< Portal:Islam
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/January
- January 1978 - Iranian Revolution begins, with the first major demonstrations against the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
- 22 January 1992 - Islam Karimov assumes office as President of Uzbekistan
- 27 January 2008 - Death of Suharto (pictured), the second President of Indonesia
- 30 January 2006 - Jyllands-Posten publishes letter on its website in response to Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/February
- 7 February 1999 - Death of Hussein of Jordan (pictured), King of Jordan from 1952 until his death
- 7 February 2008 - Turkish Parliament passes amendment to constitution, allowing women to wear the hijab in Turkish universities
- 9 February 1912 - Muhammadiyah organization's central board and provincial chiefs endorse presidential campaign of its former chairman, sparking controversy in Islam in Indonesia
- 15 February 2007 - Supreme Court in India describes the banned Students Islamic Movement of India as a "secessionist movement"
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/March
- 23 March 1940 - Pakistan resolution had passed in the meeting of All India Muslim league at Manto Park, Lahore.
- Minto Park

- March 1947 - First Pan-Malayan Islamic conference at Madrasah Ma'ahad al-Ehya as-Sharif at Gunung Semanggul, Perak
- 8 March 2006 - Islamic Human Rights Commission releases press statement addressing Islamophobia in British prisons
- 18 March 2005 - Website Muslim WakeUp! along with Progressive Muslim Union of North America, helps sponsor a Friday Jumu'ah prayer service in New York City led by a female imam, Dr. Amina Wadud
- 27 March 1898 - Death of Syed Ahmed Khan (gravesite pictured), an Indian educator and politician, and an Islamic reformer and modernist
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/April
- 21 April 1938 - Death of Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal, national poet of Pakistan.
- 1 April 1979 - Iran officially becomes an Islamic Republic after a national referendum
- 9 April 2008 - Al Jazeera reports that Libya released at least 90 members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
- 15 April 1979 - Mazhar Krasniqi (pictured at right) becomes first president for new organization Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand
- 19 April 2007 - Organization Islamic State of Iraq announces it had set up a provisional government termed "the first Islamic administration" of post-invasion Iraq
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/May
- 11 May 1953 - Inaugural meeting of Islamic Association of China in Beijing, a nationwide organization assisting religious Muslims in China
- 15 May 2008 - 15 Ex-Muslim Christians incarcerated by government in Iran on charges of apostasy from Islam
- 16 May 2007 - Prince Khalid al Faisal (pictured) appointed as new governor of Makkah Province in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
- 23 May 2007 - Arab League issues statement "strongly condemn[ing] the criminal and terrorist acts carried out by the terrorist group" Fatah al-Islam, adding that the group has "no relation to the Palestinian question or Islam"
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/June
- 8 June 632 - Death of Muhammad (tomb pictured), central human figure of the religion of Islam
- 10 June 2007 - President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua meets with Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Iran
- 20 June 2005 - British-based convert to Islam Yakoub Islam publishes Muslim Anarchist Charter on the Internet, discussing anarchism from a Muslim perspective
- 28 June 2007 - Egypt bans female genital cutting after the death of 12-year-old Badour Shaker during a genital circumcision
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/July
- 1 July 1983 - Bank Islam Malaysia headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, begins operations as first Islamic bank in Malaysia
- 2 July 2006 - Documentary film Malcolm X: Prince of Islam shown on the Islam Channel
- 4 July 1930 - Organization Fruit of Islam in the west (United States of America) (pictured) founded in Detroit, Michigan by Wallace Fard Muhammad
- 7 July 2007 - FOX News Channel airs documentary Banned by PBS: Muslims Against Jihad
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/August
- 14 August 1947 - Pakistan Independence Day, emergence of second ideological state on the map of world after Madina.
- 5 August 1990 - Foreign ministers of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference adopt the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
- 29 August 2004 - Film Submission shown on Dutch public broadcasting network
- 31 August 1991 - President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov (pictured) declares Uzbekistan an independent nation
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/September
- Air Power JF-17

- 11 September 1948 - Death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah founder of Pakistan.
- 6 September 1965 - Pakistan Defense Day, Remembers those peoples how sacrifice their lives for the defense of own mother land.
- 9 September 2008 - Death of Warith Deen Mohammed, American Muslim leader and the son of Clara and Elijah Muhammad
- 11 September 2001 - September 11 attacks (World Trade Center pictured), series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States
- 12 September 2006 - Lecture given by Pope Benedict XVI at the University of Regensburg in Germany containing statements on Islam sparks controversy
- 30 September 2005 - Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten publishes cartoons of Muhammad, leading to Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/October
- Liaquat Ali Khan
- 01 October 1895 - Birth Day of Quaid-e-Millat Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan, the leading Founding Fathers of Pakistan and served as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.
- 13 October 2007 - Open letter A Common Word Between Us and You from leaders of the Muslim faith to leaders of the Christian faith
- 16 October 1995 - Louis Farrakhan convenes a broad coalition of nearly 2 million men in Washington, D.C. for the Million Man March
- 17 October 1992 - Inauguration of Baitul Islam Mosque in Vaughan north of Toronto run by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMJ) in Canada
- 18 October 1965 - Birth of Zakir Naik (pictured), Indian public speaker, and writer on the subject of Islam and comparative religion
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/November
- Allama Muhammad Iqbal

- 9 November 1877 - Birth Day of national poet of Pakistan Sir Doctor Allama Mohammad Iqbal.
- 2 November 2004 - Dutch Filmmaker Theo van Gogh (pictured) assassinated by Dutch born Mohammed Bouyeri for producing the film Submission
- 3 November 1947 - Private university Universitas Islam Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia developed out of STI (Islamic Higher School)
- 14 November 1914 - In Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire, religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares Jihad on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging Muslims all over the world - including in the Allied countries - to take up arms against Britain, Russia, France and Serbia and Montenegro in World War I
- 25-26 November 2006 - Global Peace & Unity event hosted by Islam Channel in the United Kingdom
Portal:Islam/Selected anniversaries/December
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah

- 25 December 1876 - Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah born in Karachi, Pakistan.
- 16 December 1925 - Kazi Nazrul Islam started publishing weekly Langal, with himself as editor
- 23 December 1977 - Cat Stevens formally converts to Islam, taking the name Yusuf Islam in 1978
- 24 December 1610 - Treaty signed establishing free commerce between the Netherlands and Morocco
- 27 December 1807 - Omar Ibn Said (pictured), originally from Futa Tooro (modern Senegal) arrives in the United States
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