About Me
Hello! My name is Violet Ichel, and I am a second year undergraduate student at the University of California, Davis. I am a design major and plan to focus on graphic design. I am passionate about the creativity that goes into organizing visual communications, as well as how the design process can be applied to many aspects of the world.
I have experience repairing items at home, such as ripped jeans. My mom taught me how to hand sew and I still utilize these skills when I need to repair clothing of mine. The most recent sewing project that I took on was re-sewing a top that I bought that was too large for me, in order to make it fit better.
This is a flyer that I designed for the radio show that I have on my school’s Freeform, community-ran radio station. I have been playing music on the station for 3 quarters and plan to continue doing so while in college. The radio station provides 24-hour programming that can be accessed online or through the radio. We also host community events for members to connect with each other and organizations on campus.
One of the ways in which I like to immerse myself in creativity is by going to concerts. Live music allows me to fully take in the talent that different musicians have. I am almost always ready to dance at the concerts i go to. This picture was taken at a concert that I attended while visiting Denver, Colorado.
I have been embracing my musical abilities by learning how to play guitar. I hope to strengthen my guitar playing skills and eventually be able to play at concerts as a side hobby.