I wanted to have look inside my Matrox TH2G, to see if I had to clean the contacts - after so many years in an humid climate.
And I confirmed the old rule - the easier something is to tear apart, the better it has been designed. Matrox did here a great job, it is really easy.
The first step is to unscrew all screws.
Second one is to insert something at the shown edge pull gently but firmly apart, alternating sides.
At the end, it will come off sideways.
It will be full of tiny copper pieces. Actually they won't be where you see them in the picture, but pulled off and laying around. You will need them to reassembly.
This is how the card looks. Well made, isn't it?
If you turn it around, you will see on two chips the heat dissipating creme. Maybe you want to change it.
To reassemble the card, just go the same way back. You can see the positions of the copper pieces in the previous step (I guessed them by the marks in the metal), and the one of the screws in the first step. Easy, isn't it?