This is a quick teardown to document the ICs in the Novra S300CA DVB-S/S2 satellite receiver.
Atmel AT25DF021-SSHF 2Mbit SPI serial Flash
adesto AT25F512B-SSH 512kbit SPI serial Flash
Microchip 24LC64-I 64kbit I2C serial EEPROM
A8293 single LNB supply and control voltage regulator
LM3100 1.5A step-down voltage regulator
LatticeXP series LFXP3C-3TN100C FPGA
LPC2106F Arm7 microcontroller
LAN91C113-NU 16-bit 10/100 Ethernet MAC/PHY controller
TI TMS320VC5509A fixed-point DSP