"You can't fix that"! Ha, I take that as a challenge!
Multitasking mother of 4 who can always find a positive in every situation.
I'm a multitasking mother of 4! I have many talents but My Favorite by far, is fixing things. I love it! Fixing feeds my soul! Having 4 children plus my husband, one could only imagine the things that get broken in my house hold. With everything being made so cheaply (made to break so we have to spend more.) I refuse to accept that as a reason to toss something out. Especially something that I think I can fix. Even if my attempt to fix it fails. I still see it as a positive, because I learned something rather I was successful at repairing it or not. I enjoy taking things apart just to see what makes it tick or not tick lol. But the greatest reward comes from being able to put it back to use again.
I'm a cheap a**. And I refuse to throw money away on "just buy a new one"! Money doesn't come to my family easily. We work very hard for what we have. And what we have I'll make it last us. My kids even tell their friends, bring it over, my mom can fix anything. I can't fix everything, but I'll certainly give it my best shot though.
My passion came from my father. It wasn't until I lost him that I truly discovered it though. He was what they call, a jack of all trades! He could literally fix 95% of anything he attempted. He would always say "we don't ever call a maintenance repair man, we become the repair man. We are capable of learning and teaching our selves anything! After my father passed I became the car mechanic, the electrician, the plumber, appliance repairs and anything else my kids and husband would manage to break. Never even knew I had it in me. I surprise myself majority of the time honestly. It's my greatest passion now! It's one of my purposes of life!