
  1. L3NTCTiBP2m6IhPD
    • Remove battery, and the sticker underneath.

    • Picking a corner with a tweezer then grip and turn with the tweezer is a good way to remove the sticker.

    • Remove the two T5 torx screws.

    • Push firmly and turn to avoid slipping and stripping.

    i cant uncrew one

    Rodrigo -

  2. NUWZhUUegLQ2M1Bt
    • Using a pry tool, start near the strap and pry away grip portion until it starts to hinge from the top.

    • Carefully pull back and down to remove the grip, clearing the grip trigger's hinge.

    • Remove the two T5 torx screws below the trigger.

    • Remember to apply pressure when removing the screws.

  4. va6qMFt1lZyXeEX6
    • Using a straight-edge, wedge the inner ring away from the outer starting at the seam to separate the sensor array. Pull the sensors down carefully.

    • Be careful. The sensors are attached by ribbon cabling and could be easily damaged. The safest pry location is near the seem towards the bottom.

    • While pulling down on the sensors, push the outer ring towards the buttons. A uncomfortable amount of force is required to separate.

  5. DmA1FlZZkR23hN3T
    • Insert wisdom here.

  6. pPY6FXMph5xZDK3l
    • Remove two T5 torx screws near the trigger to separate the cover for the buttons.

    • Hold the cover down while turning the controller upside down to avoid spilling the buttons.

    • Unscrew four T5 torx screws around the controller to separate the bottom PCB. One is facing outwards near the trigger. Three others are opposite from the battery compartment.

  7. DVabaRovAU3odENQ
    • Lift the wires up, and then remove the handle. Make sure to disconnect the wire or you may sever it.

    • The PCB also serves as the surface for the spring backing the trigger. Re-inserting the PCB with the handle still attached (for instance when cleaning) will require a separate tool to push the spring back while positioning the PCB back into place.

  8. Pgh6QAXTc56BhQnR
    • Lift the flap to disconnect the circuit board from the body.

    • To disconnect the thumbstick, pull the black bar towards the thumbstick slightly to release the wires. Do not try to lift the 'flap' as isn't one!


Member since: 17/01/21

157 Reputation


is there a place to get individual parts for the controller?

Luke Hodges -

Can you use oculus 2 location ring flex cables for these? You can’t seem to find any parts for these controllers anywhere

Leprosy -