Career: Hello, I'm Yasser Ibrahim, an international student from Côte d'Ivoire. I am attending the University of North Texas for a bachelor's degree in computer science, focusing on Software development. I am passionate about this field as it is very versatile, and I love writing computer programs to solve real-world complex problems.
"Picture showing how my everyday life looks like."
Aspirations: My passion for this field is why I became self-taught, using online courses and videos.
Skills/Projects: Even though I am a beginner in this field, during my previous self-taught learning journey, I have developed computer programming skills in Java and Python, as well as reviewing and enhancing software program skills. I have also been able to build basic projects combining the back and front end, such as calculators, logic games, hotel management apps, and bank desktop apps.
Repair Experience: While I have yet to gain extensive repair experience, I'm eager to learn about electronic repair, such as PCs and consoles. These skills would be valuable for my future career and personal life as electronic devices surround my environment.
"Pictures of my console's power supply that I was trying to repair."
Hobbies: In my spare time, I enjoy writing computer programs, learning new things about technology, playing video games, and hanging out with some friends. These activities not only provide relaxation but also deepen my knowledge.
Project Relevance: This project is significant as it aligns with my everyday life. My console or electronic devices usually get broken and worse when I try to repair them.
Fun Facts: I am pretty private unless a technology discussion is raised. I like talking to people about this field and learning from the best.