Hi! My name is Madeleine Falcon. I am a second year student at York University, majoring in information technology.
My brother introduced me to computers through video games, and letting me help him build his PC. From there I took computer science in high school and really enjoyed coding. I chose to major in information technology because I wanted to learn more about computers. I'm not really sure what I want to do once I graduate but hopefully I'll figure that out along the way.
One of my favourite things to do is ski. I've been skiing since I was six, and eventually joined the The Canadian Ski Instructors' Alliance. I've only ever skied in Ontario, but I would love to one day ski in many different places.
Some other things I enjoy in my spare time include reading, watching shows, and talking to friends and family.
I don't have much repair experience but I am great at solving things on my own, through research and previous knowledge. I am excited to create a guide for iFixit that will help others reduce waste and save money.