< Budapest


district in Budapest

Angyalföld (German: Engelsfeld; literally: "Angel's Field") in the 13th district in Budapest. In the early 20th century, this area was a slum. Until the 1950s it was a part of the 7th District. Then housing estates with mostly 11-floor buildings were built. The traditionally working class neighbourhood in the northern and eastern part went through a process of gentrification due to the shopping centre/office-building boom of the 1990s. Almost at same time starting a luxury estate boom, thousands of apartments were built along the Danube River.


Neighbourhoods in Angyalföld

  • Angyalföld. The largest part of the district, which give the name the entire district 13th.
  • Erdőtelkek (Forest's plots). Until the 1900s it was used by military, a part was covered with small forests to now disappeared, sports grounds a couple of which are still there. Before World War II, the Angyalföldi mental asylum was built, which is now the Nyiro Gyula Hospital. In the 1910s, some 4- to 5-storey buildings with small apartments were built to house workers. In the 1989s in 4-5 storey buildings, after World War II, some housing estate were built. These 11-floor buildings were made of concrete blocks. It was the main urban housing type in the Socialist-era, which still dominates some part of the Hungarian cityscape.
  • Felsőbikarét (older name of its was Tripolis), before World War I it was nicknamed the 'Hungarian Chicago' because it was very unsafe. Mostly old houses destroyed in 1970s when new panel houses built in place. Even so you can see a couple 'Tripolis' era houses. The Roman Catholic church in Babér street (St. Michael's Parish) was also built then.
  • Kikötő-dűlő (here is the Duna Plaza, Hungary's first shopping mall).
  • Lőportárdűlő (gunpowder storage place, because until the beginning of the 20th century, it was used entirely for military purposes).
  • Újlipótváros (characterized by 5-6 floors, built mostly in the 1920s and 30s houses with internal courtyard).
  • Vizafogó (here is the Dagály bath, best known for housing estate but there area lot of apartment houses from the early 20th century).
  • Margit-sziget (Margaret Island, here does not live permanent population, a relaxing place. Public park, open air bath and swimming pool, hotel, small zoo medieval church ruin and other tourist sights can be found).
  • Népsziget (see more at geography chapter).

Geography sights

  • People's Island (Népsziget) was an island on Danube. Now, after created the Winter Harbor, it is a peninsula. The area of it is more than 28 hectares. Former was here a shipbuilding yard some remnant still can be see. Now there are boathouses, resorts of different companies was lined up. At the north end of the peninsula is the Northern Railways bridge. It is a paradise all whose like watersports. Also at weekend and holiday time lot of sport anglers try the luck here.
  • Winter Harbor (Téli Kikötő) created in the 1830s, linked the People's Island with Pest.
  • FOKA Bay (FOKA-öböl). This artificial bay in the 13th District south of the Újpest Bay. Made by the result of a gravel mining.
  • Rákos Creek (Rákos-patak), here (13th District) flows into the Danube River

Get in

The main, north-south direction, route of the 13th District is the Váci út. Along this the Metro 3 suburban rail operates.

Surface public transport lines in Angyalföld:

  • Trolleybus lines: 75, 76 and 79.
  • Tram lines: 1, 1A and 14.
  • Bus lines: 15, 20E, 26, 30, 30A, 32, 34, 105, 106, 120 and 133.
  • Night lines: 901, 914, 914A, 937, 950 and 950A.
  • The City Boats stopped at pier 'Jászai Mari tér (Margaret Bridge)', 'Margaret Island Centennial Memorial', 'Dráva utca', 'Margaret Island, hotels ', 'Népfürdő utca (Árpád bridge)' and 'Meder utca'.

Get around

Dózsa György út and Róbert Károly körút functioning as outer and great circle roads. These two roads serving connection with East Pest and, via Árpád Bridge, with Óbuda.

  • Parking. Most of the 13th District on weekday daytime parking fees must be paid. Thera are also some parking garages.
  • The parking fee in public place in the 4th District is Ft175 per hour, in district 13th Ft265 and Ft440 per hour (2013). See zone map here.
  • Újpest parking IV. kerület Árpád út and Rózsa utca corner, 24/7 guarded.
  • Bicycle roads in 13th District are relatively well-established, albeit (some part) at a very dilapidated condition. Six main lines crossing the district. Three north-south and east-west directions. See on the map here.

Special transports

  • 🌍 Bringo Rental (Bringóhintó, Bringóvár), Margaret Island, Hajós Alfréd sétány 1, +36 1 329 3953. 08:00-sunset. Electric car and electric scooter renting also possible at Centennial Memorial and/or Thermal Hotel. Read more in See chapter. Rentals (0.5 hour/1 hour): Bringo chariot (for up to 3 adults and 2 children) Ft2180/3480; Family Tandem (for up to six adults and two children) Ft3280/4980; Electric Bringo chariot (for up to three adults and two children), Ft3280/4980, Picikli and tiny Bringo chariot (for two children) Ft1280/2180, electrical roller or Small electric motorbike (for one child) or Bringo electric chariot (for up to 2 children) all three for same price Ft2180/3480, Electric car (for up to 2 children) Ft2180/3480, bicycle Ft690/990 (for each additional hour extra Ft200), rental fee for the whole day: Ft2800/bike.
  • 🌍 Horse-drawn chariot (Lovas hintó), Margaret Island (stations in two locations). Guided tour or joyride. Rental.
  • 🌍 Small train (Margitszigeti Sétajárat, Kisvonat), Margaret Island, +36 30 932-7219, fax: +36 1 370-4508, . Apr-Oct daily 09:00-17:00. Guided tour. Diesel train with three cars max. capacity 48 pax. Adult Ft1200, age 2-10 years Ft750, full train rental Ft25000 per hour.
  • 🌍 Theater Boat Service to the Margaret Island, Margaret Island, +36 1 4844013, +36 1 301-0147 (Szabad Tér Ticket Office). May-Aug: Daily departures; Sep: Sa Su only. Start from Vigadó square (downtown) passing M2 Batthyány square Tickets can be bought at the ticket office of Szabad Tér Színház, VI. Nagymezo utca 68., Tel. +36-1 301-0147, M-F 09:00–17:00, online ticket sales and timetable.
  • 🌍 Sétacikli (lit. Walking cycle), Margaret Island (two locations: #1 west of the Water Tower, mid part of the Island; #2 before Athletics Centre, south part of the island), +36 30 9666453, +36 30 6511516. Rental vehicles (0.5 hours/1 hour): child car (for one or two children) Ft1200/1800, adult car (three or four wheels, for two person) Ft1400/2400, double car (four adults) Ft2000/3000, family car (for two adults and two children) Ft1800/2800, simple bike tF500/700.



Lady of Mount Carmel church and monastery

Angyalföld (lit. Place of Angel) is traditional name of the 13th District. Since 2013 Margaret Island has been a part of Angyalföld. Its neighborhoods are Angyalföld, Újlipótváros, and Vizafogó. The southern part of Újlipótváros was built in around 1900, the architecture is a major tourist attraction in the area.

  • 🌍 Church of Saint Margaret of Hungary (Árpád-házi Szent Margit-templom, Lehel téri templom), XIII. Lehel tér 1 / Váci út 34 ( : Lehel tér station), +36 20 7753462, . Commonly called as Lehel church. Built in 1933. In it took up the name of Margaret, after canonization.
  • 🌍 Lady of Mount Carmel church and monastery (Kármelhegyi Boldogasszony kármelita templom és rendház), XIII. Huba utca 12 ( : Dózsa György út 300 m), +36 1 3408109, . Masses M-Sa 07:00, 18:00, Su 9:00, 10:30, 18:00. Every day: 16:50, 17:30. The monastery and chapel designed by the main architect of Budapest in 1895. The consecration was held in 1896. The church was inaugurated on 15 October 1899, at which Emperor Franz Joseph I also participated. A local master all bricklayer and stonemason work undertaken. The main altar depicts Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Hu:Kármelhegyi Boldogasszony) as submit to St. Simon, the shoulder dress, the Scapulary. The side altars show Heart of Jesus, Saint Anthony of Padua, Our Lady of Sorrows, Saint Stephen, Saint Teresa of Avila, St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus of Prague and Thérèse of Lisieux.
  • 🌍 Angyalföldi St. Ladislaus Parish Church (Angyalföldi Szent László-plébániatemplom), XIII. Béke tér 1/a (From : Lehel tér take tram 14 to Béke tér), +36 1 3400666, . Masses M-W 07:30, W-Sa 18:00, Su 07:30, 09:00, 10:30 and 18:00. Built in Gothic-style. A Latin cross plan, three-nave church with a semicircular apse. It has a main tower with two smaller ones and also a Hussar tower. The bronze Stations of the Cross images made by a local artist. The pulpit was made of Rușchița marble (Caraș-Severin County, Romania). The three-manual organ made in 1942, by the Rákosfalva's (a district of Budapest/East_Pest) Rieger company. The jewel of interior is three triptych, which were made between 1939-1942, C. Paul Molnar works. The main altar paintings depicting scenes from the life of Saint Ladislaus.
  • 🌍 Parish Church of the help of Mary Christians (Külsőangyalföldi Mária Keresztények Segítsége plébániatemplom), XIII. Rokolya u. 28 (From : Keleti pályaudvar take bus 30, 30A, 230 to stop Rokolya utca). Built in 1943, the bell tower just in 1946.
  • 🌍 St. Augustine's Chapel (Szent Ágoston-kápolna), XIII. Pozsonyi út 14. (D11, D12 'Jászai Mari tér (Margit híd)' pier, or tram 4, 6 to 'Jászai Mari tér'). 1950
  • 🌍 Reformed Church of the Budapest-Angyalföldi Congregation (Budapest-Angyalföldi Református Egyházközség temploma), XIII. Frangepán u. 43 ( : Lehel tér further tram 14 to Frangepán utca or Take Metro line 3 to stop Árpád híd further bus 120, 32; or take tram 14 to stop Frangepán Street (corner of Béke St and Frangepán St.) walk 2 min or take bus 120 to stop Petneházy Street (corner Röppentyű St and Petneházy St) further walk 2 min or take bus 32 to stop Fay Street (corner Röppentyű St and Fay St) walk 2 min), +36 1 3508659, fax: +36 1 3508659, . Worship every Su at 10:00. If the church closed ask the key for Clergyman's office: M 14:00-17:00, W 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00, F 09:00-12:00. The congregation was founded in 1911 as a mission parish. The church was built between 1927 and 1933 by the plans of two local architects. A 490-kg bell can be find on the tower. The two-manual organ has sixteen register, try to enjoy an organ mass. Free of charge.
  • 🌍 Reformed Church at the Pozsonyi road (Church of “Thanksgiving”, Pozsonyi úti református templom), XIII. Pozsonyi út 58 (Bus 15, 115 to stop Gogol utca. The church is accessible trolley bus #75, #76 Metro Line 3: Lehel Square further on foot along the Gogol street to Pozsonyi Rd) or 4 and 6 tram #4, 6 to Jászai Mari Square further foot or take trolley #75).), +36 1 3294062, . Office: M F 10:00-12:00, M W F 17:00-18:00. This Protestant church was consecrated in 1940. Here, in Pozsonyi Road Cultural Centre, various events are held.
Angyalföld Lutheran church
  • 🌍 Angyalföld Lutheran church (Angyalföldi evangélikus templom), XIII. Kassák Lajos u. 22 (Walking distance from : 'Dózsa György út' or M3: 'Lehel tér'. Close to Taksony St corner), +36 1 3208207, +36 20 824-4138, . Worship: Su 10:00. Lutheran Church of the Budapest-Angyalföldi Congregation stay on the Angyalfold Kassák street since 1938. The Second World War brought massive destruction. After the war finished church bell is now the largest Protestant bell on the Pest side. The gray-colored church shows classicist elements. The facade facing toward Kassák street is square-shaped, with little decoration, the entrance is in the middle of it, a small circular window can be see both sides of the gate. Above the entrance is a semi-circular window. The facade crowned by a pediment in the middle of its a circular window and with stone garland decoration .
  • 🌍 Former Arena synagogue (Aréna úti zsinagóga), XIII. Dózsa György út, 55. (From : Hősők ter take trolley 75, 79 to stop Kassák Lajos utca), . Former Dózsa György road was called Aréna road, for this reason the name Arena. Built in 1909. Today here is the fencing hall of the Budapest Honved Sport Club.
  • 🌍 Hegedűs Gyula Street's Synagogue (Hegedűs Gyula utcai zsinagóga), XIII. Hegedűs Gyula utca, 3. (From : Gyöngyösi utca take bus 15 or From : Árpád híd take bus 115 both to stop Szent István körút), +36 1 349-3120. Built in 1911, based on the plans of Béla Vajda. In 1927 Baumhorn`s Leopold, a famous synagogue architect, expanded the church.
  • 🌍 Visegrad Street's Synagogue (Visegrádi utcai zsinagóga), XIII. Visegrádi utca 3 ( : Nyugati pályaudvar). At the end of 1940s, a former large apartment, transformed into a prayer house. It has been renovated; its main attraction is the lavishly decorated Aron HaKodesh (Torah ark). The main sights of prayer room: the Torah Cabinet, painted with white-gold-blue semicircle decorated with radial motifs, and the framed stone slabs above the Cabinet
  • Kingdom Hall (Királyság-terem). - A five-level religious complex. Built for the local Jehovah's Witnesses community
  • 🌍 National Center of the Hungarian Islamic Community (Magyar Iszlám Közösség országos központja), XIII. Róbert Károly körút 104. (take bus 20E, 30, 30A, 230, or tram 1 to stop Vágány utca / Róbert Károly körút).
St. Michael's Parish Church
  • 🌍 St. Michael's Parish Church (Külső Váci úti Szent Mihály-plébániatemplom), XIII. Babér u. 17/b. (from : Árpád híd bus 120 to Fiastyúk utca), +36 1 350 6371, . Services at 09:00, 10:30, and 18:30; the Holy Mass at 07:00 from second half of June will be held. Built in neo-Roman style sacrified in 1930. The painted glass windows of the church are show the most famous Hungarian saints. The two side altars made honor to Heart of Jesus and the Virgin Mary's. The glory of Jesus Christ can be seen on the apse fresco. The Lamb is shown above the altar on the coffered ceiling. The colored pieces of glass of organ loft show historical coat of arms surrounded the capital city coat of arms. The celebrating sacred altar decorated with Ambo (a raised stand) and enamel plate cross.The top light symbolizes the intertwined triple circle of the Holy Trinity. The light refers to the sacrament of baptism. The main altarpiece is an enamel picture, which depicts the three main angels. In the sacristy stay the original wood altar (1920s). August 15, 1995 consecrated urn cemetery under the church. Free of charge.
  • 🌍 Ferenc Koka collection (Kóka Ferenc Gyűjteménye), XIII. Visegrádi utca 6. ( : Nyugati pályaudvar station. Bus 15, 115 to stop 'Szent István körút'), +36 1 3293596. Daily 15:00-19:00. exhibition about the permanent collection of Ferenc Koka- paintings, pastels, drawings
  • 🌍 Danube Gallery (Duna Galéria), XIII. Pannónia utca 95 (Three blocks west of metro 3 Dózsa György út. - Pannónia utca and Dráva utca corner), . Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Contemporary art and design exhibitions
  • 🌍 Pinball Museum (Flipper Múzeum), XIII. Radnóti Miklós utca 18 (Bus 15, 115 to stop 'Radnóti Miklós utca' 100 m away or M3: Nyugati pályaudvar station, 600 m), +36 30 9006091, . W-F 16:00-00:00, Sa 14:00-00:00, Su 10:00-22:00. A museum of pinball machines with 130 playable machines new and old. All games are set to free mode, so no coins are required. Includes machines from the late 19th century until today. Ft2500.
  • 🌍 Hungarian Rock Hall of Fame (MagyaRock Hírességek Csarnoka), XIII. Kárpát utca 23. (From M3: Dózsa György út half km SW. Located in Radnóti Miklós Cultural Center), +36 1 3986290, +36 30 4221640 (Mobil), . Sa 10:00-18:00, Su 10:00-18:00. A famous samurai head T-shirt of Béla Radics, a number of guitar and drum set, "contemporary" and recorders, microphones, first and last guitars of Levente Szörényi, Omega band smoke machine, the studio of Radio Free Europe, as well as a significant figure in the local music scene for portraits and relics. Ft1000 with photo permit.
  • 🌍 Angyalföldi Local History Collection (Angyalföldi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény), XIII. József Attila tér 4., +36 1 3203842, . Tu-F 10:00-18:00, Sa 15:00-19:00, on the 13th day of each month: 10:00-22:00. The nearly 20,000-piece collection of objects contents mainly furniture, everyday use items, pieces of clothing, home textiles, tools, memorabilia. Archival Material (7,000 items) consists certificates, passports, official documents, letters, working papers. Data Archives (600 archival units) are historical descriptions, manuscript entries, paper, studies. There are about 13,000 pieces tiny print. Mainly printed invitations, ads, flyers, handouts are there from various institutions of the district. Postcard collection consists about 4,000 pieces, but among these very few has district relevance. The Photo Gallery contains nearly 22,000 pieces in these B & W and color prints, photocopies, slides, negatives and reproductions from other Photo Archives. Significant the history of technology collection, especially the old radios. The numismatic collection includes about 1,400 pieces of badges, medals. In the 2,300-volume library collected books related to the district, historiography, Budapest's history manuals, bibliographies. Here collecting 14 kinds of newspaper, magazine (district newspapers, utility boards, as well as local history, museology, protected city-related magazines).
  • 🌍 Újlipótvárosi Club Gallery (Újlipótvárosi Klub-Galéria), XIII. Tátra utca 20/b ( : Dózsa György or Take Trolley 75, 76 to stop 'Radnóti Miklós utca'), +36 1 320 5380, . M-F 14:00-20:00. Periodically changing fine art and applied art exhibitions. Also literary, musical events will be held here.
  • 🌍 Studio 1900 Gallery (Studio 1900 Galéria), XIII. Balzac utca 30. (Bus 15, 115 to stop 'Radnóti Miklós utca' 100m away or : Nyugati pályaudvar station. 800m. or M3: 'Lehel tér' further walk to Hegedus Gyula street corner), +36 1 3295553, . M-F 10:00-18:00. Contemporary art exhibitions and shopping.
  • Town Hall Gallery (Városház Galéria), XIII. Béke tér
Lehel Market Hall
  • 🌍 Lehel Hall (Lehel Csarnok, Lehel téri piac), XIII. Lehel tér ( : Lehel tér station). - A covered multilevel marketplace. Because its form, colloquially known as 'Kofahajó' (Ship for retailers without shop), Built in 2000-2002, in postmodern style. Before 1890 here was a cemetery. Later was a lumberyard, thereafter since the early 1900s an open air market. There are now four above-ground and one underground level. The building frame and the glass roof reminds market hall from around 1900. This looks like a ship because on eastern side (Park side) lined circular floor windows (cruiser cabin window) and the oblique flag rod (foremast) at the main entrance of the hall. A myriad of colors surrounded the visitors - mainly red, yellow and blue (which are the colors of the flag of the capital), and a lot of the green painting (all street furniture and pavilion).
  • Margaret Bridge (Margit-híd, sometimes Margit Bridge), Jászai Mari tér and Germanus Gyula park (Tram 4, 6), +36 1 2254800. 24/7. Margaret Bridge is a three-way bridge connecting Óbuda and northern end of 'Grand Boulevard' of Pest across the Danube. It is the second northernmost public road bridge in Budapest. It was designed by French engineer and built also a French construction company between 1872–1876. Margaret Bridge is the second permanent bridge in Budapest after Széchenyi Chain Bridge. This bridge leads up to Margaret Island, its two parts enclosing 165 degrees with each other at the embranchment towards the island for the fact the small extension to connect to Margaret Island was hastily inserted into the original design Free.
  • 🌍 Witch Museum (Boszorkánymúzeum), Visegrádi út 16 (M3: Nyugati tér plus walk five min), +36 20 6185432, . M 20:30-22: 00 Sa 13:00-15:30; 20:30-22: 00 W 13:00-17:30; 20:30-22:00 Th 13:00-19:00; 21:00-22:30 F 13:00-22:00 Sa 13:00-22:00 Su closed. Only guided tours. A Hungarian witch is the exhibition guide, who presents the exhibition devices, the history of witchcraft, and respond to questions. Interactive exhibition, some of the objects can hand-held and can be tested. About 1 hour long the program. Ft800-2000.
  • 🌍 Historical tram depot in Újpest (Villamos kocsiszín), IV.Balzsam utca/Váci út 201 ( : 'Újpest-Városkapu' 30m). Now is a supermarket.

Margaret Island (Margitsziget)

Margaret Island by air
  • 🌍 Margaret Island (Margitsziget, ancient latein: Insula leporum (Island of Rabbits)., mediaval: Ujvalvijifche, Nagyboldogasszony-sziget, Úr-sziget, Budai-sziget, Dunai-sziget, Nádor-sziget,Palatinus-sziget), Margitsziget, Pest? (From 'Széll Kálmán tér' tram: 4 or 6 to 'Margaret Island' stop and walk in across the two lanes wide bridge consol, or from Metro Nyugati tér take bus 26 which stops several times on the Island). 24/7. Margaret Island is connected to the city by Árpád Bridge to the north and Margaret Bridge to the south. The island is mostly covered by landscape parks, and is a popular recreational area. Its medieval ruins are reminders of its importance in the Middle Ages as a religious centre. You can stroll for hours in its large parks. There are Sportcomplex, Outdoor 'Palatinus' bath, minizoo, flower garden, two hotels, pubs. and several clubs and restaurants. For exploration and pastime, four-person cycle cars or small electric cars can be rented for use on the area of the island. Sights on a map. Free.
  • 🌍 Alfréd Hajós sports pool (Nemzeti Sportuszoda), Margaret Island, Hajós Alfréd sétány (take bus 26 to stop Hajós Alfréd uszoda). An aquatics complex. Built in 1930 according to plan Alfréd Hajós. as a free-standing, flat-roofed, reinforced concrete building. The open air swimming pool built in seven years later. The hall is include elliptical holders. The corners of the east and west facades of the main part decorated with semicirculared avant-corps. The most part of the facede covered with Clinker bricks and decorated with artificial stone's window sill. North from the buildings are pools with diving tower and grandstand for spectators. Under the grandstand can be found the changing rooms. - Both sides of the main facades located flagpoles with carved sedge leaf. There is an archway front of the west facade. Stairs lead to the grandstands from both end of the foyer. Under the gallery of the north side of the building is a small indoor pool. The European LC Championships 1958, 2006 and 2010 took place here. See in do chapter.
  • 🌍 Bringo Castle (Bringóhintó, Bringóvár), Margaret Island, Hajós Alfréd sétány 1, +36 1 329 3953. 08:00-sunset. Built in 1991. A storage for rentable 'bringo' chariots, bicycles, electric toys, roller skates. Also there is a panorama snack bar, ice cream parlor, gift shop and information unit. Electric car and electric scooter renting also possible at Centennial Memorial or Thermal Hotel. Rentals See in above the special transport chapter.
Centennial Memorial
  • 🌍 Centennial Memorial (Centenáriumi emlékmű), Margaret Island (opposite the Athletic Centre). Made in 1972 by István Kiss. Commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the city's unification
  • 🌍 Danubius Grand Hotel/Thermal Hotel Margitsziget (Nagyszálló), Margaret Island, Zielinski Szilárd sétány (northern end of the Margaret Island (Margitsziget), Bus 26 from : Nyugati or Bus 34, 106 from : Árpád híd or tram: 1), +36 1 889 4700, fax: +36 1 889-4939, . Built in the fin de siècle. circa 1873. Designed by Miklós. Rebuilt in 1986, renewed in 2000. A four-star luxury hotel which is connected with the next Thermal Hotel by an underground tunnel See more in do chapter.
  • 🌍 Japanese Garden (Japán kert), Margaret Island (West of the Grand Hotel). A small garden with a mildly thermal fish pond. More pics.
  • 🌍 Public ZOO (Vadaskert), Margaret Island (east of Rose Garden). 24/7. A tiny zoo featuring a wide range of exotic waterfowl among other animals; area of its approximately 200 m². Domestic, forest and exotic animals livivng here. Free.
  • 🌍 Music Well (Zenélő kút, Bodor-kút), Margaret Island (northern part of the island, close to Árpád bridge and to Japanese Garden). A small pavilion, which was built for open-air concerts. A protected UNESCO site. This is traditionally known as "musical fountain" one of the main attraction of the island. There are hidden speakers. Typical 1900s background music can be heard at every hour on the hour.
  • 🌍 Music Fountain (Zenélő szökőkút, Margitszigeti szökőkút), Margaret Island (in the southern part of the Margaret Island, close to Margaret bridge). This is a fountain. In nearby music is played and light shows are performed in summer. The water springs out according to music, so that the fountain seems to dance at the various classical themes reproduced. The last piece played is Con te partirò sung by Andrea Bocelli. This is Hungary's largest, in the summer, musical fountain. It has a diameter of 36 m, the central jetlope up in height over 25 m.
  • 🌍 Water Tower (Margit-szigeti víztorony, Kilátó Galéria), Margaret Island (Bus 26 to stop Szabadtéri Színpad). The exhibition hall open only from May to Oct. An industrial monument building, octagonal Water Tower of 57 m (built in Art Nouveau style in 1911. It was the first reinforced concrete building in the country. Today functioning as a lookout tower with amazing view and an exhibition hall (called Kilátó Galéria, Outlook Gallery, the country’s first visual exhibition hall). A protected UNESCO site. 360-degree panorama dome hall, unmatched Art Nouveau curved staircase, exhibitions of contemporary artists seven days a week. Saturday nights concerts: folk, jazz, swing, soul.
  • 🌍 Rose Garden (Rózsakert), Margaret Island (bus 26 to stop Palatinus strand). 24/7. A nice place for sitting, sunbathing, relaxing. Free.
The Great Pool of Palatinus open air bath complex
  • 🌍 The Palatinus Outdoor Baths (Palatinus Strandfürdő), Margaret Island (Margitsziget), Soó Rezső sétány ( : Nyugati further Bus 26 on the Margaret Island (Margitsziget) or tram: 4, 6 further Bus 26), +361 236 0040. Protected monument. Built by Istvan Janaky in 1937. The one-story, flat-roofed dressing complex consists: two rectangular buildings connected by an two storey, columned,- open from street front,- hall with gallery. There is two spiral case, these lead to the western front terrace. The pools of the beach is: an octagonal fountain pool (located at the entrance), wave pool (to thr south), a big pool (north of the fountain pool), an thermal water pool (further north). There is a snack bar (on Danube side of the Big Pool). In front of the entrance is the Sun Girl/Combing Woman (Napozó lány/Fésülködő nő) stone sculpture made by Géza Csorba, in 1937, recarved after 1945. Many works of art located in the beach area: Mother with child (made in stone, by Sandor Farkas Boldogfai, at the axis of the entrance), a well decorated with a woman holding a jug (by Peter Laszlo, north of the dressing room building), shells decorations (Sandor Kiss, at the south side corners of the big pool), five bronze gargoyle heads (by Sandor Kiss, in 1967, at the north side of the big pool), a mosaic (1967, at the south end of the event pool). See in do chapter.
  • 🌍 Thermal Hotel Margitsziget, Margaret Island (Northern end of the Margaret Island (Margitsziget), Bus 26 from : Nyugati or Bus 34, 106 from : Árpád híd or tram: 1). A modern hotel with thermal spa and various medical services. This was the first spa hotel on the world which built in a capital. Opened in 1979. This a four-star hotel. Nearby there is a restaurant, playground, tennis court and the Alfréd Hajós sports pool. About the prices read in sleep chapter.
  • Former Casino (Kaszinó, Margitszigeti Nagyvendéglő)), Margaret Island. Palatine Joseph ordered the construction of a grange in this place at the beginning of the 19th century. This complex include four buildings. In 1867 Miklos Ybl rebuilt these buildings for the Lower Island's big tavern (Alsószigeti Nagyvendéglő). In 1937 it became a casino. In World War II, it was heavily demaged, and renovated in 1947-48. Reopened in 1949. The last couple years ago it was abandoned. Planned to reopen after restored to its original form.
  • 🌍 Margaret Island's Shooting Range (Margitszigeti HM Lőtér), Margaret Island (north of Arpad Bridge). Closed to public use. A sport shooting range. The operator is the Faculty of Military Engineering of Miklos Bolyai College which is part of the Miklós Zrinyi National Defence University.
  • 🌍 Remains of the Dominican Monastery and Church (Domonkos Apácák Kolostorának és Templomának romjai), Margaret Island, Művész sétány walkway (east 300 m from Palatinus Beach), +36 1 2254800. King Imre (1196-1204) on the highest part of eastern side of the island mansion built in around 1200, it was a castle-like building, later a church was built next to the Royal manor house. Here started to build a monastery for Margaret Princess ordered by his father, King Bela IV. This monastery was one of the most important nun's convent of th medieval Hungary. It was built between 1246 and 1255. The monastery almost three centuries long flourished. Used for Royal Cemetery here resting King Stephen V's wife, Elizabeth near to the tomb of King Stephen V. and Margaret (she was canonized seven hundred years later in 1944). Over next the two centuries, almost completely destroyed the peoples who lived here moved to Kőszeg. The layout of the complex followed by Cistercian form. The monastery stood on the south side, here was located the chapter room, the Dormitory, the refectory and the kitchen. West of the monastery was built the hospital and a chapel (made in the end of the 13th century), it was built for pilgrims. The guest house was the dwelling place to members of the royal family. Margaret's tomb was placed in the church sanctuary, in line of the triumphal arch and surrounded by walls. The tomb was built in 1271, Lombard sculptors made of red marble. In 1335 was the new white marble monument erected by an Italian sculptor. This was built behind the shrine, protecting from the pilgrims. A significant part of the monastery and its associated buildings are still undiscovered.
  • 🌍 Premonstratensian church (Church of St. Michael. Hu: Margitszigeti premontrei Szent Mihály-templom és Kolostor romjai), Margaret Island, Zielinski Szilárd sétány ( : Nyugati tér further take bus 26 to Szabadtéri Színpad. Close to Remains of the Dominican Monastery), +36 1 2254800. A Romanesque single nave church. Named after Michael, the archangel. Built in the 13th century. During the Turkish occupation caduceus. In 1920s uncovered. Partly reconstructed between 1930-32. One of Hungary's oldest bell, in the 15th century, is in the tower. The church was built with an 8-m wide and 12-m-long nave, at the end with a semicircular, east-west sanctuary. Next to the church was a 15th-century chapel, which is made up the sacristy of the present church.
  • 🌍 The ruins of a Margaret Island's Franciscan church (Margit-szigeti Ferences kolostor romjai) (SW 200m from Rose Garden). Built in 13th century. The remaining parts of the monastery is: Gothic facade of the church, one wall of its, the monastic cemetery and the cemetery chapel.



  • 🌍 Margitsziget Athletics Centre (MAC) (Iharos Sándor Margitszigeti Atlétikai Centrum), Margaret Island (Bus 26 to stop Margitsziget / Margit híd and walk ten mins.), +36 1 329 2788, . M-Su 96:00-22:00 (Apr-Oct); M-F 07:00-21:00, Sa Su 07:00-20:00. Entry fee: Ft1000. Includes access to: clocker room, washing facilities, lockers, gym, athletic-, street-ball-, foot tennis court and table tennis..
  • 🌍 Sandor Iharos Athletic Field (Iharos Sándor atlétikapálya), XIII. Tüzér utca (Csango utca corner. : Lehel tér further take tram 14 to stop Dózsa György út).


  • 🌍 Dagály Spa (Dagály Fürdő és Uszoda), XIII. Népfürdő u. 36 ( : Árpad Híd, tram: 1, one stop toward Danube.), +36 1 452-4556, . Daily 06:00–20:00. There is an outdoor 50-m lap pool open year round and a covered-in-winter 25-m lap pool. There are 2 large outdoor hot baths. One heated to 33°C and the other to 36°C. In summer, several huge pools are also available and plenty of open grass and trees for sunbathing or shade. The architecture is classic modern. One changes clothes in a small cubicle before passing through to the large unisex locker room. Be sure to bring some bath sandals to wear to the pool edge. The floors are not always clean. One sees lots of families here, elderly people and fitness swimmers. Staff do not speak English, but is helpful and patient. ~€8. full day, €6 after 16:00. An attendant locks your clothes in a locker. Tip Ft100 on your way out.
  • 🌍 Danubius Grand Hotel/Thermal Hotel Margitsziget, Margaret Island (Margitsziget) (northern end of the Margaret Island (Margitsziget), Bus 26 from : Nyugati or Bus 34, 106 from : Árpád híd or tram: 1), +361 889-4700, fax: +36 1 889-4939, . until 21:30. High-level and modern baths and spa also offers a great choice of medical treatment. There are two body-temperature soaking pools and a cold-water corridor with stones on the floor; one swimming pool; separate steam baths; common sauna. There's a drinking fountain with mineral water extremely rich in minerals--find on a way from baths to the gym. Changing: Towels are handed at reception--without fee or deposit. Also, there seems to be bathrobes available for rent--ask at the reception. For changing clothes, only lockers are available, without attendant--you have a key. There's no cabins (as families typically live in the same hotel). Every shower cabin have a curtain, and there's some liquid soap available. Visitors mix: Almost no locals; in New Year season (and 1-9 of May?) about 80% are Russians who are also residents of the hotel. Admission fee (Ft5,700 weekdays, Ft7,000 weekends) doesn't limit your time inside, and gives access to all spa facilities including a great gym (remember to bring your fitness suit). Solarium and medical treatments should be paid separately, remember before entering the changing rooms (Ft1,300 for 10 minutes).
  • 🌍 The Palatinus Outdoor Baths (Palatinus Strandfürdő), Margaret Island (Margitsziget) ( : Nyugati further Bus 26 on the Margaret Island (Margitsziget) or tram: 4, 6 further Bus 26), +361 236 0040, . have three pools filled with therapeutic water—and a total of 11 pools (totaling 17.5 ha). In front of the baths is a beautiful rose garden, and nearby, an open-air stage where opera and ballet performances are held, plus an open-air cinema used during the summer. Services: pedicure €6.5, valuables storage €2, towel rental €1 (deposit: €4), Swimwear rental €3 (deposit: €9). Number of pools: 11. Wave pool, thermal spa pool, Margaret pool, two children's pool, teaching pool, adventure pool, outdoor swimming pool, slide pool. Adult €9-11,student €6.5-7.3, adult afternoon from 16:00 €6.5.


See chapter getting around


  • Pozsonyi picnic (Pozsonyi piknik). So called 'Újlipótvárosi village day'. Budai-Nagy Antal utca - At the begin of September.
  • Angyalföldi street party (Angyalföldi utcabál), Dagály utca. At the end of August. - Music and children's programs



  • 🌍 People Island (Népsziget), IV. Zsilip út ( : 'Újpest-Városkapu'). Walking, biking, relaxing. WWater sports. Angling.
  • 🌍 Park of Szent István (Szt. István park), XIII. Szt. István park (Tram 75, 76). 24/7. Monument area. More than three hectares. Build between 1930-1938. A recreation park with playgrounds, sports space, chess tables, ping-pong tables. The site also provides place for different cultural events, as the summer evening concert series. Also here can be found a mulberry hedge from the 1930s Free except events.
  • 🌍 Öko Playground (Margitszigeti Öko Játszótér), Margaret Island (Northern tip). An environment friend place for kids. Free.



  • 🌍 Ujpest Torna Egylet Tennis stadium (UTE teniszstadion), Margaret Island (north of Palatinus Beach). Temporarily Closed. Former owner was theÚjpesti Torna Egylet (UTE), a Hungarian sports society, based in Újpest. Some part of the place is dilapidated. Planned remodelling the all complex.


Comedy Theatre by night
  • 🌍 Attila József Theatre (József Attila Színház), XIII. Váci út 63. ( : Árpád híd metro station right there or tram 1 to stop 'Árpád híd M', bus 26 to stop 'Árpád híd M'), +36 1 270-7514, . Former Déryné Stage in a building which was built as a culture house, and used as a chamber theater of the Comedy theater Ft1500-3500.
  • Comedy Theatre (Vígszínház), XIII. Szent István körút 14. (Tram 4, 6), +36 1-329-2340, +36 80-204-443, . The Box Office open: 11:00-19:00.. One of the most popular and longest history theater in Budapest. It has three playground places, the Big stage (Nagyszínpad), Studio and chamber named Home Stage (Házi Színpad nevű stúdió és kamarája), and the Pesti Theatre (Pesti Színház), more than 1,700 seats. Built in 1896, on the basis of a Viennese design agency, 'Fellner and Helmer'. Late historicism style. Baroque facade decoration with highlighted driveway. The large sizes, and the many decoration provide to the theater solemnity and elegance. From the ornate ground floor lobby decorated plenty of gold takes radial solution takes steps to the auditorium:to the first floor. Centrally located stairs with resting levels leads to the most important and most richly decorated box line. Ft1300-4000.
  • 🌍 Experidance Company (RaM Colosseum), XIII. Kárpát u. 23. ( : Dózsa György út, : Lehel tér, bus 15 Tisza utca stop), +36 1 222 5254, . At 15:00, or 19:00. This popular company performs Hungarian popular dances in modern conception. Performances mostly in RaM Colosseum. ~2800 Ft.
  • 🌍 Ram Colosseum, Újlipótvárosi Community House (Ram Colosseum, Újlipótvárosi Közösségi Ház Radnóti Miklós Művelődési Központ), XIII. Kárpát u. 23. (trolley 75, bus 133, bus 115 stops in the immediate vicinity of the building, or from : Dózsa metro station about 8 min walk). A multi-cultural and leisure center in Újlipótváros quarter. The community center consists four wings, which are connected by a central plaza. The institution's five main unit includes: a 600-seat auditorium. The oval hall Coliseum contents a 27-m² stage. The 'ExperiDance' production use most of the year the room. In another wing of the building is a branch library of the Szabó Ervin Library. In the same wing is the club for the elderly. A recreation center is part of a community house. This includes three large rooms and a couple outdoor sports courts. There is restaurant at Bessenyei street and Kárpát street corner.
  • 🌍 Open-air theatre (Margaret Island Open-air Stage, Margitszigeti Szabadtéri Színpad), Margaret Island, Zielinski Szilárd sétány (walkway) (south of Water Tower, Bus 26 to stop Szabadtéri Színpad), +36 1 340-4196. The accommodating an audience of 3300. Built in 1938, according to plan of Peter Kaffka. In World War II, it was heavily damaged, and rebuilt in 1951. Since 1991 named Open Space Theatre (Szabad Tér Színház). The programs: mainly opera, operetta, ballet and folklore music. One of the most popular outdoor playground in Hungary. Margaret Terrace built in the 'cloister' of open-air theatre, since 1993 here operates the Margaret Terrace Restaurant (Margit Terasz Étterem) which organizing musical clubnights.



  • 🌍 Lehel Market Hall (Lehel téri piac, Kofahajó), XIII. Váci út, 15-19 ( : Lehel tér), +36 1 2886887. M-F 06:00-18:00, Sa 06:00-14:00, Su 06:00-13:00. Mostly fresh food products. Founded 1945, demolished 2000, rebuilt 2002, for ~$15 million. Four level building (2 of them parking). There are 349 tenant retail space, more than 80 small-scale producers, Post Office. The market itself is designed primarily housed on the ground floor and the first floor gallery. The underpass level used mainly for the landing of goods dealers, and also here operates the "small market". At the small market, as well as in the other end of the hall, a supermarket works, also find here pastries and sweets shop, antique store and pub. This section opens directly to the m3 subway, and this part open longer than the 'upper' section. - The whole building is painted by a myriad of colors, especially red, yellow and blue, the colors of the capital.

Malls and department stores


  • 🌍 British Store (Angol Élelmiszer Üzlet), XIII. Tátra utca 26. (Bus 15, 115 to stop Radnóti Miklós utca), +36 20 4147373. M-F 10:00-19:00, Sa 10:00-15:00. Traditional British foods, biscuits, confectionary, drinks, teas, second-hand products.
  • 🌍 Mezzoforte Musical Instruments (Mezzoforte Hangszeráruház), XIII. Radnóti Miklós utca 25, (Bus 15, 115 to stop Radnóti Miklós utca), +36 1 788 7353, . M-F 10:00-18:00, Sa 10:00-13:30. Many type of musical instruments. English speaking staff.
  • 🌍 Mountex, XIII. Váci út 19 (One block north from Lehel Market Hall), +36 1 239 6050, . M-F 10:00-19:00, Sa 10:00-18:00. Footwear, backpack bag. Hiking, camping goods. Climbing, sports and journey goods. Adventure, industrial alpin and boulder products. English speaking staff.


  • Lidl discount store (Lidl diszkontáruház), XIII. Béke tér ( : Lehel tér further tram 14 to stop Béke tér), +36 80 020534, fax: +36 1 3466010, . Daily 07:00-21:00. Discount store chain.
  • 🌍 Penny Market (Penny Market diszkontáruház), XIII. Jász utca 101-105. (bus 20E, 30, 30A, 230 to stop 'Futár utca'), +36 29 339345, . M-Sa 07:00-21:00, Su 07:00-20:00. Discount store chain. More unit:IV. Váci Út 27-29. (M-Sa 07:00 - 20:00, Su 07:00-18:00)
  • 🌍 Spar supermarket (Spar szupermarket), XIII. Párkány utca 10. ( : Arpad híd 500 m), +36 20 8237813, . M-F 07.00-22.00, Sa 07.00-19.00, Su 08.00-18.00. Supermarket chain. More units in 4th and 13th districts: IV. Rózsa utca 77., (M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 07.00-20.00, Su 08.00-18.00), IV. Rózsa utca 18., (M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 6.30-18.00, Su 08.00-18.00), IV. István út 10.,(M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 07.00-20.00, Su 07.00-17.00), IV. Tél utca 26., (M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 06.30-18.00, Su 08.00-18.00), IV. Nap utca 16.,( M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 06.30-20.00, Su 08.00-18.00), IV. Árpád út 183-185, ( M-F 07.00-22.00, Sa 07.00-19.00, Su 08.00-19.00), IV. Szent Imre utca 1.,( M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 07.00-20.00, Su 07.00-18.00), IV. Kordován tér 12.,(M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 06.30-19.00, V: 7.00-16.00), IV. Megyeri út 236.,(T.: +36 20 823 7137, M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 06.30-19.00, Su 07.00-18.00), IV. Külső-Szilágyi út 46.,(M-F 07.00-21.00, Sa 07.00-18.00, Su 07.00-16.00.) - XIII. Gyöngyösi sétány 2., (M-F 07.00-22.00, Sa 07.00-20.00, Su 08.00-18.00), XIII. Országbíró út 38-42, (M-F 07.00-22.00, Sa 07.00-21.00, Su 08.00-19.00), XIII. Váci út 138/a., (M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 06.30-17.00, Su closed).

Other stores

  • 🌍 XXXLutz Furniture Store (XXXLutz bútoráruház), XIII. Lehel u. 51. ( : Lehel tér further tram 14 to Róbert Károly körút, or M3 Árpád híd further take tram 1 to Lehel utca / Róbert Károly körút), +36 1 236-6300, fax: +36 1 4854400, . M-Sa 10:00-20:00, Su 10:00-19:00. Austrian furniture chain. Restaurant and cafe on the second floor. 350 free parking spaces. Children's playground, child care, artificial embroidery, fruit and vegetable shop, grilled chicken stand.



  • 🌍 Dunapark Cafe & Restaurant (Dunapark Kávéház), XIII. Pozsonyi út 38 ( : Lehel tér), +36 1 786 1009, . M-F 08:00-23:00, Sa 10:00-23:00, Su 10:00-22:00. A very noble café-restaurant, in 1937, for enjoying a coffee or cake, some food, and live piano music. Situated in the pleasant, though less touristy quarter of Újlipótváros quarter, District XIII. Soups €5, sandwiches €8-11, starters & salads €6-11, main dishes €10-15.

Fast food

As well as the usual McDonald and co.

  • 🌍 Álompalacsinta, XIII. Bulcsú utca 25a (Right north to Lehel Market Hall), +36 1 787 8228. A snack bar. Different pancakes and soft drinks.
  • 🌍 Lecsó Fast Food Restaurant (Lecsó Gyorsétterem), XIII. Szent István körút 10 (tram: 2, 4-6, to stop Jászai Mari tér, troli 75, bus to stop Tátra u. 206, 26 or from : Nyugati), +36 1 349 3580, . Su-Th 11:00-24:00, F Sa 11:00-02:00. Despite calling itself a fast food restaurant, Lecsó serves healthy traditional Hungarian fare and functions as a canteen at lunchtime, while in the evenings table service and an à la carte menu with an expanded range of Hungarian dishes are offered. The lecsó (pronounced "LETCH-oh") and the different types of goulash are highly recommended. Friendly, English-speaking staff and menu in English. Wi-Fi.


  • 🌍 Pozsony tavern (Pozsonyi kisvendéglő), XIII. Radnóti Miklós utca 38 (near Margaret bridge, corner of Pozsonyi út and Radnóti utca, tram: 2, 4 or 6), +36 1 7874877. 10:00-24:00. Traditional Hungarian cuisine, cosy atmosphere - friendly staff, cheap and excellent menu. It's a 15-minute walk from the Parliament. Only a few steps from Kiskakukk Restaurant. Large portions, only very hungry people can eat two courses here. €3-6.


  • 🌍 Fanyűvő (Fanyűvő Étterem), XIII. Váci út 70 ( : Dózsa György út 100 m), +36 1 7828450, +36 70 4528877, +36 70 4528883, +36 70 4528910, . Daily 11.00-24.00. Soups/starters Ft450-800/1000-1600; light meals Ft1000-1100, salad/beef dishes Ft1200-1400/1800-2300; pork/poultry dishes Ft1200-1800/1200-1600, pastas/garnish/desserts Ft1000-1500/400-700/600-650.
  • 🌍 Firkász Cafe-Restaurant (Firkász Kávéház Étterem), XIII. Tátra utca 18 ( : Nyugati tér), +36 1 450 1118, . Daily 12.00-23.00. Small and cosy with great atmosphere (including walls cutely decorated with objects associated with the newspaper trade) and excellent Hungarian food and wine. entrees €5-11, soups €3-7, Hungarian mains €11-20, menu €26, international dishes & specialties €10-20, Firkász dish for two: €38, garnishes €2, salads €3-6, desserts €4-5. All prices include service charge (2014).


  • 🌍 Kiskakukk, XIII. Pozsonyi út 12, next to Margaret bridge, between Katona Jozsef and Radnoti Miklos streets (tram: 4, 6 to Margaret Bridge (Pest)), +36 1 4500-829. Traditional Hungarian cuisine, wonderful ambience - very friendly staff, excellent menu, good English spoken, wireless internet. Warm old bookshop/library feel but patrons of all ages - highly recommended. It is only 2 minute walk from the eastern end of Margaret Bridge. Stuffed cabbage excellent as were the meat dishes. Large portions Ft7000 for 2 courses including beer and good house wine.
  • 🌍 Trofea, XIII. Visegrádi u. 50A ( : Lehel tér). reasonable buffet, all you can eat and drink (beer, wine, champagne). More units: at the final station of Metro line 1 (Erzsébet királyné út 5); in the XIth district (Hauszmann Alajos/Szerémi út) (flagship outlet). €18 on the weekends, lower prices during the week.


  • 🌍 Pozsonyi Pub (Pozsonyi Söröző), XIII. Pozsonyi út 48 (Trolley 75 to stop Ipoly utca), +36 1 2393510. Different type of beers.
  • 🌍 Stég Pub, Margitsziget, Sirály Csónakház (Next to Green Hostel), +36 30 5877079, +36 30 4497290. Daily 12:00-24:00. Programs. soft drinks (2dl) Ft310, bottled wines (0.75l) Ft1900-4000, flowing wines (1dl) Ft270, draft/bottled beers 0.5 l Ft500-700/550, spirits, cognacs, rums, vodkas, whiskies, vermouths (4cl) Ft600-1600, cocktails a dozen types (1-4cl) Ft1050, coffees a dozen types Ft320-700.



  • 🌍 Aventura Boutique Hostel, XIII. Visegrádi str.12; Door bell:5 (200 m N of Nyugati rwy station), +36 1 239 0782, . Check-out: flexible?. Themed dorms (no a/c) & private rooms. Helpful staff, clean and nicely decorated rooms, bathrooms and kitchen. Good breakfast and free internet. Dorm 5 bed €18, 6-8 bed €14, dbl. Ft15,000-18,000.
  • 🌍 Island Hostel, Margitsziget, Pesti rakpart (On Margit Island 400 m N of Margit Bridge. Bus 26 & 226 runs to island from Nyugati station.), +36 30 587 7079, . Hostel with 44/46 beds. One twelve-bed dorm/en suite, one ten-bed dorm/en suite, one eight-bed dorm/en suite, three four-bed private rooms or dorms en suite, one double en suite, one twin en suite. Bunk beds are in the dorm rooms, single and bunk beds mix in the private rooms. Bike rental. Dorms Ft3300-7720 p.p., dbl/quad 12,600/18,900 per room.
  • 🌍 Fortuna Hotel (Fortuna Szálloda és Étteremhajó), XIII. Szent István Park 30 (On E bank 300 m N of Margit bridge), +36 70 770 0402, . Check-in: 10:00, check-out: 15:00. 3-star hotel on a boat moored on the Danube. With restaurant. Secure parking available, fees in working hours. Sgl/dbl/tpl Ft9,000/12,000/18,000.
  • 🌍 Plaza Hostel, XIII. Faludi utca 22. (300 m E of Gyöngyösi utca metro), +36 20 344 7344. Check-in: 14:00-20:00; no reception other times, check-out: 10:00. Just three rooms. Economy Single/Standard double Ft5000/6000.


  • 🌍 City Hotel Ring, XIII., Szt. Istvan krt, 22, door code 96 (150 m E of Nyugati station), +36 1 340 5450. 3-star hotel. Big rooms, breakfast available, free Internet. Single/double/twin €77, triple €89.
  • 🌍 Victor Apartment Hotel, XIII. Victor Hugo utca 25-27 (200 m W of Lehel ter metro), +36 1 239 7928, fax: +36 1 452 0575, . Clean rooms with kitchenettes. Secure parking, laundry, pets allowed, credit cards accepted High season (1 Apr-31 Oct) Sgl/dbl/tpl Ft13,500/16,500/17,500; off season Ft8,700/10,500/13,500.


  • 🌍 Adina Apartment Hotel Budapest, XIII. Hegedűs Gyula utca 52 (300 m from Lehel ter metro; Bus 15, 115 to Gogol utca), +36 1 236 8888. 5-star one & two-bedded apartments. From €100.
  • 🌍 Danubius Hotel Helia (Hélia Hotel), XIII. Kárpát utca 62-64 (on E bank, 300 m W of Dozsa Gyorgy metro), +36 1 889 5800. 4-star hotel & spa, with fitness centre, hot baths and (usefully) a salt cave. From €100.


  • 🌍 Szent István Park Pharmacy (Szent István Park Gyógyszertár), XIII. Szent István park 26 (Trolley 75, 76 to stop Szent István park), +36 1 329 5276.


Stay safe

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