
This description takes you through the steps of changing a spool and feeding a new thread into the wire bonder.

  1. MZyBE5XNUwgAxSyd
    • Remove the seal from the wire spool. Take care not to cut the thread at the red marking!

  2. iqvfaJyUwTwIlwdo
    • Insert the spool in the assembly.

    • Make sure that the spool runs clockwise.

    • Pull the thread downward.

  3. ytOW5nei3hjwiqGb
    • Place the thread between the guides of the infeeder.

    • Pull the engaging knob which is situated to the left of the infeeder rolls, to the left.

    • Now there is a gap between the infeeder rolls into which the wire can be inserted safely.

  4. RnEUGctSFmNJsKnF
    • Cut the wire.

    • Place the wire behind the sensors (the black box in the foreground).

    • Use the tweezers to place the wire between the two metal guides of the outfeeder.

    • Use the tweezers to lead the wire into the tube from below.

  7. DAu6FrpUwqFeSAda
    • Push the spring of the outfeeder and the "Feed and Capture" button simultaneously for automatic feeding.

    • Make sure that the rolls of the outfeeder are close together so that the wire is gripped firmly.

    • Before starting automatic feeding, turn off "Run or Service" and activate "Feed or Capture".

  8. XIUvepCAa1IKHTHd
    • It is also possible to feed the wire manually into the outfeeder tube.

    • In order to do so, press the "Run and Service" button and turn the left-hand wheel clockwise. The wire is now fed ino the tube.

  9. n3OxWwAIZPG6F6ck
    • Check visually if the wire is fed into the bonding head.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Beate Richter

Member since: 20/03/19

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