Country India
StateTamil Nadu
Time zoneUTC+5:30 (IST)

Karambayam is a village in Pattukkottai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The village has Muthu Mariyamman Temple, an Amman temple.


Population of the village4000
Best transportation modeBus
Proximity to district35 km
Proximity to talluk10 km
Names of tributaries in the villageNo
Main occupation men in the villageAgriculture
Main occupation women in the villageAgriculture, House wife
Cost of 1-acre (4,000 m2) of land in the village2.5 Lakh
Type of cropPaddy, Groundnut, Coconut
Non-farm Source IncomeMigration to foreign countries, Daily wages
Nearest School and distanceGovt Higher Sec School
Number of students in the school700
Staff strength30
No. of certified doctors1
Nearest PHC to villageKarambayam
Nearest CollegeMeenakshi Chandrasekaran Arts and Science College for Women
No. of pharmacy storesYes
Beds in Hospital3
Banks nearby: Names and distancePACB In Karambayam
What Banking Products are you aware ofAgri loan,Jewel loan etc.,
What is the rate of interest charged by moneylenders3 to 4%
Number of self-help groups in village25+
Cost of 200 square feet (19 m2) shop in the village(Rs)10000/-
Rent of 200 square feet (19 m2) shop in the village(Rs)700/-

Main attractions the Mariamman Kovil festival( April month every year) and the football tournament.

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