"What on earth are you doing here?!"

I joined iFixit back in 2020 to disassemble my (brother's) Nintendo 3DS. I remember the details pretty vividly - I was in the kitchen with the same small box of screwheads I use today, on a high chair with a red gel mat on the desk, taking photos I'd later use as profile pictures, much to the bemusement of my then-friends.

I was positively absorbed by the process, attempting to see if I could diagnose the shoulder buttons (Mario Kart 7 wasn't kind to them). Somehow, it worked... ish. (I fixed this properly on 6/5/2023!)

Things ramped up in 2021, as I bought an Xbox 360 S. On the very day I got it, I disassembled the PSU (and somehow didn't die). A Wii and PlayStation 2 followed suit, and the rest is history.

What I'm doing here

I fix things. By no means am I some computer god, but it's a fun hobby to kill a few hours. From controllers to vacuum cleaners, consoles to phones.

I focus on making guides more accessible and understandable - markup, photos, formatting, wiki pages, device info. Think of me as an iFixit for iFixit, or something. That's why my repuation tends to jump up over time. Seeing the guides that need work dwindle in number is satisfying.

If something I do on open projects like these - here, Wikipedia, wikiHow, Github - helps even one person, it's been worth it. That keeps me going, obviously besides curiosity behind the technology I've probably impulse-bought.


I collect consoles, so my lifetime goal is collecting as many as I can. Whether they're broken or in mint condition, knowing your way around one is always handy.


If you want to get in touch, my channels are here. I don't get many comments on my main channel, so I won't miss it.

FarmYard Gaming

FarmYard Trains