Hello! My name is Justine, and I am pursuing an associate degree in accounting at Austin Community College. I chose this major because numbers have always come easy, and I think accounting knowledge is very beneficial. My goal is to gain experience working at entry level, while pursuing a bachelor's degree in accounting.

I’ve always had an interest in tinkering with things-taking them apart and putting them back together-to see how they worked. In my youth I spent a lot of time with my dad, learning as much as I could as he fixed different things with the car and in and around the house.

Previously, I worked as a sonar technician. I have to admit that although I did enjoy other aspects of my job, my most exciting moments always involved tools, parts, and technical manuals. From this job, I gained extensive experience in our sonar suite system rebuilds, part replacements and troubleshooting to identify and correct faults within interfaces.


· Reading

· Cooking

· Drawing

· Video Games

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Life gets pretty busy, but every now and

again I will stay up a bit to play Borderlands 3.

One of my favorite games.

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Favorite place to browse for good reads!