Uniformology is a branch of the auxiliary sciences of history which studies uniforms - especially military uniforms - through ages and civilizations.

Three French army generals of Louis XVI in military dress, the inspectors of doctors, surgeons and the barracks. Coloured lithograph by G. David after A. de Marbot.
- Civil uniform by Mining Institute of the late XVIII - mid-XIX centuries
Author:Sergei Popov (historian) - Civil braided shoulder straps, 1876-1885.
Author:Sergei Popov - Uniforms for employees of the Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route (GUSMP), 1933.
Author:Alexei Karewski - Insignia for personal ranks of river fleet workers.
Author:Leonid Tokar
See also
External links
- Moreira, Maria Cristina; Veludo, Sérgio (2008). "Evolution of Portuguese Military Uniformology in the Nineteenth Century: Examples from Sculptural Monuments in Public Spaces, Portugal". Portuguese Studies Review. Peterborough, Ontario: Baywolf Press (published 2009). 16 (2): 79–101. Retrieved 2016-11-09.
This paper traces the evolution of Portuguese nineteenth-century military uniformology [...].
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