< Budapest
South Pest is in Budapest. This article describes Districts XVIII (Pestszentlőrinc–Pestszentimre), XIX (Kispest), XX (Pesterzsébet) and XXIII (Soroksár).
Visitor information
Get in
To Kispest from the center:
- By M3 to 🌍 Határ út.
To Pestszentlőrinc from the center:
- From Határ út M3 by 50 to 🌍 Szarvas csárda tér.
- From Kőbánya–Kispest M3 by S50 to 🌍 Pestszentlőrinc Train Station.
- From Kőbánya–Kispest M3 by 182 , 182A , 184 , 193E , 282E or 284E to Szarvas csárda tér.
- From Blaha Lujza tér M2 by 217E to Szarvas csárda tér (only on weekdays).
To Pestszentimre from the center:
- From Kőbánya–Kispest M3 by S21 to 🌍 Pestszentimre Train Station.
- From Határ út M3 by 84E , 89E , 94E or 294E to 🌍 Pestszentimre vasútállomás.
- From Boráros tér H7 by 54 , 55 or 255E to Pestszentimre vasútállomás.
- From Népliget M3 by 254E to Pestszentimre vasútállomás (only on weekdays).
To Pesterzsébet from the center:
- From Közvágóhíd by H6 to 🌍 Pesterzsébet felső.
- From Határ út M3 by 52 to 🌍 Kossuth Lajos utca.
- From Jászai Mari tér by 2B to Kossuth Lajos utca.
- From Kőbánya–Kispest M3 by S25 to 🌍 Pesterzsébet Train Station.
- From Boráros tér H7 by 223E , 224 or 224E to 🌍 Pesterzsébet, városközpont.
- From Határ út M3 by 66 , 66B or 66E to Pesterzsébet, városközpont.
- From Kőbánya–Kispest M3 by 148 to Pesterzsébet, városközpont.
To Soroksár from the center:
Hősök tere in Soroksár
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Botanical Garden of Soroksár (Soroksári Botanikus Kert), XXIII, Túri István út (Kertészeti Egyetem 166 ), ☏ +36 1 287-2432, botkert@kertk.szie.hu. Mar 24–Nov 23 M–F 08:00–16:00, Sa 09:00–16:00; Nov 24–Mar 23 M–F 08:00–16:00. Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Galéria '13, XXIII, Hősök tere 13 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 1 287-3057, iroda@galeria13.hu. Th F 14:00–18:00. Art gallery. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Local History Museum of Soroksár (Soroksári Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény), XXIII, Szitás utca 105 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 1 287-3057, iroda@galeria13.hu. Only by appointment. Exhibition about the history of lifestyle and industry, wildlife of South Pest, agricultural tools. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Our Lady Roman Catholic Church (Nagyboldogasszony római katolikus templom), XXIII, Hősök tere (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ). (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Swabian Heritage Museum of Soroksár (Soroksári Sváb Tájház), XXIII, Szikes utca 6 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 30 606-2514, snno@ph.soroksar.hu. W 14:00–18:00, Su 10:00–12:00. Exhibition about the lifestyle of Swabian people. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XIX:
- 🌍 Kispest Swimming Pool (Kispesti Uszoda), XIX. Simonyi Zsigmond utca 31 (
: Kőbánya-Kispest station and walk 300 m), ☏ +36 1 2806095, fax: +36 1 2806095, uszoda@kispest.hu. Swimming lessons. Adults with sauna ticket Ft1430, Adult weekdays after 19:00 or after 17:00 on weekends with Sauna ticket Ft1120, Children/3-14 years/Ft760, Youth (with student card) with sauna ticket Ft970, Senior (retired ID card) with sauna ticket Ft970.
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Aranycsitkó Horse Farm, XXIII, Ócsai út (1.5 km walk from Polimer 66 ), ☏ +36 20 969-8555, aranycsitko@gmail.com. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Celeritas Shooting Club, XXIII, Grassalkovich út 294 (Zsellér dűlő 66 ), booking@celeritas-sch.com. M Tu Th F 11:30–15:00. 16000 Ft per person. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Kis Blero Fishing Lake, XXIII, Vecsés út (Telefondűlő út 166 ), ☏ +36 70 420-5832, blero.horgaszto@gmail.com. Tu–Su 06:00–18:00. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Mihály Táncsics Community Center (Táncsics Mihály Művelődési Ház), XXIII, Grassalkovich út 122-124 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 1 286-0262, info@tmh.hu. Ticket office: M Tu Th 14:00–20:00, W 14:00–17:00, F 14:00–18:00. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Nyiharda Horse Farm, XXIII, Szigetdûlõ 2 (Hold utca 66 ), ☏ +36 30 768-5198, nyiharda.lske@gmail.com. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Sári Fedák Theatre (Fedák Sári Színház), XXIII, Hősök tere 21 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 1 409-7249, szervezes@fedakszinhaz.hu. Ticket office: M–F 10:00–21:00. 1900–3300 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 St. Lőrinc Golf Club, XXIII, Szentlőrinci út 19-21 (Dinnyehegyi út 123 ), ☏ +36 1 951-3152, stlorincgolfclub@gmail.com. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Tündérkert, XXIII, Molnár utca 113 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 / Soroksár, Molnár-sziget D14 ), ☏ +36 1 286-0262, info@tmh.hu. 07:00–18:00. Leisure park. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XVIII:
- 🌍 Lőrinc Center, XVIII, Üllői út 661 (Honvéd utca 50 ), ☏ +36 1 428-8020, office@mark-consulting.hu. M–Sa 09:00–20:00, Su 10:00–18:00. Shopping center. Services: supermarket, food bar, clothes store, drug store, bank. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Lőrinc Market, XVIII, Balassa utca 2-10 (Szarvas csárda tér 50 ), ☏ +36 1 297-5225, info@lorincpiac.hu. M Sa 06:00–14:00, Tu–F 06:00–17:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Sallai Center, XVIII, Cziffra György utca 15 (Margó Tivadar utca 198 ). Spar Supermarket: M–F 07:00–21:00, Sa 07:00–20:00, Su 08:00–16:00. Shopping center. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Sárkány Center, XVIII, Gyömrői út 79-83 (Felsőcsatári út 200E ), ☏ +36 30 999-8888, info@sarkany-center.hu. 09:00–18:00. Shopping center. Services: clothes store, shoe store, Asian food, furniture store, indoor playground. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Spar, XVIII, Nemes utca 7 (Pestszentimre vasútállomás S21 ), ☏ +36 20 823-9560, info@spar.hu. M–F 06:30–20:00, Sa 06:30–18:00. Supermarket. (updated May 2019)
In District XIX:
- 🌍 KÖKI Terminál, XIX, Vak Bottyán utca 75 (Kőbánya–Kispest M3 ), ☏ +36 1 919-1333, info@kokiterminal.hu. 06:00–22:00; Tesco Hypermarket: M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 07:00–20:00. Shopping center. Services: hypermarket, DIY store, food bar, cafe, technical store, drug store, clothes store, shoe store, book store, optics, hair salon, pharmacy, bank. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Market of Kispest, XIX, Kossuth tér 10 (Kossuth tér 50 ), ☏ +36 1 282-9486, piac@kispest.hu. M 07:00–17:00, Tu–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Nagykőrösi Street Flea Market (Ecseri Market), XIX, Nagykőrösi út 156 (Naszód utca (Használtcikk piac) 294E ), ☏ +36 1 348-3200, csapi.ig@csapi.hu. M–F 08:00–16:00, Sa 05:00–15:00, Su 08:00–13:00. Budapest's largest flea market. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Shopmark, XIX, Üllői út 201 (Határ út M3 ), ☏ +36 20 823-8645, info@shopmark.hu. M–Sa 09:00–20:00, Su 09:00–18:00; Interspar Hypermarket: M–Sa 07:00–21:00, Su 08:30–19:30. Shopping center. Services: hypermarket, technical store, food bar, cafe, drug store, clothes store, shoe store, optics, pharmacy, bank, post office. (updated May 2019)
In District XX:
- 🌍 Interspar, XX, Széchenyi utca 1 (Pesterzsébet, városközpont 223E 224 / János tér 52 ), ☏ +36 20 823-8076, info@spar.hu. M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 08:30–19:30. Hypermarket. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Market of Pesterzsébet, XX, Kossuth Lajos utca 82 (Tátra tér 224 / Kossuth Lajos utca 52 ), ☏ +36 1 284-2137, piac@integritxx.hu. M 07:00–16:00, Tu–Th 06:00–17:00, F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Príma, XX, Kossuth Lajos utca 33 (Pesterzsébet, városközpont 223E 224 ), ☏ +36 1 289-1090, cbaerzsebet@remizker.hu. M–F 06:30–21:00, Sa 06:30–17:00. Supermarket. (updated May 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Auchan Soroksár, XXIII, Bevásárló utca 2 (Soroksár, Auchan áruház 123 ), toll-free: +36 80 109-010, info@auchan.hu. M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 07:00–20:00. Hypermarket. Services: food bar, cafe, clothes store, shoe store, pharmacy, post office, bank, pet food, hair salon, optics. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Buy-Way, XXIII, Bevásárló utca 4 (Soroksár, IKEA áruház 123 ), ☏ +36 1 225-6600. M–Sa 10:00–20:00, Su 10:00–18:00. Shopping center. Services: technical store, drug store, book store, leisure store, indoor playground. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 CBA, XXIII, Grassalkovich út 256 (Zsellér dűlő 66 ), ☏ +36 30 629-0524, toll-free: +36 80 203-228, ertekesites@cba.hu. M–F 06:30–20:00, Sa 06:30-14:00, Su 07:00-13:00. Supermarket. (updated Feb 2019)
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 1500 Ft |
Mid-range | 1500–1900 Ft |
Splurge | Over 1900 Ft |
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Ételbár-Kifőzde, XXIII, Hősök tere 10. (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 20 484-6776, beppino@t-online.hu. M–F 11:00–15:00. Food bar. 1050 Ft, lunch menu: 850 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Szani Gyros, XXIII, Szent László utca 1. (Pesterzsébet, Pacsirtatelep 2B 52 ), ☏ +36 70 384-4367. M–Sa 09:00–21:00, Su 10:00–21:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 390 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Színes Restaurant, XXIII, Ócsai út 4. (Ócsai úti felüljáró 66 ), ☏ +36 1 286-3206, szinesgolyagyorsetterem@gmail.com. M–F 08:00–16:00. Self-service restaurant. Lunch menu: 990 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Soroksári Kifőzde, XXIII, Grassalkovich út 251 (Zsellér dűlő 66 ), ☏ +36 1 286-0054, kifozdeplusz@gmail.com. M–F 10:00–16:00. Self-service restaurant. 1380 Ft, lunch menu: 1050 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Halas Guszti, XXIII, Vízisport utca 34 (Teremszeg utca 119 ). May–Sep: 11:30–23:00. Open-air bar with fish dishes. 2000 Ft. (updated Jul 2021)
- 🌍 Joe Háza Restaurant and Pizzeria, XXIII, Grassalkovich út 33 (Soroksár felső H6 ), ☏ +36 1 286-3054, joehazaetterem@gmail.com. 11:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1990 Ft, pizza: 1890 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Nocsak Bar, XXIII, Horgász part 66 (Millenniumtelep H6 ), ☏ +36 30 115-9059, nocsakbar@gmail.com. Pizzeria and fast food bar (also fish dishes). 2080 Ft, pizza: 2050 Ft, hamburger: 2490 Ft. (updated Jul 2021)
- 🌍 Sramli Csárda, XXIII, Grassalkovich út 241 (Zsellér dűlő 66 ), ☏ +36 1 286-0037, info@soroksarisramli.hu. 12:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 1900 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Nass Confectionery, XXIII, Hősök tere 8. (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 20 223-6263, zsuzsa.megoldas@gmail.com. Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 NyaliFali, XXIII, Haraszti út 48. (Millenniumtelep H6 ), ☏ +36 70 558-5685. 09:00–21:00. Ice cream shop and cafe. (updated Jul 2021)
- 🌍 Sweetie Shop, XXIII, Újtelep út 6. (Szent László utca 123 224 ), ☏ +36 70 451-9999, sweetieshopinfo@gmail.com. 12:00–20:00. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Pfiszter Hütte, XXIII, Vecsés út 75. (Vecsés út, sorompó 166 ), ☏ +36 70 612-1355. M–Th 14:00–21:00, F Sa 14:00–00:00, Su 14:00–22:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Texas Pub, XXIII, Tartsay utca 52. (Jahn Ferenc Kórház 123 224 ), ☏ +36 30 687-2090, zanap07@gmail.com. M–Th Su 09:00–22:00, F Sa 09:00–23:00. (updated Feb 2019)
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 11000 Ft |
Mid-range | 11000–14000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 14000 Ft |
In District XVIII:
- 🌍 Ráday Guesthouse, XVIII, Ráday Gedeon utca 85 (Csévéző utca 200E ), ☏ +36 1 290-1946, radaypanzio@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 15 rooms. Double room: 8000 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XIX:
- 🌍 Jáde Guesthouse, XIX, Irányi Dániel utca 47 (Wesselényi utca 182 / Kőbánya–Kispest M3 ), ☏ +36 1 281-4256, fax: +36 1 707-4256, jade47@freemail.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 7 rooms. Single room: 4865 Ft, double room: 6485 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Kispest Red Star Hostel (Kispesti Szálló), Vas Gereben utca 2-4 (Villanytelep 50 ), ☏ +36 70 514-1102. 141 rooms. 8000 Ft per person. (updated Aug 2024)
In District XX:
- 🌍 Abszolút Grasham Guesthouse, XX, Nagykőrösi út 37 (Kossuth Lajos utca 54 ), ☏ +36 1 421-5891, absolutepanzio@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 8 rooms. Single room: 7500 Ft, double room: 8500 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Bruda Guesthouse, XX, Köztemető utca 71 (Károly utca 2B 52 ), ☏ +36 20 972-5339, brudapanzio@gmail.com. Check-in: 12:30, check-out: 11:00. 4 rooms. Single room: 6500 Ft, double room: 8500 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Rita Guesthouse, XX, Szent Imre herceg utca 50 (Kossuth Lajos utca 2B 52 ), ☏ +36 1 285-2805, fax: +36 1 999-9665, ritapanzio@gemininet.eu. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. 10 rooms. Single room: 7500 Ft, double room: 9000 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Kárpáti Motel, XXIII, Tartsay utca 50 (Jahn Ferenc Kórház 123 224 ), ☏ +36 70 223-9046, karpatimotel@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 rooms. Double room: 10000 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
In District XIX:
- 🌍 Hunyadi Guesthouse, XIX, Hunyadi út 185–187 (Nagysándor József utca 54 ), ☏ +36 1 282-5489, hunyadipanzio@hunyadipanzio.hu. 18 rooms. Single room: 11200 Ft, double room: 12305 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XX:
- 🌍 Bai Guesthouse, XX, Wesselényi utca 87 (Wesselényi utca 2B 52 ), ☏ +36 1 284-2887, info@baipanzio.hu. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Single room: 9000 Ft, double room: 12000 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Oswaldo Guesthouse, XX, Vörösmarty utca 44 (Vörösmarty utca 2B 52 ), ☏ +36 1 284-4454, hoteloswaldo@yahoo.de. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 20 rooms. Single room: 8900 Ft, double room: 11900 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Panna Guesthouse, XX, Mártírok útja 156-158 (Magyar utca 123 ), ☏ +36 1 285-1390, pannapanzio@pannapanzio.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 22 rooms. Double room: 12600 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XVIII:
- 🌍 Airport Premium Apartments, XVIII, Királyhágó út 57 (Halomi út 182 ), ☏ +36 30 557-3904, airportpremiumapartments@gmail.com. Check-in: 13:30, check-out: 10:30. 9 apartments. Aprartment for one person: 17065 Ft, for two persons: 20075 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Irini Guesthouse, XVIII, Ferenc utca 51 (Tinódi utca 182 ), ☏ +36 1 294-3695, irinipanzio@irinipanzio.hu. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 10:00. 9 rooms. Single room: 13685 Ft, double room: 18285 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XIX:
- 🌍 Hotel Chesscom, XIX, Bartók Béla utca 5 (Kőbánya–Kispest M3 ), ☏ +36 1 280-1713, info@hotelchesscom.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 40 rooms. Single room: 19130 Ft, double room: 23346 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Hotel Sunshine, XIX, Bethlen Gábor utca 31 (Kőbánya–Kispest M3 ), ☏ +36 1 720-7771, hotelsunshinekft@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 28 rooms. Single room: 25910 Ft, double room: 27350 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XX:
- 🌍 Duna Garden Hotel, XX, Vízisport utca 12-18 (Vízisport utca 119 ), ☏ +36 1 287-8250, info@dunagarden.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 21 rooms. Single room: 32350 Ft, double room: 38820 Ft. (updated May 2019)
In District XXIII:
- 🌍 Bestline Hotel, XXIII, Ócsai út 4 (Ócsai úti felüljáró 66 ), ☏ +36 1 289-0999, info@bestlinehotel.hu. 80 rooms. Single room: 14930 Ft, double room: 18105 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Le Rose Hotel, XXIII, Felső Duna sor 1 (Soroksár felső H6 ), ☏ +36 1 289-0104, fax: +36 1 289-0104, info@lerose.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 15 rooms. Single room: 13500 Ft, double room: 19800 Ft. (updated Feb 2019)
- 🌍 Kispest 1 Post Office, XIX, Templom tér 22 (Templom tér 42 ), ☏ +36 1 211-3010, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M 07:30–20:00, Tu–Th 08:00–20:00, F 08:00–19:30, Sa 08:00–12:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Pestszentlőrinc 1 Post Office, XVIII, Üllői út 400 (Baross utca 50 ), ☏ +36 1 290-8885, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa 08:00–14:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Pestszentimre 1 Post Office, XVIII, Nemes utca 10 (Pestszentimre vasútállomás S21 ), ☏ +36 1 294-4563, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–19:00, Sa 08:00–12:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Pesterzsébet 1 Post Office, XX, Nagy Győri István utca 16-18 (Vörösmarty utca 2B 52 ), ☏ +36 1 421-4335, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa 08:00–14:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Soroksár 1 Post Office, XXIII, Grassalkovich út 153 (Soroksár, Hősök tere H6 ), ☏ +36 1 283-0271, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M Tu Th F 08:00–19:00, W 08:00–20:00. (updated Feb 2019)
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