< Budapest


district in Budapest

Kőbánya (literally: Quarry, German: Steinbruch) is the official name of the 10th district of Budapest. In the north-west corner is a large public park called Népliget (People's Park).


The Kőbánya area was historically used to mine limestone for buildings in Buda and north-west Hungary. A third of the economy in Kőbánya was in wine-making, until the vineyards were destroyed by the Phylloxera disease at the end of the 19th century. A building which exemplifies the historical heritage of Kőbánya is the "Csősztorony" (a small vineyard watchtower) in the middle of the Óhegy area. The district recovered when beer-making enterprises moved into the area.

Get in

To Kőbánya from the center:

  • From Blaha Lujza tér  M2  by  28  or  62  to 🌍 Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás.
  • From Ecseri út  M3  by  3  to Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás.
  • From Nyugati pályaudvar  M3  by  S21 ,  S50  or  Z50  to 🌍 Kőbánya alsó Train Station.
  • From Keleti pályaudvar  M2  M4  by  G60 ,  S60 ,  Z60  or  S80  to 🌍 Kőbánya felső Train Station.
  • From Kálvin tér  M3  M4  by  9  to Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás.

Public transport map of Kőbánya.



Dreher Beer Museum
  • 🌍 Central Museum of Disaster Management (Katasztrófavédelem Központi Múzeuma), X, Martinovics tér 12 (Kápolna tér  95 ), +36 1 261-3586, . M–Th 07:30–16:00, F 07:30–14:00, Sa 08:30–16:00. An exhibition on firefighting and the presentation of firefighters' equipment and activities. It was opened in 1955. Free entrance.
  • 🌍 Local History Collection of Kőbánya (Kőbányai Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény), X, Füzér utca 32 (Szent László tér  28 ), +36 1 260-9959, . Tu W 10:00–14:00, Th 14:00–18:00, Sa 09:00–13:00. The exhibition basically consists of two major thematic units, which follows the life of Kőbánya from the 1840s until the 20th century. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft.
  • 🌍 Dreher Beer Museum (Dreher Sörmúzeum), X, Jászberényi út 7-11 (Sörgyár  28 ), toll-free: +36 80 373-437, . M–Th 09:00–16:00, F 09:00–14:00. The building complex is a monument. Dreher Breweries Ltd. products made here. Local favourites such the characteristic Dreher Classic, the dark beer specialty Dreher Bak, and the non-alcoholic Dreher 24. smooth-tasting pale beer Arany Ászok, which is available in non-alcoholic version too. The newest member of the brand is Arany Ászok Semi-dark beer. The Kőbányai represents quality in the economy segment. Only for adults! Adult: 1000 Ft; senior, student: 500 Ft.
  • 🌍 Polish Museum (Lengyel Múzeum), X, Állomás utca 10 (Szent László tér  28 ), +36 1 260-8023, . Tu–Th 10:00–16:00, F 10:00–14:00, Sa 09:00–14.00. There is an exhibition on the history of Hungarian-Polish relations in the past centuries.

Historical buildings

  • 🌍 Csősztorony, X, Harmat utca 31 (Csősztorony  85 ). This monument preserves the memory of a former flourishing vineyards. A Romantic, free-standing stage building includes the guard house. Built in 1844, based on Lőrinc Zofahl and Ferenc Brein plans.
  • 🌍 Villa Havas (Havas-villa), X, Halom utca 42 (Kápolna tér  95 ). Only from outside. A monument building. A single-storey neo-classical mansion built in the 1830s.
  • 🌍 Globus Cannery (Globus Konzervgyár), X, Maglódi út 47 (Kocka utca  28 ). The factory was originally built as a brewery in 1912, in which the Budapest Brewery operated. It was bought by Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt. in 1943. Later it became part of today's Globus Konzervipari Rt. Production ceased in 2009 when Globus sold its trademarks to a Czech company and closed the plant.
  • 🌍 Saint Ladislaus High School (Szent László Gimnázium), X, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 28-34 (Ónódi utca  28 ). The school’s building was designed by the renowned Hungarian architect Ödön Lechner, and has been in use since 1915.
  • 🌍 Town Hall (Városháza), X, Szent László tér 29 (Szent László tér  28 ).

Churches and cemeteries

Saint Ladislaus Roman Catholic Church
  • 🌍 Saint Ladislaus Roman Catholic Church (Szent László római katolikus plébániatemplom), X, Szent László tér (Szent László tér  28 ). Built in 1899, based on Ödön Lechner plans. Located in the centre of Kőbánya. This beautiful Catholic church built in late 19th century Eclectic-Art Nouveau style, dedicated to knight-king Saint Ladislaus. It has a very tall bell-tower and the church's roof is covered in patented colorful Zsolnay "eozenic" porcelain tiles which were designed by Ignác Oppenheimer.
  • 🌍 Conti Chapel (Conti-kápolna), X, Kápolna tér (Kápolna tér  95 ). Built in 1740 by Krisztina Drenker to commemorate her family was saved the cholera epidemic. The chapel is pure Baroque. There is a front tower (called "gate tower") with rectangular stone roof and with the apostolic cross on the spire.
  • 🌍 Synagogue (Zsinagóga), X, Cserkesz utca 7-9. (Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás  28 ), +36 1 431-9792, . It was designed by architect Richárd Schöntheil in 1907. Placing of the foundation stone is happened in September 1909. Antal Sorg master builder led the large-scale construction. At fall 1910 the main ceremonial worship was here. The official opening took place just in 1911. The Everyone Temple Community of the Evangelical Pentecostal Fellowship was purchased in 1989.
  • 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), X, Ihász utca 15 (Ihász utca  217 ), +36 1 261-2205, . Built in 1900. The furniture made in 1905.
  • 🌍 Lutheran Church (Evangélikus templom), X, Kápolna utca 14 (Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás  28 ), +36 1 952-0999, . Built in 1931.
  • 🌍 Polish Church (Lengyel nemzetiségi templom), X, Óhegy utca 11 (Óhegy park  95 ). The church and the next building the Polish poorhouse built in 1907, donated by Polish and Polish American Catholics, according the plans of Aladár Árkay. Consecrated in 1930.
  • 🌍 New Public Cemetery (Új köztemető), X, Kozma utca 8-10 (Új köztemető  28 ), +36 1 433-7356, . Oct–Mar: 07:30–17:00; Apr Aug: 07:00–19:00; May–Jul: 07:00–20:00; Sep: 07:00–18:00. One of the largest cemetery in Europe with 3 million burials. Opened in mid 1886.
  • 🌍 Jewish Cemetery (Izraelita temető), X, Kozma utca 6 (Izraelita temető  28 ), +36 1 262-4687. Apr–Oct: M–F Su 08:00–16:00; Nov–Mar: M–F Su 08:00–15:00. One of the largest Jewish cemetery in Europe, is well known for its unusual monuments and mausoleums. Unusually for a Jewish cemetery, these include sculpted human figures and elaborate mausoleums in a variety of styles, most notably several mausoleums in the Art Nouveau or Jugendstil style.



Grandstand of the gallop racetrack in Kincsem Park


Göcsej relief in People's Park
  • 🌍 People's Park (Népliget), X (Népliget  M3 ). 24 hours daily. This is the biggest public park in Budapest. It was established in 1868 on request of József Ilenczfalvi Sárkány city councillor. The park was designed in the 1860s. In 1870, sycamore, linden, American Ash and maple trees were planted. At the time Népliget used mostly the member of the working class, and the wealthier citizens rather visited the City Park (Városliget). In 1942, the park reached its present size. In 1973, formed the Centennial Park, which is a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the unification by Pest, Buda and Óbuda, of Budapest. Now there are 112 hectares (280 acres) trees, flowers and lawn furniture inside walkways, statues and monuments. Free to visit.
  • 🌍 Bányató Park, X (Mélytó utca  85 ). Located in Újhegy housing estate. Here was the brickyard area of the former brick factory of Guttmann. Mine lakes have evolved. In 1977, two of three mine lakas was filling and a park created. The third one is a small but very deep fishing lake. The outdoor brick presentation is one of the local historical curiosities of a park.
  • 🌍 Óhegy Park, X (Óhegy park  95 ). Until 19th century here were big vineyards. After that used for quarrying, resulted a complex underground tunnel system. In 1965 began the area to be uploading, and recultivating to a park. There is also a playground and a small arboretum. Free to visit.
  • 🌍 Tchaikovsky Park (Csajkovszkij park), X (Kápolna tér  95 ). This was originally a private park of Dreher Mansion. Received its present name in 1963, after Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Here is located the geometric center of Budapest. In the park you can see the statue of Tchaikovsky (by: Zsigmond Kisfaludy Strobl), Chopin (by: János Konyorcsik), and Berlioz (by: László Hűvös). Free to visit.
  • 🌍 Sport Park (Sportliget), X (Újhegyi út, Sportliget  68 ). A large garden with playground. Used for Family Days and other events.
  • 🌍 Pirate Cave (Kalózbarlang), X, Fehér út 10 (Fehér úti ipari park  3 ), +36 70 226-4236, . M–Th 13:15–21:30, F–Su 09:45–21:30. Escape game. 6000 Ft per person.
  • 🌍 Rage Room Budapest, X, Kozma utca 7 (Új köztemető (Kozma utca)  28 ), +36 20 555-0111, . Destroying objects within a room. 19,990 Ft55,000 Ft.


Statue of Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos (Hungarian lyricist) in People's Park


  • 🌍 Hungexpo (Budapesti Vásárközpont), X, Albertirsai út 10 (III. kapu  10 ), +36 1 263-6000, . This is the venue of many exhibitions, fairs and congress all the year. For example Travel exhibition, automobil and tuning show, furnishings and design show.
  • Saint Ladislaus Days (Szent László napok). In June.
  • Blues Festival. In August.


Conti Chapel
  • 🌍 Árkád, X, Örs vezér tere 25/a (Örs vezér tere  M2 ), +36 1 433-1400, . M–Sa 10:00–21:00, Su 10:00–19:00; Interspar Hypermarket: M–Th Sa 07:00–21:00, F 07:00–22:00, Su 08:30–19:00. Shopping center. Services: hypermarket, food bar, cafe, technical store, furniture store, clothes store, shoe store, book store, drug store, hair salon, optics, bank.
  • 🌍 Auchan, X, Gyömrői út 99 (Újhegyi út  98 ), toll-free: +36 80 109-010. M–Sa 06:00–21:00, Su 08:00–20:00. Hypermarket.
  • 🌍 Cédrus Market Hall, X, Fehér út 3 (Örs vezér tere  M2 ), +36 1 205-3082, . M–F 06:00–18.00, Sa 06:00–14:00; Fini Bistro: M–Th 12:00–16:00, F 12:00–15:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery, food bar. Average meal in the food bar: 1690 Ft.
  • 🌍 Family Center, X, Sibrik Miklós út 30 (Gőzmozdony utca  85 ), +36 20 823-8226 (hypermarket), +36 70 290-2131 (restaurant and pizzeria). Interspar Hypermarket: M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 08:30–19:30; Yes Pizza: 11:00–22:30; Cukikávé Cafe: M–Sa 10:00–19:00, Su 10:00–17:00. Shopping center. Services: hypermarket, restaurant and pizzeria, confectionery and cafe. Average meal in the restaurant: 2090 Ft, pizza: 1800 Ft, hamburger: 1290 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft.
  • 🌍 Kőbánya Bazaar, X, Maglódi út 16 (Venyige utca  28 ). M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa Su 07:00–16:00. Market for clothes.
  • 🌍 Napsugár Small Farmer's Market, X, Szent László tér 7-14 (Szent László tér  28 ), +36 70 411-8896, . F 07:00–16:00.
  • 🌍 Park Plazza, X, Kerepesi út 73 (Rákosfalva  H8  H9 ), +36 1 261-2697, . Spar Supermarket: M–F 07:00–21:30, Sa 07:00–18:00, Su 08:00–15:00. Shopping center. Services: supermarket, furniture store, drug store, pharmacy, post office.
  • 🌍 Spar, X, Liget tér 5 (Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás  28 ), +36 20 823-7758, . M–F 07:00–21:00, Sa 07:00–17:00, Su 08:00–15:00. Supermarket.


This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BudgetUnder 1600 Ft
Mid-range1600 Ft2200 Ft
SplurgeOver 2200 Ft


Globus Cannery






Mortuary of the Jewish Cemetery


Reformed Church

Bars and nightclubs


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetUnder 16,000 Ft
Mid-range16,000 Ft21,000 Ft
SplurgeOver 21,000 Ft


Schmidl Mausoleum in the Jewish Cemetery



Gries Mausoleum in the Jewish Cemetery
  • 🌍 Achat Premium Hotel, X, Hungária körút 5 (Hidegkuti Nándor Stadion  1 ), +36 1434 66-00, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 4-star with 134 rooms, all a/c. Five maisonette suites and Business and Superior rooms. Cosy "Bistrorante" with outdoor terrace offers Hungarian and international cuisine. Also lobby bar. Single room: 37,620 Ft, double room: 40,540 Ft.
  • 🌍 Expo Congress Hotel, X, Expo tér 2 (Vásárközpont, főbejárat  10 ), +36 1 263-6800, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Modern 4 star hotel. Rooms: Standard 120, Superior 36, Disabled Access Rooms: 4. All rooms with LCD TV, Laptop Safe, Free Wireless Internet Access, a/c, Minibar, Large shower or bath. Free breakfast & parking. Double room: 32,080 Ft.
  • 🌍 Pest Inn, X, Zágrábi utca 1-3 (Ecseri út  M3 ), +36 1 262-8974, fax: +36 1 262-8977, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 74 standard, 4 superior rooms. Single room: 19,500 Ft, double room: 23,500 Ft.


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