This is a list of publicly accessible, motorable passes in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa.

List of Passes in the Eastern Cape province

Name Location Highest Point Road Between towns Road surface
All Saints Neck31°40′36″S 28°00′46″E / 31.6767°S 28.0127°E / -31.6767; 28.0127R61Mthatha and Engcobotar
Barkly Pass31°14′09″S 27°50′31″E / 31.2357°S 27.8419°E / -31.2357; 27.8419R58Elliot and Barkly Easttar
Baster Voetslaan Pass31°10′29″S 27°58′46″E / 31.1748°S 27.9795°E / -31.1748; 27.9795pass joins R393Barkly Pass and Ugierough gravel
Baviaanskloof33°38′47″S 24°27′19″E / 33.6464°S 24.4554°E / -33.6464; 24.4554Willowmore and Hankeygravel
Bidstone Pass30°42′54″S 27°49′51″E / 30.7150°S 27.8307°E / -30.7150; 27.8307near Tiffindell Ski Resortgravel
Blaauwkrantz Pass33°23′07″S 26°42′18″E / 33.3853°S 26.7051°E / -33.3853; 26.7051R67Grahamstown and Port Alfredtar
Boesmanshoek Pass31°29′54″S 26°29′07″E / 31.4982°S 26.4854°E / -31.4982; 26.4854R397Molteno and Sterkstroomtar
Bruintjieshoogte Pass32°40′46″S 25°20′45″E / 32.6795°S 25.3458°E / -32.6795; 25.3458R63Somerset East and Pearstontar
Buffalo Pass33°02′07″S 27°47′52″E / 33.0353°S 27.7979°E / -33.0353; 27.7979M5East Londonwide tar
Buffelshoek Pass32°29′11″S 25°14′02″E / 32.4864°S 25.2340°E / -32.4864; 25.2340R337Pearston and Cradockgravel
Bulhoek Pass31°14′22″S 25°42′23″E / 31.2395°S 25.7065°E / -31.2395; 25.7065Steynsburggravel
Buyspoort (Buispoort)33°21′00″S 23°26′04″E / 33.3499°S 23.4344°E / -33.3499; 23.4344N9Uniondale and Willowmoretar
Cala Pass31°28′25″S 27°43′24″E / 31.4737°S 27.7234°E / -31.4737; 27.7234R410Elliot and Calatar
Carlislehoekspruit Pass30°43′08″S 27°57′24″E / 30.7188°S 27.9568°E / -30.7188; 27.9568Rhodes and Tiffendellsteep gravel
Cats Pass32°25′41″S 28°26′07″E / 32.4281°S 28.4352°E / -32.4281; 28.4352Butterworth and Mazeppa Bay
Colonanek30°38′47″S 29°02′53″E / 30.6463°S 29.0480°E / -30.6463; 29.0480Mount Frere and Cedarville
Combrink's Pass33°39′10″S 24°30′05″E / 33.6529°S 24.5013°E / -33.6529; 24.5013
Daggaboers Nek32°32′08″S 25°50′35″E / 32.5356°S 25.8431°E / -32.5356; 25.8431N10Cookhouse and Cradocktar
De Beer's Pass32°18′54″S 26°11′09″E / 32.3150°S 26.1857°E / -32.3150; 26.1857Cookhouse and Tarkastad
Devil's Bellows32°24′59″S 26°40′00″E / 32.4163°S 26.6667°E / -32.4163; 26.6667Balfour and Whittleseabad gravel
Dontsa Pass32°36′48″S 27°14′37″E / 32.6132°S 27.2437°E / -32.6132; 27.2437R352Keiskammahoek and Stutterheim
Doringnek33°22′50″S 25°42′40″E / 33.3806°S 25.7112°E / -33.3806; 25.7112R335Addo and Somerset Eastgravel
Ecca Pass33°12′02″S 26°37′07″E / 33.2006°S 26.6185°E / -33.2006; 26.6185R67Grahamstown and Fort Beauforttar
Fonteinkloof Pass33°35′41″S 26°07′21″E / 33.5947°S 26.1224°E / -33.5947; 26.1224R72Port Elizabeth and Alexandriatar
Fuller's Hoek Pass32°41′19″S 26°31′10″E / 32.6885°S 26.5195°E / -32.6885; 26.5195Fort Fordyce Nature Reservegravel
Ghwarriepoort33°23′17″S 23°23′30″E / 33.3881°S 23.3918°E / -33.3881; 23.3918N9Uniondale and Williston
Grasnek Pass33°38′56″S 24°20′36″E / 33.6490°S 24.3433°E / -33.6490; 24.3433
Greylings Pass31°07′08″S 27°18′00″E / 31.1188°S 27.2999°E / -31.1188; 27.2999R396Dordrecht and Barkly East
Groot-Doringhoek Pass31°22′46″S 26°04′25″E / 31.3795°S 26.0736°E / -31.3795; 26.0736R391Hofmeyr and Moltenogravel
Hankey Pass33°52′56″S 24°50′24″E / 33.8821°S 24.8401°E / -33.8821; 24.8401R330Humansdorp and Hankeytar
Helspoort Pass33°10′12″S 26°19′15″E / 33.1701°S 26.3209°E / -33.1701; 26.3209R350Grahamstown and Bedfordtar
Hogsback Pass32°36′49″S 26°54′48″E / 32.6136°S 26.9134°E / -32.6136; 26.9134R345Alice and Cathcartgood tar
Holgat Pass33°38′25″S 24°27′23″E / 33.6403°S 24.4563°E / -33.6403; 24.4563
Joubert's Pass30°43′00″S 27°14′38″E / 30.7167°S 27.2440°E / -30.7167; 27.24402349detour off R58Lady Grey and Barkly Eastgravel
Kareedouw Pass33°57′44″S 24°16′00″E / 33.9621°S 24.2667°E / -33.9621; 24.2667Kareedouw and Knysna
Katberg Pass32°27′22″S 26°39′17″E / 32.4561°S 26.6547°E / -32.4561; 26.6547Balfour and Whittleseagravel
Kei Cuttings32°33′00″S 27°57′50″E / 32.5499°S 27.9639°E / -32.5499; 27.9639N2Komga and Butterworthwide tar
Killian's Pass31°11′00″S 27°17′43″E / 31.1832°S 27.2953°E / -31.1832; 27.2953Dordrecht and Barkly East
Kumajaba Pass31°17′02″S 28°32′09″E / 31.2840°S 28.5357°E / -31.2840; 28.5357Maclear
Kwaaiman Pass31°43′31″S 27°41′44″E / 31.7253°S 27.6956°E / -31.7253; 27.6956Cala and Tsomo
Lehana's Pass30°40′43″S 28°12′03″E / 30.6787°S 28.2007°E / -30.6787; 28.2007
Lootsberg Pass31°49′38″S 24°51′20″E / 31.8272°S 24.8555°E / -31.8272; 24.8555Graaff Reinet and Middelburg, Eastern Capetar
Lundin's Neck (often
misspelt Lundean's Nek)
30°38′50″S 27°44′32″E / 30.6471°S 27.7422°E / -30.6471; 27.74222162R393Tele Bridge and Barkly Eastgravel
Michel's Pass32°33′44″S 26°51′40″E / 32.5621°S 26.8610°E / -32.5621; 26.8610Seymour and Hogsbackgravel
Mlengana Pass31°32′42″S 29°10′53″E / 31.5449°S 29.1814°E / -31.5449; 29.1814Mthatha and Port St. Johns
Moordenaarsnek30°50′23″S 28°32′38″E / 30.8397°S 28.5440°E / -30.8397; 28.5440R56Mount Fletcher and Maclearwide tar
Munnikspoort32°17′53″S 24°31′27″E / 32.2980°S 24.5243°E / -32.2980; 24.5243N9Aberdeen and Graaff-Reinettar
Naudeberg Pass31°58′06″S 24°43′08″E / 31.9682°S 24.7190°E / -31.9682; 24.7190tar
Naude's Neck Pass30°45′36″S 28°04′34″E / 30.7600°S 28.0761°E / -30.7600; 28.0761Maclear and Rhodesgravel
Nico Malan Pass32°28′51″S 26°50′10″E / 32.4807°S 26.8361°E / -32.4807; 26.8361R67Fort Beaufort and Whittleseatar
Nonesis Nek Pass31°50′30″S 26°59′18″E / 31.8416°S 26.9883°E / -31.8416; 26.9883Queenstown and Lady Freretar
Nuwekloof Pass33°30′58″S 23°38′46″E / 33.5160°S 23.6460°E / -33.5160; 23.6460Willowmore and Baviaanskloofgravel
Olifantskop Pass33°19′08″S 25°56′47″E / 33.3189°S 25.9465°E / -33.3189; 25.9465N10Paterson and Cookhousewide tar
Otto Du Plessis Pass31°14′05″S 27°31′50″E / 31.2346°S 27.5305°E / -31.2346; 27.5305Ida - Cliffordgravel
Ouberg Pass (Oude Berg Pass)32°07′16″S 24°24′28″E / 32.1212°S 24.4077°E / -32.1212; 24.4077Graaff Reinet and Murraysburg
Pefferskop Pass32°39′00″S 26°52′58″E / 32.6501°S 26.8827°E / -32.6501; 26.8827Seymour and Dimfieldgravel
Penhoek Pass31°27′45″S 26°42′05″E / 31.4626°S 26.7015°E / -31.4626; 26.7015N6Queenstown and Aliwal Northtar
Perdepoort33°11′20″S 23°25′53″E / 33.1888°S 23.4314°E / -33.1888; 23.4314N9Graaff Reinet and Willowmore
Pitseng Pass30°45′26″S 28°18′21″E / 30.7573°S 28.3057°E / -30.7573; 28.3057Mount Fletcher and Barkly East
Pot River Pass30°55′57″S 28°12′37″E / 30.9326°S 28.2103°E / -30.9326; 28.2103R396Maclear and Barkly Eastgravel
Potter's Pass33°02′26″S 27°52′10″E / 33.0406°S 27.8695°E / -33.0406; 27.8695Westbank, East Londonurban
Qacha's Nek30°07′42″S 28°41′11″E / 30.1283°S 28.6863°E / -30.1283; 28.6863gravel
Red Hill Pass32°42′42″S 27°11′01″E / 32.7116°S 27.1836°E / -32.7116; 27.1836R352Keiskammahoek and King Williams Town
Satansnek31°35′54″S 27°56′36″E / 31.5984°S 27.9433°E / -31.5984; 27.9433Mthatha and Cala
Smuts Pass31°24′25″S 26°47′31″E / 31.4070°S 26.7920°E / -31.4070; 26.7920Dordrecht and Moltenotar
Soutpansnek32°52′24″S 24°42′49″E / 32.8733°S 24.7137°E / -32.8733; 24.7137R75Jansenville and Graaff Reinettar
Stormsrivier Pass33°59′20″S 23°54′42″E / 33.9888°S 23.9118°E / -33.9888; 23.9118
Suurberg Pass33°17′01″S 25°43′13″E / 33.2835°S 25.7202°E / -33.2835; 25.7202Patterson to Stonefountain
Swaershoek Pass32°20′48″S 25°27′40″E / 32.3468°S 25.4611°E / -32.3468; 25.4611Cradock and Pearston
Swanepoelspoort33°06′51″S 23°53′38″E / 33.1143°S 23.8940°E / -33.1143; 23.8940Willowmore and Jansenville
Tarka Pass32°28′19″S 25°40′00″E / 32.4719°S 25.6666°E / -32.4719; 25.6666Cradock and Somerset Eastwide tar
Van Stadens Pass33°54′46″S 25°12′09″E / 33.9128°S 25.2025°E / -33.9128; 25.2025R102Port Elizabeth and Humansdorpwide tar
Wapadsberg Pass31°55′52″S 24°53′01″E / 31.9311°S 24.8837°E / -31.9311; 24.8837R61Cradock and Nieu-Bethesdatar
Witnek Pass31°52′52″S 24°41′43″E / 31.8811°S 24.6954°E / -31.8811; 24.6954Nieu-Bethesda and Cradock
Witkransnek PassMiddelburg and Cradocktar

See also


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