Atsaysky datsan in Buryatia, Selenga area

Revived Atsaysky datsan
Atsaysky datsan "Tubden Darzhaling" is one of the oldest Buddhist Gelug monasteries in Buryatia, which operated from 1743 to 1935.
In 1743, in the north-east side of Goose Lake, in the mouth of the river Zagustay Selenge Buryats, put the temple arc represent a felt yurt.
The first shireete (superiors) are Lama, who arrived from Tibet.
Later wooden Tsogchen arc was built, with the Tibetan name Tubden Darzhaling.
In the 1930s during the anti-religious persecution lamas were persecuted, and he was eliminated datsan decision.
By 1945, all the buildings of the complex were demolished.
In 2012-2014, the Palace complex erected White Tara.
The temple-Dugan conducted daily services.
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