Amazonas (Brazil)
state in the North Region of Brazil
Amazonas is a state in the North of Brazil. It is the largest state of Brazil by area. Amazonas' territory is 98% covered by rainforest. The exuberance of the tropical rain forest, associated with hot and humid climate, are responsible for the largest biodiversity on Earth. The state is known worldwide for its giant rivers and the fascinating Amazon rainforest. The destination offers boat trips along the rivers (including the Meeting of the Waters), direct contact with nature and native peoples, in addition to the typical gastronomy of the region, which brings together a variety of tasty fish and Amazonian fruits.
The visitor can count on guided visits to the museums and historical heritage of the cities of Manaus, Parintins, Tefé and Itacoatiara, which date back to the Belle Époque, a time when the Amazon experienced an era of great prosperity with the rubber economy.