< Portal:Anarchism < Selected article

CrimethInc. is a decentralized anarchist collective composed of multiple cells which act independently of one another. It emerged in the mid-1990s from its beginnings as the hardcore zine Inside Front, and began operating as a collective in 1996. It has since published widely-read propaganda for the anarchist movement, and expanded into nearly all areas of the contemporary anti-capitalist movement.

Several divisions of the group have published books, while others have released records or organized large-scale national campaigns against globalization and representative democracy in favor of radical community organizing. Less public splinter groups have carried out direct action (including arson and hacktivism), hosted international conventions and other events, maintained local chapters, sparked riots and toured with multimedia performance art and/or hardcore anarcho-punk musical ensembles. The collective has received national media and academic attention, as well as strong criticism and praise from other anarchists for its activities and philosophy. (read more...)

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