian Railway History Park



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