Good work easy to understand instructions
My mouse had a battery leak inside of it. I removed the dud battery and tried to clean it a little but it would not work. After following these instructions I was able to fully disassemble the mouse and clean it out with soapy water, rinse in clean water, dry off with compressed air, and then clean in isopropyl alcohol and dry off with compressed air.
The mouse now works perfectly and doesn't need to go to the landfill.
Thank you very much!
Well done on saving it instead of dumping it!
Glad I could help.
I followed instructions to disassemble, I cleaned inside, however I cannot find the problem, my mouse was working fine until in the middle of cleaning my office I just wiped with a dust cloth on the surface, then it resulted my mouse doesn´t work, the ligth is on, but neither the clics buttons, the gear or the pointer do anything