Other names
Related namesElizabeth, Tina, Beth

Bettina is a female name predominantly found in the Italian and German languages. This name has various interpreted meanings and origins.

In Italian, Bettina originated as a diminutive of the names Elisabetta and Benedetta. Benedetta is the Italian feminine form of Benedict, meaning "Blessed," while Elisabetta is the Italian form of Elizabeth, which itself comes from the Hebrew name Elisheva or Elisheba, meaning "my God is an oath".

The name has several variations including Bettine and Betina, and though it is a diminutive itself, it can be shortened to Betty, Bette, Ina, or Tina.


Fictional characters

"Bettina" was the name of the woman artist (and her ranch) that the Tom Hanks character met at the end of the film Cast Away while delivering her package. He had retrieved the Bettina package years earlier from the ocean, while stranded on a tiny island following a plane crash. "Bettina" is also the name of Kathy Bates' character in the TV series, Six Feet Under


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