
Hello, my name is Gurvir Boparai, I'm a YorkU Alumni who graduated in 2024.


I chose to do Information Technology because it is a sector that is constantly developing, which means adapting and applying skills to new developments.


I would eventually like to be a full stack developer and help maintain integrity of websites.


I have a variety of skills because I love to learn valuable concepts that may help me in my future. These include but are not limited to: front end development, programming, photography, and product design.


One my favorite projects would have to a UX case study I have done during my time in university. It was my first experience hands on with a team working on a big project.

Repair Experience

I have repaired things such as tables or bed frames, I love to refurbish and refinish items to make them look brand new.


Jimmy K. W. Chan Award (November 2021) - York University

Glenn Fett Memorial Award (June 2020) - Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School

Honor Roll (Grade 9-12) - Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School

Creative Consultant Award (August 2019) - Seva Food Bank


In my free time I like to play sports, play games, read, and play with my dog.

Thanks for learning more about me!