< Budapest

Budapest/North Pest

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North Pest is in Budapest. It is formed by two districts. One of them is Újpest (German: Neu-Pest, English: New Pest), the 4th District in Budapest. The name Újpest means "new Pest" because the city was formed on the border of the city of Pest in 1838. Újpest was a village for six decades until 1907 when it became a town. In 1950, the town was unified with Budapest to form Greater Budapest. The main road #2 leading towards Vác. Northern tip of the 4th District is the newest Budapest bridge, the Megyeri bridge which give a short connection to Budakalász village just off from Óbuda. The other district is the 15th district, where Rákospalota and Pestújhely did not belong to Budapest until 1950. Rákospalota existed as Nyír-Palota in the 13th century. Újpalota was constructed in the 1960s-1970s as a large warren of the 15th district.


Neighborhoods in Újpest

Welcome to Újpest
  • Újpest: the largest part of the district, which gave the name to the 4th District.
  • Megyer.
  • Káposztásmegyer.
  • Istvántelek: a train stop is here. A great agricultural charity institution with an educational model farm (for orphans) was founded here in 1887, by Count István Károlyi (who gave the name to this neighborhood).
  • Székesdűlő.
  • Népsziget island (the northern tip).

Neighbourhoods in 15th District

  • Rákospalota: The largest part of the district, and the oldest area in the district.
  • Pestújhely: It has some churches and small churches.
  • Újpalota: It is the largest warren of the district.

Get in

Újpest Center, Árpád Rd and István Rd intersection

By bus

  • 🌍 Újpest-Városkapu Bus Station (Budapest, Újpest-Városkapu autóbusz-állomás), Balzsam utca (northernmost stop of 'Újpest-városkapu' metro station; also here is the 'Újpest' train stop). Suburban buses terminated here:#300-303 to Vác via Budakeszi, #308-311 to Fót, #312 Nézsa via Penc #313 Püspökszilágy via Vácrátot, #316 Galgamácsa via Fót and Veresegyház, 317 Gödöllő via Fót and Mogyorod, 320 Fót and Mogyorod, #872 Szentendre Bus Station connection to lines #880-889 to Esztergom (from Szentendre) via Leányfalu, Visegrád, #890 Tahitótfalu (31 km, hourly, one hour) via Szentendre, #893 Surány (daily, 1 hr 15 min) via Szentendre (from Szentendre 6-8 per day). Long distance buses: #1010-1012 Salgótarján via Vác, Rétság, Balassagyarmat, Szécsény, #1013 twice a day only to Balassagyarmat via Rétság. - Northern Pest -Vác Area bus lines network map (PDF).

By rail

The Esztergom-Budapest railway line affected the northern border of the district 13th. There are two smaller train stops. Újpest-Városkapu and Budapest-Angyalföld stations could be useful for travel to Óbuda (via Újpest Rail Bridge) or exploring the Danube Bend western part and give some jumping off point to Pilis Mountain for some nice walking tours. Budapest–Vác–Szob and Budapest–Vácrátót–Vác railway lines passed the eastern side of the 4th District, here is two smaller train stops Istvántelek and Rákospalota-Újpest.

  • 🌍 'Újpest, Árpád út' Boat Station (Újpest, Árpád út hajóállomás) ( 'Újpest-városkapu', bus 104, 104A, 196, 204).

By public transport

In the 4th District

Bus #196, Újpest

The north–south (No. 3, marked blue) metro line terminates at Újpest központ station.

Surface public transport lines in Újpest / Káposztásmegyer:

  • Tram 12 and 14.
  • Bus 20E, 25, 30, 30A, 96, 104, 104A, 120, 121, 122E, 126, 147, 170, 196, 196A, 204, 220, 230, 270, 296, 296A
  • Night lines: 914, 914A, 930, 950, 950A, 996, 996A
  • Volánbusz lines (selected): #300 (to Vác), 317 (to Gödöllő passing Mogyoród, Formula One Race Track), 320 (Mogyoród), 872 (Szentendre), 880 (via Szentendre to Esztergom), 882 (via Szentendre to Visegrád), 884 (via Szentendre to Dunabogdány), 889 (via Szentendre to Pilismarót), 890 (via Szentendre to Tahitótfalu, Váci ferry boat pier), 893 (via Szentendre to Surány).
  • Bus 204, 296 use the Megyeri Bridge connecting north Pest with Békásmegyer (3rd District)

In the 15th District

The main route of the 15th district is the Szentmihályi út, it is the busiest road there. The highway M3 passes through the district, at Szerencs utca intersection there is a bus stop for long-distance buses (going to Salgótarján, Hatvan, Gyöngyös, Eger).

Surface public transport lines in Rákospalota / Újpalota / Pestújhely:

  • Tram lines: 12, 62, 62A, 69.
  • Bus lines: 5, 7, 7E, 8E, 25, 46, 96, 104, 104A, 108E, 124, 125, 125B, 130, 133E, 146, 170, 175, 196, 196A, 204, 225, 231, 231B, 270, 277, 296, 296A.
  • Night lines: 950, 950A, 973, 979, 996, 996A.
  • Volánbusz lines (which are not going on the highway M3): 308-309(via Dunakeszi and Fót then back to Budapest), 310-311(reversed 308-309), 313(via Őrbottyán and Vácrátót to Püspökszilágy), 314(via Őrbottyán, Vácrátót and Vácduka to Vác), 315 (via Őrbottyán, Váchartyán to Püspökszilágy), 316(via Őrbottyán, Galgagyörk, Acsa to Bercel or to Nógrádkövesd), 317(from Gödöllő via Mogyoród, Fót to Budapest), 318-319(via Fót and Veresegyháza to Galgamácsa), 320 (via Fót to Mogyoród), 321 (via Hungaroring to Mogyoród)



Újpest Queen of Heavens church. Western facade

This is traditional name of the IV. district. The postal code is H-104X.

Saint Stephen Parish of Újpest-Kertváros
Monument Water Tower, Újpest
  • 🌍 Lutheran Church of Újpest (Újpesti Evangélikus Templom), IV. Lebstück Mária utca 36-38. ( 'Újpest-központ' 500m), +36 20-824-4138, . A modern renaissance, single nave, mid-tower church. Built in 1874, to height of the neighboring houses used bricks. The bell tower is made of iron. Enlarged in 1902. Its present form won in 1911. Entrance faced to the Lebstück Maria St. Inside one of the main sight is the Mauracher organ in 1928.
  • 🌍 Baptist Church of Ujpest (Újpesti Baptista Gyülekezet), IV. Kassai utca 26. ( 'Újpest-központ' 300m), +36 1 272-0433, .
  • 🌍 Újpest-Rákospalota synagogue (Újpest-Rákospalota zsinagóga), IV. Berzeviczy Gergely utca 8. ( 'Újpest-központ' 500m), +36 1 369-0827, . A Neolog Judaism synagogue. The Romantic-style edifice was built in 1866 and holds 1,000 seats. The memorial, which was unveiled by Hungarian President Zoltán Tildy, is a wall with names of the 17,000 Jewish Ujpest residents that were victims of the Holocaust.
  • 🌍 Seventh-day Adventist Church of Ujpest (Hetednapi Adventista Egyház Újpesti Gyülekezete), IV. Kordován tér 10. ( 'Újpest-központ' further Tram 14 to 'Bőröndös utca'), +36 30-664-3282, .
  • 🌍 Mantra Buddhist Community (Mantra buddhista Egyházközség), IV. Szent László tér 7. (Bus 96 to 'Szent László tér'), +36 1 780-3269, +36 20 437-1564, .
  • 🌍 Water Tower (Víztorony), IV. Árpád út, ~187 ( 'Újpest-központ' further bus 104, 104A, 170, 196, 196A, 204, 270 to 'Víztorony'). 24/7 outside. This is a symbol of Ujpest district. Built in 1911-12, by plans of Mihailich Gyozo and Dummerling Odon. The water tower of Ujpest is a 1,500 m³, built by an 'Intze system iron-based pool', that is 15m in diameter. The water tower foundation is a 19 m diameter and 2.40 m thick concrete slab. Bottom of the tower, the main load-bearing section, partly made of a brick wall, and its sizes internal diameter: 9.50 m, Wall thickness: 1.80 m. Free.
  • 🌍 Megyeri Cemetery (Megyeri úti (Újpest) temető), IV. Megyeri út 49. ( 'Újpest-központ' further bus 30, 30A, 230 to 'Megyeri temető'), +36 1 435 6060, . Jan, Feb Oct: 07:30-17:00; Mar: 07:00-17:30; Apr Aug: 07:00-19:00; May-Jul: 07:00-20:00; Sep: 07:00-18:00; Nov-Dec 07:30-17:00. Opened in 1921. The territory former was part of Foti Rd's estate of count Laszlo Karolyi. The traffic is served on the nearby tram line. Today's funeral home was built in the early 1940s. From 1922 worked a horticulture in cemetery. The extra plant materials, above the local needs, used in urban public parks.The horticulture discontinued at the end of the 1980s, but instead was created two parcels traditional burial and cremation. The Central Cross, also known as the Cross of Everyone, is located on the road which lead from the main entrance to the funeral home. Here visitors can make their piety, commemorating their away resting relatives. Tomb of some famous person: Lebstück Mary Hussar lieutenant, a hero of the War of 1848-49: (#26 Parcel), Dr. Gyula Ugró, the first mayor of Újpest (#20 Parcel), Dr. Aladar Semsey Mayor (#22 Parcel), Olivér Halassy, Olympic champion (#22 Parcel), Lajos Mády, pastor of the Reformed Church (Megyeri Rd's crypt row), Celestin Pally, painter (#16 Parcel), Sebestyén Pécsi, organist: (#16 Parcel). The Megyeri cemetery is the fourth largest cemetery in Budapest by size.
  • 🌍 World War I memorial in Újpest (I. világháborús emlékmű Újpesten), IV. Tanoda tér ( 'Újpest-központ' 200 m). 24/7. Free.
Tavern of Megyer, a protected monument building
  • 🌍 Tavern of Megyer (Megyeri Csárda), IV. Váci út 102-104. ( 'Újpest-központ' further Bus 104, 104A, 204 to 'Fóti út'). Protected monument
  • 🌍 Former Wolfner Leather Factory (Wolfner Bőrgyár), IV. József Attila utca 4-8. ( : 'Újpest-Városkapu' 400 m north).
  • 🌍 Courthouse of Újpest district (Újpesti Bíróság), IV. Tavasz utca 21. ( 'Újpest-központ'), +36 1 231 6700.
  • 🌍 Stately (Újpesti) Department Store (Állami Áruház, Újpesti Áruház), István út 10. ( 'Újpest-központ').

District 15

Churches in District 15

Our Lady of Hungary Church in Budapest District XV
  • 🌍 Synagogue of Rákospalota (Rákospalotai zsinagóga), XV..
  • 🌍 Great lutheran church in Rákospalota (Rákospalotai evangélikus nagytemplom), XV..
  • Reformed Church in Rákospalota-Óváros (Rákospalota-óvárosi református templom), XV..
  • 🌍 Reformed church in MÁV-telep (MÁV-telepi Református templom), XV..
  • 🌍 Pestújhely-Újpalota Lutheran Church (Rakospalota evangelikus templom, Pestújhelyi-Újpalotai evangélikus templom), XV. Templom tér 10..
  • Holy Trinity church in Rákospalota (Szentháromság-templom Rákospalotán), XV.. Roman Catholic church
  • 🌍 Our Lady of Hungary church in Budapest District XV (Rákospalotai Magyarok Nagyasszonya főplébániatemplom), XV.. Monument #13946. - Roman Catholic church
  • Roman Catholic church in Pestújhely, XV.. Roman Catholic church
  • Church of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ (Római katolikus templom Újpalotán), XV.. Roman Catholic church

Other sights in District 15

  • 🌍 Rákospalotai Museum (Rákospalotai Helytörténeti Múzeum), XV. Pestújhelyi út 81. (From M 2 Astoria take bus 107 to stop Apolló utca and walk cca. 800m), +36 1 419-8216, . The museum was established in 1960 a protected monument school building. This includes an ethnographic collection and a gallery (include the legacy of the painter, Viktor Madarász). Here held, since 2006, the 'one-day exhibition garden' events, when local fine and applied artists show their works.
  • Town Hall (Városháza), XV. Hubay Jenő tér.
  • The 'skyscraper' of Újpalota (Újpalotai magasház), XV.. a 18 storey building
  • WW I memorial (Első világháborús emlékmű), XV. (Before the Town Hall).
  • 🌍 Monument #16308, XV. Őrjárat utca 1-3..
  • Building complex of Girls' Educational Institute (Rákospalotai Leánynevelő Intézet épületegyüttese), XV. Pozsony utca 36.. Monument #1243


Szent István Square Ice Rink in Újpest
Újpest Cultural Center



  • 🌍 OTP Bank, IV. Erzsébet utca 50. ( 'Újpest-központ' station and walk or further bus 104, 104A, 120, 170, 204, 950, 950A, 996, 996A (one stop) to 'Erzsébet utca'), +36 1 366 6388, fax: +36 1 2312119. M 7:45-18:00 Tu, W, Th 07:45-17:00, F 7:45-16:00. Traded Currencies: USD, EUR. Other units in district 4th and 13th: IV. Árpád út 63-65., # IV. Kordován tér 4., # XIII. Babér utca 9., # XIII. Váci út 23-27., # XIII. Váci út 9-15., # XIII. Tátra utca 10., # XIII. Lehel utca 74-76., # XIII. Pozsonyi út 38., # XIII. Népfürdő utca 22. (Duna Tower).
  • 🌍 MKB Bank (Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank), IV. Árpád út 183−185. ( 'Újpest-központ' station and walk or further bus 104, 104A, 170, 196, 196A, 204, 270, 950, 950A, 996, 996A to stop 'Víztorony'), +36 40 333666, . M-Th 10:00-18:00, F 10:00-17:00. +Other units: XIII. Váci út 178.(Duna Plaza Shopping Centre, first floor 35)., XIII. Dévai utca 23. - General branches M 08:00-17:30, Tu-Th 08:00-16:30, F 08:00-15:00, Central Business branches M-Th 10:00-18:00, F 10:00-17:00.


Újpest Market Hall inside
  • 🌍 Farmers Market of Ujpest (Újpesti Piac), IV. Szent István tér ( 'Újpest-központ' 300m).

Malls and department stores

  • 🌍 Árpád Shopping Center (Árpád Üzletház), IV, Árpád út 112. ( 'Újpest-központ' and walk or further bus 104, 104A, 170, 196, 196A, 204, 270, 950, 950A, 996, 996A to stop 'Árpád üzletház'), +36 1 360 2266. CBA supermarket, Árpád Pharmacy
  • 🌍 Asia Center, XV. Szentmihályi út 167-169. (From 'Keleti pályaudvar' take bus 7, 7E, 8E, 108E, 133E to stop 'Újpalota, Nyírpalota út' and walk 10 min), +36 1 688 8888, fax: +36 1 688 8889, . Daily 10:00–19:00. AsiaCenter operates a representative office in China to support its project of the China Brand Trade Center. General services: Free access for disabled persons and free parking, air-conditioning, security service, information desks, restaurants, cafés, bank, money exchange booths, airline ticket office and car rental services in house.
  • 🌍 Pólus Center, XV. Szentmihályi út 131. (From 'Keleti pályaudvar' take bus 7, 7E, 8E, 108E, 133E to stop 'Újpalota, Nyírpalota út' and walk 10 min), +36 1 4152134, +36 1 415 2114 (Information), . Stores: Daily 10:00 to 20:00; restaurants, movie theater: Su-Th 10:00-24:00, F Sa 10:00-02:00; ice rink: daily 09:00-23:00, Tesco Hypermarket 24/7. 149 stores, 23 restaurants and cafes, 18 service units, five entertainment place (5D movie, playground, sport center).


Christhmas trees sale at Újpest Market Hall
  • 🌍 CBA Supermarket, IV. István utca ( 'Újpest-központ' 150 m).
  • 🌍 Real (Reál élelmiszer), IV. Szilágyi út 1. (T: 37 507020) (Near to Rákospalota-Újpest train station, 'Újpest-központ' further tram 12, 14 to stop 'Rákospalota-Újpest vasútállomás'), . Daily. Discount store chain. More unit in district 13th: : XIII. Jászai Mari tér 5. (T: +36 20 9424630), Szent István körút 6. (T: +36 1 4763685, +36 1 4763686), Gömb utca 2/a. (T: +36 1 2370235), Fiastyúk utca 61. (T: +36 70 6328365).
  • 🌍 Penny Market (Penny Market diszkontáruház), XV. Régi Fóti út 66-68. (Bus 5, 96, 124, 296, 296A to stop 'Illyés Gyula utca' or bus 196, 196A, 225, 231, 231B to stop 'Szentmihályi út'), +36 29 339345, . M-Sa 07:00-22:00, Su 07:00-21:00. Discount store chain. More unit:X. Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 42. (M-Sa 07:00-21:00, Su 07:00-20:00, X. Sibrik Miklós út 23. (M-Sa 07:00-21:00, Su 07:00-20:00), XIV. Füredi utca 37. (M-Sa 07:00-22:00, Su 07:00-21:00), XVIII. Margó Tivadar utca 31.(M-Sa 07:00-22:00, Su 07:00-21:00), XIX. Ady Endre út 32-40. (M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-20:00), XX. Topánka utca 7. (M-Sa 06:00-22:00, Su 07:00-20:00), XXI. Kossuth Lajos utca 69. (M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-20:00).

Other stores

  • 🌍 Baumax store (Baumax barkácsáruház), IV. Váci út 60-62. (Next to Tesco Graham). M-Sa 07:00-20.00, Su 08.00-18.00. Garden Centre, Paint Mixing Centre, Carpet Center, Building Material Centre more units- XVII. Pesti út 2 (M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 08:00-18:00), - XVIII. Üllői út 661. (M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 08:00-18:00), - XXI. Csepel, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 277. (M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 08:00-18:00)


  • 🌍 Tesco hypermarket (Tesco hipermarket), IV. Garam utca 3. ( 'Újpest-városkapu'), +36 20 8270000. daily 06:00-22:00. Services: Wi-Fi, Credit card payment, ATMs, meat countertop, fresh bakery products, F & F clothing department, gift package making and packaging, free parking, home delivery.



  • 🌍 Bambi Ice Cream (Bambi fagyizó), IV. Berda József utca 50-54. ( 'Újpest-központ' further tram: 14 to Tél utca), +36 30 566-5364. Daily 10:00-20:00.
  • 🌍 Vadgesztenye Confectionary (Vadgesztenye Cukrászda), IV. Telkes utca 14. (Telkes utca 14 and Vadgesztenye utca corner. - 'Újpest-központ' further bus 220 to 'Nádor utca' or 'Bucka utca'), +36 1 233 1380. M-F 11:00-19:00, Sa Su 10:00-19:00.


This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BudgetUnder Ft2000
SplurgeAbove Ft3500


Újpest Town Hall. Main entrance.
  • 🌍 Central Bistro (Központ Bisztró), IV. Szent István tér 1. ( 'Újpest-központ' 400 m), +36 20 912 7596. M-F 12:00-22:00, Sa Su 12:00-24:00.
  • Csupa Csibe Chicken (Csupa Csibe Csirke-Falatozó), IV. Árpád út 98. ( 'Újpest-központ' 300 m east), +36 70 645 8085. M-F 10:00-17:00. Delivery available. Fried chicken 220-350 Ft per 100 g.



  • 🌍 Hotel Karin, IV. Fóti út 75. (8 km N of centre. From Újpest-Központ metro station take bus 30, 30A, 147 or 230 to 'Baross utca / Fóti út' stop), +36 1 370 4731, fax: +36 1 231 0146, +36 1 231 0147, . 3-star with 20 a/c, dbl. rooms. With restaurant & pizzeria. sgl/dbl/tpl from €52/57/64.


  • 🌍 Arany Horgony Pharmacy (Arany Horgony Gyógyszertár), IV. Pozsonyi utca 19. ( 'Újpest-központ' and tram 12, 14 to 'Tél utca / Pozsonyi utca'), +36 1 389-4079. M-F 08:00-20:00, Sa 8:00-13:00. Újpest district signed Pharmacy for 24/7 'on duty'.
  • Újpesti 0-24 Pharmacy (Gyógyszertár), IV, 1047, Attila utca 12-18 B épület földszint 4. +36 1 426 4378


Post offices

  • Post Office (Posta), IV. István út 18.
  • Post Office (Posta), IV. Árpád út 112.


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