The following is a list of game boards of the Parker Brothers/Hasbro board game Monopoly adhering to a particular theme or particular locale in Europe. Lists for other regions can be found here. The game is licensed in 103 countries and printed in 37 languages.[1] The longest-produced and most commercially successful edition in the UK and Commonwealth Countries is the original London version published in 1935.
Austrian Edition ATS version[2] | |||
Game description: This national edition is based on a standard board with street names from eight Austrian state capitals. Each capital gets one set of color properties. In order around the board, these include Eisenstadt, Graz, Linz, Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Vienna, and Bregenz. |
Österreich (Austria) Edition EUR version | |||
Game description: This a board localized for the nation of Austria. Based on a Standard Edition game set, the streets used are from various Austrian cities. These include Eisenstadt (brown properties), Graz (light blue properties), Linz (maroon properties), Klagenfurt (orange properties), Salzburg (red properties), Innsbruck (yellow properties), Vienna (green properties) and Bregenz (dark blue properties). The set comes with standard currency denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500); property values are given in euros. Pieces include green plastic houses and red plastic hotels. Tokens: Ten metal tokens: Cannon, dog, wheelbarrow, car, battleship, iron, thimble, horse and rider, hat and shoe. Other features: The train stations from the standard German edition are changed to North station, West station, South station and Franz Josef's station (in German: Nordbahnhof, Westbahnhof, Südbahnhof and Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof). This board edition also grants the same choice on the Income Tax space as the U.S. original; in this case it's 10% or €200. Many of the European boards simply charge €200. The Luxury Tax space is also called that (instead of the regular German Zusatzsteuer or add-on tax), but has a rate of €100. |
There have been several editions of Belgian boards. They used to be either in Dutch or in French. Recent editions use bilingual game boards.[4] Street names are taken from cities across the country, equally divided between the Dutch and French speaking halves of the kingdom. There are a few city editions also. All together -special editions included- there are some 53 listed versions using these variants, including translations of other variants (FIFA World Cup, Star Wars, etc.).[4]
The currency values in the Belgian editions used to be francs. The bills that came with the set showed 20, 100, 200, 400, 1,000, 2,000, and 10,000 francs. The property and penalty prices are presumed to match the new billset, with the starting cash equal to 30,000 francs (1,500 x 20). Now the currency is the euro. Bills are the 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 1 euro coins with starting cash of 1500 euro.
Belgium Walloon Edition[4][5] | |||
Game description: The Belgian Walloon edition of Monopoly features cities and streets from both the Walloon and Flemish areas of the country. The railroads are the three big Brussels railroad stations (Brussels North, Central and South) and one 'Buurtspoorwegen' or 'Chemins de Fer Vicinaux' which used to be the Belgian light railway and tram company. Electric Company and Waterworks stay the same, with translations. Tokens: Colored wooden Man-What-You-Not-pin nets are used as tokens. Other features: The houses and the (long) hotels are in the form of a triangular tent of beautiful shiny wood (later plastic). The dice are standard white plastic with black pips. |
Belgium Flemish Edition[4][5] | |||
Game description: This special edition features streets from Antwerp, Belgium. The language used is Flemish. Tokens: Colored wooden Man-What-You-Not-pin nets are used at tokens. Other features: The houses and the (long) hotels are in the form of a triangular tent of beautiful shiny wood. The dice are standard white plastic with black pips. The box on the original Flemish edition did not state as such, though a 1964 release did indicate the Flemish edition. The second 1963 release used official Monopoly money. |
Brussels Edition (Bilingual)[4][5] | |||
Game description: The Brussels edition of Monopoly features a mix of cities from Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels. Ten street names come from Flanders areas, ten from Wallonia, and two additional street names are added from Brussels itself. The grid above incorporates both language versions; the French version is on the left and the Dutch on the right where two names are given. The railways are the same as the other respective versions, as are the utilities. Tokens: Standard Monopoly tokens: thimble, wheelbarrow, car, boat, gun, horseman, hat, dog, shoe, and iron. This is the case with each city edition. Other features: This version still uses the adjusted values and the franc bills. A second edition uses regular values and the regular bills, and was released in 2000. Under pressure from owner Hasbro, the edition presented in 2019 censored Manneken Pis, the 17th-century bronze statue of a naked boy urinating, with swimming trunks.[6] |
City Editions
Starting in 2000, Hasbro and TFL Games began releasing special -opoly editions based on cities in Belgium. The original Brussels edition got a facelift with a new board and standard dollar values and playing pieces. A number of Wallonian cities also got special editions, including Namur (capital of Wallonia), Liège, Charleroi, and Arlon, all in the Walloon Region along with 3 Flemish cities Antwerp, Ghent[7] and Ieper[8]
Antwerp Edition[4] | |||
Game description: The Antwerp edition of Monopoly features 22 streets of Antwerp as well as some railway stations within the locale. Tokens: Standard Monopoly tokens: thimble, wheelbarrow, car, boat, gun, horseman, hat, dog, shoe, and iron. This is the case with each city edition. Other features: The game is published in Flemish. The property values go back to normal values, and the bills included are the standard 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500. |
Arlon Edition
Charleroi Edition
Ghent Edition
Liège Edition
Namur Edition
Ieper Edition
Croatian | |||
Game description: Known as 'Monopoly'. The possessions are invented street names, mostly named after major world cities. |
Croatian (edition 1994) | |||
Game description: Known as 'Monopoly'. The possessions are partially invented street names but the majority are real street names used in mayor Croatian cities. |
Czech Republic
Danish edition (Danish cities) (1961) | |||
Game description: Two nearly identical versions, Matador and Monopoly. The Matador version was introduced in the 1930s, and the Monopoly version in 1996.[9] Denominated in Danish kroner. Most expensive is City Hall Square (Danish: Rådhuspladsen). Additionally Monopoly Junior exists. The 1961 version featured streets from Denmark's four major cities Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, and Aalborg.
The 1930s Matador version was localised exclusively with Copenhagen streets. In both versions, Copenhagen's City Hall Square, occupies the most expensive space on the board. |
Odense A localized version was published in the 1980s, known as Kong Gulerod i Odense [10]
Estonia edition (2001) | |||
Game description: Properties are streets and stations of Tallinn. |
European Union | |||
Tokens: Twelve sights, each country one: Eiffel Tower (France), Brandenburg Gate (Germany), Windmill (Netherlands), Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy), Sagrada Família (Spain), Grundtvig's Church (Denmark), Atomium (Belgium), Parthenon (Greece), Tower of London (Great Britain), Belém Tower (Portugal), Blarney Castle (Ireland), Church Saints Cosmas and Damian in Clervaux (Luxembourg) |
European Union - Special Edition | |||
Game description: Instead of streets, it uses the names of capital cities of countries which are already members of the European Union, in order of their admission to the EU (or its predecessor organizations), and some which are expected to be. Currency in euros. |
Finland (Helsinki) Edition | |||
Game description: Playing in the streets of Helsinki. |
Paris Edition | |||
Game description: Main French board, also updated for Monopoly - Nouveau plateau in 2005. Other features: 1st color group lilac[11] |
Alsace Edition
Amiens Edition
Angers Edition
Avignon Edition
Bassin d'Arcachon Edition
Beauvais Edition
Besançon Edition
Bordeaux Edition
Brest Edition
Brittany Edition
Caen Edition
Camargue Edition
Chamonix Edition
Corse Edition
Côte d'Azur Edition (2000) | |||
Game description: Released on the occasion of the International Games Festival in Cannes. |
Dijon Edition
Dunkerque Edition
Gironde Edition
Grenoble Edition
Guadeloupe Edition (1999) | |||
Le Havre Edition
Lille Edition
Lorraine Edition
Lyon Edition (1998) | |||
Marseille Edition
Martinique Edition (1999) | |||
Metz Edition
Montcuq Edition
Montpellier Edition
Nantes Edition
Nice Edition
Nîmes Edition
Nord-Pas de Calais Edition
Orléans Edition
Pays Basque Edition
Périgord Edition
Poitou Edition
Reims Edition
Rennes Edition
Réunion Edition (2000) | |||
Saint-Étienne Edition
Strasbourg Edition
Toulon Edition
Toulouse Edition (2002) | |||
Tours Edition
Vendée Edition
Versailles Edition
German Edition | |||
Other features: Los (Go) - DM 4,000 on classic boards, €200 on boards after 2000. |
Aachen Edition
Aschaffenburg Edition
Baden-Baden Edition
Berlin (Schmidt Spiele GmbH) (1936) Edition | |||
Game description: {{{Game_description}}} Tokens: {{{Tokens}}} Other features: {{{Other_features}}} {{{Images}}} |
Berlin Edition, including the 70th Anniversary Edition (Monopoly Heute or Monopoly Today)
Bremen Edition
Coburg Edition
Dresden Edition
Düsseldorf Edition
Essen Edition
Europa Edition | |||
Game description: This was a special Europa (Europe) Edition of Monopoly, released in Germany in 2001. The board was released just before the euro was adopted, and features licensed paper replicas of the 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 euro notes. A package of licensed plastic replica 1 euro coins is also included. The dice come in the official Blue and Gold colors of the European Union, as do the houses (blue) and hotels (gold). The game board features the capital cities of twenty-two European nations, for buying, selling and trading. The European Parliament and the European Court of Justice take the places of the two utilities. Four major airports (London's Heathrow, Paris's Charles de Gaulle, Amsterdam's Schiphol and Frankfurt's Rhein-Main) take the places of the four railroads. Tokens: The eight tokens represent famous European landmarks: The Palace of Westminster, UK, the Eiffel Tower, France, the Brandenburg Gate, Germany, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, a windmill, The Netherlands, the Manneken Pis, Belgium, the Sagrada Família, Spain and the Parthenon in Greece. Other features: As the properties are nations and their capital cities, they are laid out in reverse order by the year they joined the European Union (or its predecessor organizations). Thus France and Germany occupy the dark blue spaces, and are the most expensive. Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium occupy the green spaces, Luxembourg, the UK and Denmark occupy the yellow spaces, and so on. |
Frankfurt Edition | |||
Game description: This board is localized for the German city of Frankfurt am Main. Spaces on the board use streets and locations local to the city, as well as logos of local businesses and interests (for example: Eintracht Frankfurt, Senckenberg Museum). The train station spaces are the Central Train Station (Hauptbahnhof), Rhein-Main Airport (Flughafen Rhein-Main), East Harbour (Osthafen) and Hauptwache Underground station (U-Bahnhof Hauptwache). The set comes with now standard currency denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500); property values are given in euros. Pieces include green plastic houses and red plastic hotels. Tokens: Ten metal tokens: Cannon, dog, wheelbarrow, car, battleship, iron, thimble, horse and rider, hat and shoe. Other features: The box proclaims that it is an Authorized Opoly Game. A diagonal band in the top left of the box reads Limitierte Neuauflage in € (New Limited Edition with euros). |
Freiburg Edition
Fulda Edition
Giessen Edition
Hamburg Edition | |||
Game description: This board is localized for the German city of Hamburg. Spaces on the board use streets and locations local to the city, as well as logos of local businesses and interests (for example: Hamburger SV, Hafen Hamburg, Reeperbahn or Jungfernstieg). Also, apart from the Hauptbahnhof (central station), the train station spaces read Flughafen Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel (Hamburg Airport), Bahnhof Dammtor and Bahnhof Altona. The set comes with now standard currency denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500); property values are given in euros. Pieces include green plastic houses and red plastic hotels. Tokens: Ten metal tokens: Cannon, dog, wheelbarrow, car, battleship, iron, thimble, horse and rider, hat and shoe. |
Hanover Edition
Heidelberg Edition
Heilbronn Edition
Ingolstadt Edition
Karlsruhe Edition
Kassel Edition
Kiel Edition
Köln (Cologne) Edition | |||
Game description: This a board localized for the German city of Köln (Cologne). Spaces on the board use streets and locations local to the city, as well as logos of local businesses and interests (for example: 4711 Cologne, and the Cologne Philharmonic). The set comes with now standard currency denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500); property values are given in euros. Pieces include green plastic houses and red plastic hotels. Tokens: Ten metal tokens: Cannon, dog, wheelbarrow, car, battleship, iron, thimble, horse and rider, hat and shoe. Other features: The box proclaims that it is an Authorized Opoly Game. |
Leipzig Edition
Lübeck Edition
Magdeburg Edition
Mainz Edition
Munich Edition
Nuremberg Edition
Oberhausen Edition
Regensburg Edition
Rostock Edition
Wiesbaden Edition
Wuppertal Edition
Würzburg Edition
Rockopoly - Monopoly version of Gibraltar
Athens - Monopoly today version (Monopoly - Modern Greece, Μονόπολη - Σύγχρονη Ελλάδα) features city landmarks from Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras as well as place names around Greece. Currency is circulated by the use of plastic credit cards.
Standard Greek - Nolstagia Edition | |||
Other features: Uses normal Monopoly Money but multiplicated by 100. So there are 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 and 50000 bills. The currency is called δρχ. (Greek Drachma was used before the Euro) to add to the nolstagia theme. |
90 Years of Shell in Greece - Collectible Edition: Treasures of Greece | |||
Game description: Special Edition sold through Shell fuel stations. Shell Pecten refers to the Shell logo. In July 2010 Shell completed the sale of its downstream businesses in Greece to Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries whose LPG fuel station brandname is Coral Gas. Tokens: Shell pecten, Shell fuel pump, Shell motor oil canister, Shell oil barrel. Other features: Houses are yellow and hotels are red. |
Hungarian (Budapest) (1992) | |||
Iceland Edition | |||
Game description: The spaces are named after streets in Reykjavík, and the currency is the Icelandic króna. As there are no railways in Iceland, the four spaces with railroads in the original edition are replaced with three airports and a bus station. The airport spaces have airplane symbols instead of locomotive symbols, but curiously the bus station space retains the locomotive symbol. The Chance and Community Chest cards lack the Rich Uncle Pennybags illustrations of the American edition. |
For the Republic of Ireland (and not including Northern Ireland) in three versions, Irish pound (now discontinued) and euro, and a 'Here and Now' edition, with updated landmarks, and all monetary values multiplied by a factor of 10,000. Original version used mainly Dublin placenames, except for the red squares which were from Cork, and Shannon Airport as a station. On the new Irish language version published in 2015 by Glór na nGael Monopoly Dollars are used, to avoid any need for euro or sterling currencies, as the board is an all Ireland version.
Original Edition | |||
Dublin Edition | |||
Ireland edition (2000) | |||
Glór na nGael Irish language edition (2015) | |||
Game description: The first-ever Irish language version of the game to be published, this version produced by Glór na nGael with support from Foras na Gaeilge. Each colour group has a different theme — brown: headlands; light blue: rocks; dark orchid: religious sites; orange: mountains; red: islands; yellow: ancient sites; green: political buildings; blue: sites associated with the Easter Rising; stations: provinces; utilities: Irish-language websites. Other features: Uses Monopoly Dollars to avoid the use of either euro or pound sterling, as this board is an all-Ireland version of the game. Uses images for all of the sites mentioned. |
Isle Of Man
Isle of Man Edition (2011) | |||
Game description: In 2011 an Isle of Man edition was released. The two most expensive properties on the board are the Isle of Man TT Grandstand and Tynwald Hill, home of the island's parliament. Each of the island's transport types is represented where London railway terminals are traditionally located. The currency used was the Manx Pound |
Bergamo Edition
Brescia Edition
Forte dei Marmi Edition
Lago di Garda Edition
Milano Edition (Monopoli) | |||
Città metropolitana di Milano Mega Edition
Monopoli Edition
Napoli Edition
Palermo Edition
Parma Edition
Rimini Edition
Roma Edition
San Marino Edition
Serenissima Edition
Verona Edition
I Borghi più belli d'Italia's Series:
Liguria Edition
Lombardia Edition
Marche Edition
Piemonte & Val d'Aosta Edition
Puglia & Basilicata Edition
Sicilia Edition
Toscana Edition
Umbria Edition
Veneto Edition
Lithuanian (Vilnius) | |||
Game description: The streets are in Vilnius. Railway stations are in four largest Lithuania cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai. The game is called Monopolis. |
Luxembourg edition (2000) | |||
Game description: Luxembourg Edition - (Editioun Lëtzebuerg). The street names are taken from various Luxembourgian cities. The highlighted name in each case is the name of the city. |
Malta (and Gozo) Edition (2008) | |||
Game description: Released in late 2008, Monopoly Malta uses 20 Maltese and 2 Gozitan towns and uses the Euro as currency. Since Malta doesn't have train stations, Sea Ports have been used instead - three from Malta and one from Gozo. Brown: Msida, Ħaż-Żabbar; Light Blue: Marsaskala, Ħal Qormi, Marsaxlokk, Pink: Mosta, Green: Wardija, Purple: Valletta, Mdina |
Dutch (1941) | |||
Netherlands Edition - Every color group is a city; from cheap to expensive: Ons Dorp (='our village') (Dorpsstraat, Brink), Arnhem (Velperplein, Ketelstraat, Steenstraat), Haarlem (Barteljorisstraat, Zijlweg, Grote & Kleine Houtstraat), Utrecht (Neude, Vreeburg, Biltstraat) Groningen (A Kerkhof, Grote Markt, Heerestraat), The Hague (Spui, Plein, Lange Poten), Rotterdam (Hofplein, Blaak, Coolsingel), Amsterdam (Leidsestraat, Kalverstraat).
Amsterdam Edition
Breda Edition
Eindhoven Edition (2012)
Frisian edition Edition
The Hague Edition
Harlingen edition (28 nov 2020)
Hoeksche Waard Edition
Haarlem Edition
Maastricht Edition
Nieuwegein Edition
Nijmegen Edition
Rotterdam Edition
Utrecht Edition
Gouda Edition
Elburg Edition
Norwegian (Oslo) edition | |||
Game description: Known as Monopol. |
Poland edition (1985) | |||
Game description: Properties are streets in Warsaw. |
Gdańsk Edition
Gdynia Edition (2020)
Kraków edition (2015) | |||
Game description: {{{Game_description}}} Tokens: {{{Tokens}}} Other features: {{{Other_features}}} {{{Images}}} |
Wrocław Edition
Portuguese edition | |||
Game description: The standard version depicts major streets from cities across the country, including Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Setúbal and Braga. It was originally named Monopólio (literally, Monopoly in English); after Parker forced Majora (the licensed manufacturer) change the name, it became as its original. |
Bucharest Edition - Produced by Hasbro in 2005. The most expensive property is Bulevardul Primăverii (Spring Avenue) and the cheapest is Rahova.
Known as: МОНОПОЛИЯ. Special limited edition - Moscow. At the start of the 1990s an edition called Manager was produced, featuring different factories of Leningrad.
Russia (Moscow) Edition | |||
Game description: Ulitsa = street. Bulvar = boulevard. Ploshchad = square. Shosse = highroad, so larger than ulitsa. Zheleznaya doroga = railway. Other features: Go was START! in 1988 edition. |
Serbia (Belgrade) Edition | |||
Barcelona, Murcia, Vigo,[13] Seville,[14] Málaga,[15] Bilbao, Valencia, Zaragoza,[16] Ibiza[17] and Palma de Mallorca editions. The 70th anniversary edition includes the capital cities of the autonomous communities instead of streets. There is also an edition about the Spain national football team.
Madrid Edition | |||
Catalan Edition (Barcelona) | |||
Swedish Edition | |||
Stockholm Edition
Göteborg Edition | |||
Swiss Edition | |||
Game description: This edition presents streets and squares from around the country. Cities featured: Aarau, Basel, Bern, Bienne, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Chur, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Thun, Winterthur, Zürich. The Swiss edition is bilingual German/French (with rules also printed in Italian). |
Geneva Edition
Turkey (Istanbul) Edition[18] | |||
Game description: Streets and properties are named after Istanbul neighborhoods. |
United Kingdom
London (standard edition) (1935) | |||
London (60th anniversary edition) (1995) | |||
Game description: Released as limited edition for the 60th anniversary of Monopoly. Each set is individually numbered and the box is gold with a green bar across the centre. Tokens: Elephant, Bathtub, Trophy, Candlestick, Tram, Rich Uncle Pennybags, Boot and Car |
London (Millennium edition) (1999) | |||
Game description: Produced for the millennium in 1999, the properties are the same as the standard British edition. The houses and hotels are stackable, the board is silver with holographic foil, and the money is translucent. Tokens: Mobile Phone, Aeroplane, Car, Bike, Computer, Dog, Globe, In-line Skate |
UK Here & Now edition (2007)[20] | |||
Game description: The properties are all UK towns and cities, with the order defined by an online voting campaign that received over a million votes. Tokens: Mobile phone, Roller blade, Hamburger, Jumbo Jet, Racing Car, Skateboard and London Bus |
Olympic Games Edition (London 2012) (2011) | |||
Tokens: Double-decker bus, Wenlock, Mandeville, Hackney carriage, London Underground train, Telephone booth Other features: You are buying London 2012 venues and locations. Stands and Stadia instead of Houses and Hotels. |
1999 Rugby World Cup (1999)
Butlins 80th anniversary (2016)
Coronation Street Edition
Desi (2005)
Marshalls Natural Stone Paving (2010) - "We've Paved the Monopoly Board" - Limited edition of 250 sets manufactured for Marshalls Natural Stone Paving. Each traditional Monopoly street shows a photograph and the name of a Marshalls paving product actually laid in that street in London.[22]
Premier League 1999/2000 (1999)
Premier League 2000/2001 (2000)
Mega Edition (2007)
Home Bargains (2020)
Poundland (2021)
Stock Exchange | |||
Game description: Thirty companies were represented on the board, with twenty-two presidency cards (in place of the usual street properties), four retail cards (in place of the railroads/railway stations), and two utilities. Community Chest and Chance were replaced by Bull and Bear cards, respectively. The UK standard Super Tax space became a Capital Gains Tax space, though the Income Tax space remained unchanged (except for value - values of all spaces, including the tax spaces, were multiplied by millions of Pounds). The companies represented on the board were international, including Gillette, Unilever, Swissair, Pizza Hut, Daimler Chrysler, Toshiba, Alcatel, Tesco and BT. Tokens: Six standard Monopoly tokens were included: the racecar, iron, Scottie dog, battleship, hat and shoe. Other features: Rules for the game were widely changed for this edition. The doubles rule (taking an extra turn, or going to jail after three consecutive doubles rolls) remained, as did the auction rule (a space, when landed on, if not purchased by the player whose token landed on it, would be auctioned by the bank). Landing on a coloured company space allowed the player to buy a majority of shares if it hadn't already been floated, or pay rent, which went to the bank, and not the player possessing the card. Extra shares could also be purchased during a turn: one share of any floated company, or two of the company that the player's token is on. Dividends (a minimum of £200 million, plus accumulated rents) were collected each time a player passed Go. The construction of offices/head offices (in place of houses and hotels) could only commence when all companies in a colour-group were owned, similar to standard rules, and building shortages, also as in standard rules, could also be caused. Shares of companies (up to 9 per company) could be bought from and sold to the bank, or traded with other players. If a shareholding plurality is achieved by another player, that player assumes control of the company, which could break a monopoly. All transactions were intended to be entered into the included Electronic Share Unit. |
Thomas Cook (2005)
Towns and Cities
Bath (2007)
Birmingham (1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005) | |||
University of Birmingham (limited edition 2003) [23]
Blackpool (2010)
Bournemouth & Poole (2007)
Brighton & Hove (2003)
Bristol (2000, 2001, 2004, 2007) | |||
Cambridge (2004) | |||
Carlisle (2007)
Chester & Cheshire (2001) | |||
Coventry (2002/2021)
Chelmsford (2012)
East Grinstead (2007)
Exeter (2015)
Ipswich (2006)
Kingston upon Hull (2004)
Huddersfield (announced 2018)[26]
Hull City Football Club Edition
Lancashire Edition
Lancaster Edition (2023)
Lancaster University Edition
Leeds (1989)[27] | |||
Game description: Released in limited edition of 500 for charity in 1989. |
University of Leeds (2002)[29] | |||
Lincoln(2011) | |||
Liverpool (1999, 2000, 2007) | |||
London - Here And Now Limited Edition (2005) | |||
Game description: This board was released in 2005, to honour the 70th anniversary of Parker Brothers acquisition and commencement of sales of the board game Monopoly. The concept of the game is to update the board and gameplay through inflation, use of currently valuable properties, new tokens, new artwork, use of airports in place of railroads, use of apartments in place of houses, and new scenarios on the Community Chest and Chance cards. The Electric Company was replaced with Telecoms (a tower in London), and Water Works was replaced by The Sun newspaper. Tokens: Limited editions included a cheeseburger, inline skate, mobile phone, skateboard, Formula-1 race car, passenger jetliner and a London bus. The standard edition omitted the bus. Other features: Trafalgar Square is the only property to have the exact same location on both the classic board and the Here & Now Edition board. Regent Street is also on both boards, but was demoted from a dark green to a yellow property, and thus draws less rent than before. |
London Underground Edition - replaces streets with Underground stations, with colours matching lines
King's College London Edition (2004) [31]
Arsenal Football Club Edition (2002, 2007)
Arsenal - Farewell to Highbury (2005)
Chelsea Football Club Edition (2001, 2004)
Fulham F.C. Edition (2009)
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Edition
Manchester (1998, 1999, 2001) | |||
Manchester United Football Club (1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009) Edition
Middlesbrough (2006)
Newcastle & Gateshead (1998) | |||
Newcastle & Gateshead (1999) | |||
Newcastle & Gateshead (2004) | |||
Newcastle United Football Club Edition (2006)
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (2001) | |||
Northampton | |||
Norwich (2002)
Nottingham (2001, 2003, 2004) | |||
Oxford (2001) | |||
Plymouth (2011)
Reading (2003)
Scarborough (2019)
St Mawes, Cornwall March (2012)
Sheffield (2007) (limited edition)
Southampton (2004)
Southwold, Reydon & Walberswick (2012) | |||
Sunderland (2004)
Taunton (2017)
Wigan (2005)
Worcester (2006)
York (2010)
Cornwall (2001, 2004) | |||
Derbyshire | |||
Isle of Wight Edition
Devon (2002)
Essex (2001, 2004) | |||
Gloucestershire (2003)
Kent | |||
Lancashire (2000, 2001, 2002) | |||
Leicestershire (2003) | |||
Yorkshire (1999, 2000, 2006) | |||
Yorkshire Building Society (1999)
Scotland (2001) | |||
Aberdeen (2006)
Dundee (2012)
Inverness (1999)
Isle of Arran (2010)
Isle of Islay (2012)
Highlands and Islands (2010)
Stirling (2017)
Scotland (Edinburgh) (2008) | |||
Other features: (other versions: 1998, 1999, 2000) |
Glasgow (1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006) | |||
(Glasgow) Rangers F. C. (2000)
Yorkshire Building Society (1999)
Celtic F. C. (2001, 2004)
Wales-Cymru (1999, 2000) | |||
Yn Gymraeg[32] | |||
Anglesey (2011)
Cardiff (2009)
Newport (2014)[34]
Swansea (2005)
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Edition (2000, 2001) | |||
Belfast (2009)
The Glór na nGael Irish language edition (2015; see #Ireland) is an all-Ireland edition and so includes some sites in Northern Ireland (Rathlin Island, Stormont, Ulster, Armagh cathedral, the Giant's Causeway).
Channel Islands
A Jersey edition, with locations from around Jersey, including streets and landmarks, was issued in 2004. The stations are replaced by Jersey airport, two harbours and a lighthouse.
There have also been two different versions for Guernsey.[35] A late 1990s version[36] and an early 2010s updated version.[37] Landmarks include Fort Grey and Castle Cornet and differ with design and some landmarks between the two different version but the majority is the same.[38]
Yugoslavia (SFRY)
- ↑ "Frequently Asked Questions about MONOPOLY". Archived from the original on 2009-02-13. Retrieved 2009-02-26.
- ↑ "Austrian Edition Info". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "Austrian Edition Info". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Foreign language page discussing three versions". Archived from the original on 2010-10-18. Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Belgian Monopoly at Monopolybase". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "Monopoly censors Manneken Pis on Brussels edition box". The Telegraph. 20 September 2019. Retrieved 20 September 2019.
- ↑ "Monopoly Gent – Bestel nu".
- ↑ "World of". Archived from the original on 2021-11-26. Retrieved 2021-11-26.
- ↑ "Onsdag, 31. Juli 1996 24:01 (DNT)". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑
- ↑ "France - 2005 - New Streets?". Archived from the original on 2008-12-26. Retrieved 2009-01-31.
- ↑ "Göppingen auf dem Spielbrett | Südwest Presse Online". Archived from the original on 12 February 2013. Retrieved 2 February 2022.
- ↑
- ↑ "RTVA". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "RTVA". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "El Monopoly estrena una versión sobre Zaragoza - Aragón". 2006-11-16. Archived from the original on 2007-12-15. Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "Monopoly: Edición Ibiza". BoardGameGeek. Retrieved 2017-07-10.
- ↑ "Turkey". 2004-10-04. Archived from the original on 2010-10-18. Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "Turkey". 2004-10-04. Archived from the original on 2010-10-18. Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ Wainwright, Martin (September 25, 2007). "St Albans is new Mayfair in Monopoly". The Guardian. London.
- ↑ Wainwright, Martin (September 25, 2007). "St Albans is new Mayfair in Monopoly". The Guardian. London.
- ↑ "Marshalls Natural Stone Paving - We've Paved the Monopoly Board". Archived from the original on 2010-12-18. Retrieved 2011-01-03.
- ↑ "Buzz Online Issue 26". 2003-05-02. Archived from the original on 2011-10-05. Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ Created by Mary Stevens Hospice, Stourbridge
- ↑ "Falmouth Monopoly hits the shelves - and the Packet has a square". Falmouth Packet. Retrieved 2019-04-18.
- ↑ Beever, Susie, "Huddersfield to get its own Monopoly board after winning vote-off against Halifax", Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 27 March 2018
- ↑ Paul Robinson (June 5, 1999). "Why Leeds has the Monopoly". Yorkshire Evening Post.
- ↑ Paul Robinson (June 5, 1999). "Why Leeds has the Monopoly". Yorkshire Evening Post.
- ↑ "Reporter 483, 5 June 2002 - University of Leeds Monopoly". 5 June 2002. Archived from the original on 16 July 2011. Retrieved 26 April 2010.
- ↑ "Reporter 483, 5 June 2002 - University of Leeds Monopoly". 5 June 2002. Archived from the original on 16 July 2011. Retrieved 26 April 2010.
- ↑
- ↑ "9790000000000, 0". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "9790000000000, 0". Retrieved 2010-04-26.
- ↑ "Newport to have its own version of Monopoly". South Wales Argus.
- ↑ "Old Guernsey-Opoly Box".
- ↑ "Old Guernsey-opoly Board".
- ↑ "Updated Monopoly Bailiwick of Guernsey Edition".
- ↑ "Updated Monopoly Bailiwick of Guernsey Board".
External links
- Over 1700 Monopoly versions, updated continuously (some unofficial)
- Database of street names in local editions
- Monopoly games and places from around the world
- Rich Man series review (Chinese)
- Bucharest Version: Detailed article
- MONOPOLY around the World and a contact for different MONOPOLY boards
- Nearly one hundred monopoly boards listed at MonopolyBoards.Info