town in Hungary
Budaörs (German: Wudersch, Croatian: Jerša, Erša or Vundeš) is a town in Pest County, west of District 11, Budapest metropolitan area, and has about 28,400 inhabitants. The town lies among the Buda Hills and the Tétény Plateau in the Budaörs Basin. The town is split by M1, M7 motorways.
Budaörs is a commuter town to the west from Budapest. Several large retail stores pay taxes to the local council, so much so that Budaörs is the richest town of Hungary. The history of the city reaches back to the 13th century. In 1921, the Battle of Budaörs was the last attempt to restore the Habsburg Empire. Budaörs was elevated to town status in 1986.
Get in
By train
Trains S10 and S12 are available hourly from Budapest Déli pályaudvar to Győr via Bicske, Tatabánya, Tata and Komárom. The journey from Budapest takes 12 minutes and costs 250 Ft.
🌍 Budaörs Train Station, Raktár utca 1 (Budaörs vasútállomás 287 ), ☏ +36 1 349-4949, informacio@mav-start.hu. There is no ticket office, tickets can be purchased on the train. Two beautiful and large sized small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) can be see before the station, probably planted at the beginning of the 20th century. (updated Apr 2019)
By bus
To Budaörs from Budapest:
- From Kelenföld vasútállomás M4 by 40 , 40B , 88 , 88A or 188 to 🌍 Templom tér.
- From Móricz Zsigmond körtér M4 by 240 to Templom tér.
- From Széll Kálmán tér M2 by 140 or 140A to Templom tér (except on Sundays).
Get around
By bus
Local bus lines in Budaörs are operated by two companies:
- Lines 1–299 (except 288, 289) are operated by BKK. Budapest-passes are not valid beyond the administrative boundaries of Budapest. Tickets can be purchased at vending machines (also passes), at the drivers and at many newsstands. Available tickets and passes:
- Metropolitan area ticket (valid between Budaörs and the first bus stop within Budapest): 250 Ft.
- Single ticket (valid for the whole line): 350 Ft in advance, 450 Ft from the driver.
- Metropolitan area local pass (valid within Budaörs): 5200 Ft per month.
- Metropolitan area pass 5 km, valid between Budaörs and the first bus stop within Budapest): 5940 Ft per month.
- South Buda zone pass 10 km, valid between Budakeszi, Budaörs, Diósd, Törökbálint and the first bus stop within Budapest): 9580 Ft per month.
- Lines 288, 289 are operated by Homm. This service can be used for free.
By taxi
- Örs Taxi, ☏ +36 23 441-417, budaorstaxi@gmail.com. (updated Apr 2019)
- Zámbó Taxi, ☏ +36 70 334-4400, rendeles@zambotaxi.hu. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Jakob Bleyer Local History Museum (Bleyer Jakab Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény, Jakob Bleyer Heimatmuseum), Budapesti út 45 (Aradi utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-217, info@heimatmuseum.hu. M–F 10:00–17:00, Sa 10:00–18:00. The Local History Collection located in a typical local Swabian house. The house with porch and the courtyard section of the museum are particularly beautiful, contemporary status was preserved. A museum which chronicles the history of the German settlers in Budaörs. Its five rooms used to be the home of a well-to-do farmer-bourgeois family. Shows the farmer-bourgeois life-style destroyed by the expelling in 1946. A sculpture about John of Nepomuk is located opposite the Local History Collection. The soft limestone, baroque sculpture was erected in 1852. Adult: 300 Ft; senior, student: 200 Ft. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Town's Archaeology Museum (Városi Régészeti Kiállítás), Károly király utca 2 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 549-8840, info@regeszetimuzeum.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–16:00. Presentation of the most interesting and valuable pieces of Budaörs archaeological finds. Reconstructions and models to be seen. Lots of visual documentation and tactile exhibition material helps to understand the nearly 7000 years history. Free entrance. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Csiki Pihenőkert, Virág utca 6 (Csiki tanya 88 ), ☏ +36 30 549-8840, csikipark@gmail.com. Apr–Oct: Tu–Su 10:00–16:00, but May–Aug for individual visitors not allowed to using the playgounds. Árpád era archaeological park, forest school and summer camp. Located in pleasant natural environment, western outskirts of Budaörs. After the excavation of an Árpád archaeological park reconstructed a part of the former town called Csík. A pit house, furnaces, yurt village and contemporary botanical gardens can be see here. Other attractions: oven medieval inn, auditorium and media lab, Indian Village, Castle Theatre, grassy and sandy sports field, archery courts, playgrounds, swimming pool and a small fish pond. Adult: 1000 Ft, children: 800 Ft, senior: free. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 John of Nepomuk Roman Catholic Church (Nepomuki Szent János római katolikus templom), Templom tér (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-414, plebaniahivatal@brke.org. Built between 1801–1810. Mixed architectural elements, mostly Baroque-style with some classicising details. The main altar has a Classicist character and shows Christ's death at the Calvary. The gracious carving of lime-tree pulpit depicts the Good Shepherd sowing seeds. The Baroque-style font of the apse was made in the 18th century. On the left wall are Baroque-style pictures of Saint George and Saint Cecile from 19th century. On the right-side wall can be see the Three Magi and the picture of the Holy Trinity. There are four fresco of the ceiling: John of Nepomuk, Saint Dominic, the ascension of Christ and Moses with the snake on the last fresco. A sculpture about Wendelin of Trier standing next to the church. This sandstone sculpture is approximately 1.5 m high. The saint's symbols include a bag by his side, a hat on the ground and a lying cattle by his feet. The dying soldier who failing into the arms of Christ title World War I Memorial was set up in 1925 from public contributions in the church garden. There are marble tables placed four sides of the monument, carved the names of men from Budaörs, who died on Galician and Italian battlefields. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Starentanz Roman Catholic Chapel (Starentanz római katolikus kápolna), Farkasréti út 87 (Tulipán utca 40 ). It was built in 1808. On the left side of the chapel, behind a large glass is a metre-high painting depicting the Emmaus Disciples. The painting was made in 1912. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Chapel on Kő Hill (Kő-hegyi kápolna) (Károly király utca 40 ). The chapel built by Ferenc Wendler in 1855. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Calvary (Kálvária) (Kisfaludy utca 40 ). Calvary hill is a geyser cone of a regular shape. There is a small chapel built by Jakab Kreis in 1817. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Old Cemetery and Csulits Chapel (Ótemető és Csulits-kápolna) (Templom tér 40 ). The abandoned graveyard contains graves from the period between the 18th and 20th centuries. The graves of similar types with tables (their material is sandstone, limestone, red limestone from Tardos and cast stone) provide a uniform appearance to the cemetery. The chapel is situated at the centre of the Old Cemetery and was built in 1863 by János Csulits. A single-nave, single-tower building, with two windows. Now, this chapel is used by Greek Catholics for their ceremonies. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Kő Hill (Kő-hegy) (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Templom tér 40 ). Offers a great panorama to the town, on a clear day can you see to South Buda. There are cellars from the 18th and 19th century. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Odvas Hill (Odvas-hegy) (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Budaörs, városháza 40 ). Nice view to the town. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Törökugrató Hill (Csiki csárda 88 ). Nice view to the town. Nature trails called "Kövirózsa" and "Naprózsa" showing the botanical values of the area. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Huszonnégyökrös Hill (Huszonnégyökrös-hegy) (1.5 km (0.93 mi) walk from Csiki csárda 88 ). Nice view to Budaörs Basin. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Nap Hill (Nap-hegy) (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Aradi utca 40 ). There is a nature trail showing the botanical values of the area. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Tűzkő Hill (Tűzkő-hegy) (1.5 km (0.93 mi) walk from Felsőhatár utca 40 ). Nice view to Gazdagrét. There is a nature trail showing the botanical values of the area. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Mór Jókai Community House (Jókai Mór Művelődési Ház), Szabadság út 26 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 441-541, +36 23 444-950 (theatre), program@jmmh.hu. M–F 10:00–18:00. Latinovits Theatre Budaörs. Smaller exhibits and events. Ticket to the theatre: 1500 Ft–3000 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 PostART, Clementis László utca 2 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 30 900-0394, postartbudaors@gmail.com. M–Th 10:00–23:00, F Sa 10:00–23:45. Cultural center. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 ABS Sport Center, Szabadság út 299 (Lejtő utca 88 ), ☏ +36 23 445-070, info@abs-sport.hu. Sport Center: M–F 07:00–22:00, Sa 08:00–18:00, Su 08:00–21:00; Restaurant and bowling: 12:00–23:00. Bowling: 4000 Ft–5800 Ft per hour, squash: 2500 Ft–4000 Ft per hour, average meal: 2990 Ft, lunch menu: 1150 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Budakeszi Shooting Range, Gyár utca (Budaörs, Gábor Dénes körút 188 ), ☏ +36 20 512-8489, loterinfo@gmail.com. 09:00–18:00. 15,000 Ft–50,000 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Budaörs Tennis Centrum (Budaörsi Teniszcentrum), Baross utca 161 (Budaörsi lakótelep 40 ), ☏ +36 20 984-4733, info@budaorstenisz.hu. 07:00–20:00. Tennis courts. 3700 Ft–5200 Ft per hour. (updated May 2020)
- 🌍 Budaörs Town's Swimming Pool, Hársfa utca 6 (Városi Uszoda 288 ), ☏ +36 23 428-026, bvuss@btg.hu. M–F 06:00–21:00, Sa Su 08:00–20:00. Adult: 1300 Ft; senior, student: 800 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Fusion Adventure Center, Gervay Mihály utca 1 (Budaörsi Ipari és Technológiai Park 88A ), ☏ +36 30 603-4225, info@fusionbp.hu. 10:00–22:00. Go-kart, bowling, indoor playground, salt room, billiards Go-kart: 2500 Ft, bowling: 3000 Ft per hour, billiards: 1000 Ft–1500 Ft per hour. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Indoor Golf, Gervay Mihály utca 9 (Budaörsi Ipari és Technológiai Park 88A ), ☏ +36 30 577-0170, indoor@hungt.hu. Nov–Mar: M–Sa 10:00–20:00, Su 10:00–18:00. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 On Line Squash and Fitness Club, Forrás utca 8 (Csata utca 287 ), ☏ +36 23 444-344, online@onlinesquash.t-online.hu. M–F 07:00–22:30, Sa Su 09:00–21:00. Squash: 2350 Ft–4350 Ft per hour. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Spirit Boulder, Stefánia utca 24 (Csata utca 287 ), ☏ +36 30 562-0799, info@spiritboulder.hu. M–F 15:00–21:00, Sa 15:00–20:00. Climbing hall. 1850 Ft. (updated May 2020)
- Budaörs Festival, ☏ +36 30 900-0394, budaorsfesztival@gmail.com. In May. (updated May 2019)
- Idesüss – Day of Budaörs. In August. (updated May 2019)
- Budaörsi Vigasságok. In September. (updated May 2019)
- Advent in Budaörs, ☏ +36 30 900-0394, kapcsolat@budaorsiadvent.hu. In December. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Auchan, Sport utca 2-4 (Ifjúság utca 40B ), toll-free: +36 80 109-010. M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 07:00–21:00. Hypermarket. Services: food bar, pharmacy, shoe store, post office, bank. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Korzo, Építők utca 2 (Ifjúság utca 40B ), ☏ +36 1 350-8710, a.fulop@alfagroup-international.com. M–Sa 10:00–19:00, Su 10:00–18:00. Shopping centre. (updated May 2020)
- 🌍 Príma, Szabadság út 52-54 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 445-750. M–Sa 06:00–21:00, Su 07:00–18:00. Supermarket. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Small Farmers' Market in Budaörs (Budaörsi Gazdapiac), Patkó utca (Gimnázium 40 ), ☏ +36 30 874-3781, budaorsigazdapiac@gmail.com. Sa 06:00–12:00. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Tesco, Kinizsi út 1-3 (Agip utca 287 ), info@tesco.hu. 24 hours daily. Hypermarket. (updated Apr 2019)
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 1700 Ft |
Mid-range | 1700 Ft–2700 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2700 Ft |
- 🌍 2040 Cafe and Lunch, Szabadság út 117 (Budaörs, városháza 40 ), ☏ +36 20 437-8674, husznegyvenkft@gmail.com. M–Th 07:30–16:00, F 07:30–15:00. Food bar. 1300 Ft, lunch menu: 950 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Berry's, Puskás Tivadar út 7 (Patkó utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 415-6088. M–F 07:00–16:00. Self service restaurant. 1030 Ft, lunch menu: 850 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Boszorkánykonyha, Szabadság út 68 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 399-044, boszorkany@atw.hu. M–F 08:00-18:00. Food bar. 1250 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Erika salátázója, Budapesti út 77 (Tulipán utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 358-8414, halasze70@gmail.com. M–F 09:00–16:00. Salad and food bar. 1300 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Falatka, Károly Király utca 6 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 415-130. M–F 07:00–16:00. Food bar. 920 Ft, lunch menu: 850 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 InnoFood Restaurant, Teller Ede körút 141 (Budaörs, Gábor Dénes körút 188 ), ☏ +36 70 703-0534, innofoodetterem@gmail.com. M–F 07:00–15:00. Self service restaurant. 990 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Kantin Falatozó, Szivárvány utca 1 (Patkó utca 40 ), ☏ +36 20 566-8882, venite@freemail.hu. M–F 11:00–15:00. Food bar. 1250 Ft, lunch menu: 1250 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Marcsi's Kitchen (Marcsi konyhája), Kamaraerdei út 11/b (Kamaraerdei út 11. 287 / Kamaraerdei Ifjúsági Park 41 ), ☏ +36 70 701-3045. M–F 11:00–15:00. Food bar. 1290 Ft, lunch menu: 1150 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Örsi Bistro, Szabadság út 52-54 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 445-750. M–Sa 06:00–18:00, Su 08:00–16:00. Food bar. Lunch menu: 990 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Templom Téri Kifőzde, Templom tér 14 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 414-340, templomterikifozde@gmail.com. M–F 11:00–16:00. Food bar. 1290 Ft, lunch menu: 1090 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Teri néni's Restaurant (Teri néni étterme), Ifjúság utca 22 (Patkó utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 420-969, friedmann@friedmann.hu. M–F 11:00–15:00, Sa 11:00–14:00. Food bar. 1255 Ft, lunch menu: 1440 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Budakert Restaurant (Budakert Vendéglő), Szabadság út 46 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-225, info@budakertvendeglo.hu. 11:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 2380 Ft, pizza: 1790 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Caribbean Burgers Bar, Templom tér 20 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 791-406, newburgerkft@gmail.com. M–Sa 10:00–21:00, Su 10:00–18:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 1290 Ft. (updated May 2020)
- 🌍 Corner, Patkó utca 1 (Gimnázium 40 ), ☏ +36 23 422-410, info@pizzacorner.hu. M–Sa 11:00–22:00, Su 11:00–21:00. Pizzeria and fast food bar. Pizza: 1790 Ft, hamburger: 1290 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Don Pepe, Gyár utca 2 (Budaörs, Gábor Dénes körút 188 ), ☏ +36 23 889-889, onlinerendeles@donpepe.hu. 12:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2290 Ft, pizza: 1990 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Frankhegy Restaurant, Ezüstfenyő utca (1.5 km (0.93 mi) walk from Csillebérc, KFKI 21 ), ☏ +36 20 557-0011, frankhegypanzio@gigalan.hu. W–F 11:30–18:00, Sa Su 10:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Linea Bistro, Edison utca 2 (Patkó utca 40 ), ☏ +36 70 477-2277, lineabisztro@gmail.com. M–F 08:00–15:00. Food bar. 1450 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft. (updated Jan 2021)
- 🌍 Pasta Garden, Szabadság út 109/1 (Költő utca 40 ), ☏ +36 20 999-9982. 11:00–22:30. Pizzeria and pasta bar. 1690 Ft, pizza: 1890 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Pyrgos Taverna, Szabadság út 149 (Gimnázium 40 ), ☏ +36 23 398-167, pyrgosbudaors@gmail.com. M–Th 11:00–22:00, F–Sa 11:00–02:00, Su 11:00-21:00. Greek restaurant. 2290 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Da Caterina Ristorante e Pizzeria, Budapesti út 108 (Felsőhatár utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-538, caterina.ristorante@gmail.com. 11:00–23:00. Italian restaurant and pizzeria. 2880 Ft, pizza: 1890 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Fenyő Restaurant (Fenyő Vendéglő), Rózsa utca 20 (Tulipán utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 441-949. M–Th 12:00–23:00, F Sa 12:00–00:00, Su 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2600 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Gastrogarden, Szabadság út 310 (Csíki csárda 88 ), ☏ +36 50 131 6441, info@gastrogarden.hu. 10:30–21:30. Pizzeria, BBQ and fast food bar. 3100 Ft, Pizza: 2450 Ft, hamburger: 1990 Ft. (updated Aug 2021)
- 🌍 Hacienda Beer Garden and Restaurant, Kolozsvári utca (Kolozsvári utca 288 ), ☏ +36 70 342-0720, info@haciendasorkert.hu. Tu–Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2690 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Inn for the Hungarian Kings (Fogadó a magyar királyokhoz), Semmelweis utca 10/2 (Tulipán utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 442-512, magyarkiralyok.ka@gmail.com. M–Sa 12:00–22:00, Su 12:00–21:00. Renaissance theme historic restaurant with homemade specialties. Wide selection. 2650 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Mici's Restaurant (Mici Vendéglője), Szabadság út 323 (Ibolya utca 88 ), ☏ +36 23 425-228, micivendeglo@freemail.hu. W–Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2400 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Punto, Szabadság út 306-308 (Csíki csárda 88 ), ☏ +36 23 385-247, budaors@puntocukraszda.hu. 10:00–22:00. Confectionery, bistro and pizzeria. 2690 Ft, pizza: 2250 Ft. (updated Aug 2021)
- 🌍 Szertár Restaurant and Cafe, Templom tér 1 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 789-558, info@szertarkavezo.hu. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 2400 Ft, lunch menu: 1320 Ft, hamburger: 1600 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Szikla Falatozó, Csap utca 1 (Kisfaludy utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 424-505, sziklafalatozo@gmail.com. Tu–F 15:00–21:00, Sa 12:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Reservation required. 2800 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Yowo Kitchen and Bar, Budapesti út 112 (Felsőhatár utca 40 ), ☏ +36 70 360-0777, yowo@yowo.hu. M–F 07:30–22:00, Sa Su 10:30–22:00. 2490 Ft, hamburger: 1100 Ft, lunch menu: 1500 Ft. (updated Dec 2020)
- 🌍 Cafe Lütyő, Puskás Tivadar út 7 (Patkó utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 737-9212, cafelutyo@gmail.com. M–F 07:00–19:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 1200 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Ínyencek Háza, Szabadság út 100 (Kötő utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 409-9030, inyencekhaza@gmail.com. M–F 06:30–19:00, Sa 06:30–13:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. (updated May 2020)
- 🌍 Hollósy Confectionery, Ibolya utca 1 (Ibolya utca 88 ), ☏ +36 23 420-840, info@hollosy-cukraszat.hu. 10:00–19:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Juhász Confectionery, Templom tér 21 (Templom tér 40 ), juhaszcuki@gmail.com. 12:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Major, Clementis László utca 22 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 782-181. M–Th 07:30–15:00, F 07:30–18:00, Sa Su 09:00–18:00. Cafe and breakfast. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Monarchia Rétesház, Károly király utca 21 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 70 659-6513, retes.budaors@gmail.com. Tu–F 09:00–18:00, Sa 09:00–14:00. Strudel, ice cream shop and cafe. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Sovány Vigasz, Szabadság út 15 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 30 749-7652, barbara.csurpek@sovanyvigasz.hu. M–Sa 11:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Suhajda Confectionery, Farkasréti út 43 (Aradi utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 668-7267, cukraszda@suhajdacukraszda.hu. M 13:00–20:00, Tu–Su 10:00–20:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Szamos Confectionery, Nefelejcs utca 1 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-154, szamoscukraszda@gmail.com. M–F 10:00–18:00, Sa Su 10:00–19:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Veldi Confectionery, Budapesti út 128 (Felsőhatár utca 40 ), ☏ +36 20 562-7245, info@veldi.hu. Apr–Oct: 10:00–19:00; Nov–Mar: 10:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Budapest 30 Pub, Budapesti út 30-32 (Aradi utca 40 ). M–Th Su 14:00–00:00, F Sa 14:00–02:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Drukker Pub (Drukker Söröző), Baross utca 49 (Kisfaludy utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 584-3086, drukkersorozo@gmail.com. M–F 14:00–23:00, Sa 13:00–23:00. (updated May 2019)
- 🌍 Kajla Pub, Víg utca 30 (Budaörs, városháza 40 ), ☏ +36 23 422-331. M–Th 15:00–23:00, F–Sa 15:00–01:00, Su 15:00–22:00. (updated May 2020)
- 🌍 Komló és Tehén, Szabadság út 53 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 786-239, komloestehen@komloestehen.hu. M 12:00–22:00, Tu–F 11:00–23:00, Sa 12:00–23:00, Su 11:00–22:00. Pub and fast food bar. Hamburger: 1590 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Zsíros Kenyér Pub and Gastro Yard, Budapesti út 51 (Aradi utca 40 ), ☏ +36 30 410-9695, zskpub@gmail.com. M–Sa 16:00–22:00. Drinkbar. Darts and party options. Vodka Martini and similars are discounted. Weekly events night. (updated Apr 2019)
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 13,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 13,000 Ft–17,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 17,000 Ft |
About one and half dozen pensions and guesthouses waiting you, mostly in relaxing green area.
- 🌍 Attila Guesthouse, Tárogató utca 23 (Csiki csárda 88 ), ☏ +36 30 377-9570, heteylehel@t-online.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Double room: 12,000 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Panoráma Guesthouse, Felsőhatár utca 25 (Felsőhatár utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-189, fax: +36 23 440-189, vendeghaz.panorama@gmail.com. 5 rooms. Single room: 8500 Ft, double room: 11,000 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Peregrino Guesthouse, Fodros utca 72 (Budafoki utca 289 ), ☏ +36 20 211-4141, peregrino1@freemail.hu. Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 12:00. 18 rooms. Single room: 8250 Ft, double room: 11,880 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Mini Guesthouse, Széles utca 70 (Kötő utca 40 ), ☏ +36 20 968-6198, ildikosomogyi685@gmail.com. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. 8 rooms. Single room: 12,000 Ft, double room: 14,000 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Olympos Guesthouse, Öntő utca 36 (Felsőhatár utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-440, olympospanzio@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 12 rooms. Single room: 11,920 Ft, double room: 15,145 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Adler Guesthouse and Restaurant, Budapesti út 15 (Aradi utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 440-215, fax: +36 23 441-657, adler@adlerpansio.hu. Restaurant: 12:00–22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 27 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Located in a 19th-century former wine cellar press house. Single room: 16,765 Ft, double room: 18,700 Ft, average meal: 2290 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Adler Hotel, Budapesti út 2 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 428-528, fax: +36 23 428-527, info@hoteladler.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 14 rooms. Single room: 19,335 Ft, double room: 22,555 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Holiday Inn, Rubik Ernő utca 2 (Budaörs, benzinkút 173 ), ☏ +36 23 504-000, fax: +36 23 504-055, reservation@hibudhotel.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. 160 rooms, 4 apartments. Single room: 29,645 Ft, double room: 33,830 Ft. (updated Apr 2019)
Budaörs' postal code is H-2040, and its telephone area code is 23.
- 🌍 Budaörs 1 Post Office, Szabadság út 74 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 415-994, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M Th 08:00–19:00, Tu W F 08:00–18:00. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Telekuckó, Templom tér 15 (Templom tér 40 ), ☏ +36 23 414-446, fax: +36 23 428-875, info@telekucko.hu. M–F 09:00–19:00. Internet access. Internet: 360 Ft per hour. (updated Apr 2019)
- 🌍 Zsuzsanna Bercsényi Town's Library (Gróf Bercsényi Zsuzsanna Városi Könyvtár), Károly király utca 20 (Károly király utca 40 ), ☏ +36 23 415-405, info@budaorskonyvtar.hu. M–Th 10:00–18:30, F 10:00–16:00, Sa 09:00–13:00. Internet access. Adult: 500 Ft per year, senior, student: 250 Ft per year. (updated Apr 2019)
Go next
- Biatorbágy — town 13 km (8.1 mi) west
- Budakeszi — town 11 km (6.8 mi) north
- Érd — city 15 km (9.3 mi) south
- Martonvásár — town 24 km (15 mi) southwest
- Százhalombatta — town 23 km (14 mi) south
- Törökbálint — town 6 km (3.7 mi) southwest
- Zsámbék — town 24 km (15 mi) northwest