
If you have Error 05, water in drum but pump sounds like it's working.

Be Warned - some steps in this guide may empty a lot of water onto your floor!!!!


  • Try simple things first:
    • Un-plug, wait, plug in, run spin and drain cycle
      • You should hear pump start running as soon as you press start.
    • Repeat set above with outlet hose going into a bucket.
      • If you can see water level in the door at start & buck doesn't over flow during the drain cycle there is probably a blockage.
  1. TpCskYmw4tndLlOM
    • Turn Washing machine off at 13amp socket switch

    • Pull off lower front cover

    • Have a big towel/rag to hand

    • If you have something about cork size or bigger the can be squashed down to bung a 15mm whole to stop water escaping this might be useful

    • If you can top washing machine backwards and rest front on some block of wood so you can get a tray under the front, that might help too.

    • Unscrew drain pump cover

    • As cover unscrews water will start to flow out.... NOTE: This could be a cup full, or could be entire drum contents

    • If flow subsides after quicktly (after ~5 seconds) and there is still water in the drum then it should be save to remove cover completely without flooding floor. IF NOT SCREW COVER BACK IN QUICK

  2. 5tnC3xbUDlCuPuVR
    • If you can remove cover (without flooding the floor) it should look like this

    • If removing cover risk flooding floor you maybe able bung the drain from the drum (to left - red square) temporarily so you can inspect pump.

    • Remove anything that shouldn't be there (coins/ fluff...)

    • Check the plastic blades spin (circled in yellow) - there should be one point in the rotation that's pushing against magnet

    • If you feel above the plastic blades you should be able to check that drain pipe exit is clear (small circular finger size hole). If you feel to the left in front of pump (Red Square) you can check water inlet from drum.

    • If you turn the machine on and start a spin and drain cycle with cover of you should see white plastic blades spinning. (Best not to stick your figure in to check!)

  3. PFDnV6KcChMIK1n6
    • If the drum is full of water (door lock stays engaged/water level visable) and pump is clear and running on drain cycle then blockage is most likely in rubber drain which connect drum to pump... (Circled in blue)

    • Note: There is no way of removing this without draining the drum at the same time! If you can see water level then there is at least a bucket's worth of water which you much not want to just tip on your floor...

    • If washing machine can easily be moved outside or to a wet room (remember it's heaver than normal because it's full of water & cloths!) then that's best options. Where ever you do this it will be much easier with machine either on it's side, lend left hand side on against a wall (45 degrees) or standing on bricks/blocks

    • Either way, the machine needs to be stable (not at risk of falling on you, and ideally your are able to access the bottom of machine can get washing up bowl under where drain (circled in blue) connect to drum. Whilst it's technically possible remove rubber drain through rear of machine access cover, you will have not way to stop flood

    • The small (pump end) of rubber drain hose is attached with metal spring clip - squeese the to short thick metal wire ends and it should pull off of pump. Undoing this might release a bit more water, but blockage is probably above the ball at bottom of the drum.

    • The big end the connect to drum is a PH2 compression clasp - a PH2 screwdriver should fit directly behind the motor wiring to lose this. When this is loose the rubber should ease of of the plastic drum outer. Note this may release a lot of water!

  4. tPnsRm2IJMFqSm2L
    • Once you've got rubber drain off other washing machine the source of blockage should be immediately obvious and easy to remove!

    • At the top of the rubber hose is a large ball which (I guess intentionally) stop anything but slimmest items passing any further.

    • After you've remove obvious blockage you should be able to poor water though it...

    • Before you re-install, just check visually there is nothing else in bottom of the drum.

    • Always run spin and drain cycle after re-assembling and monitor outflow to confirm water is being pump out (Note: If you ended up entirely draining the drum there might not be much but there should still be some)

    • Then run a rinse and spin cycle as you don't know where in the wash cycle original error occurred. This will also fill drum and then drain it entirely which is good test pump is working properly.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

P Badrick

Member since: 27/04/21

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