
These steps describe how to disassemble a Toto E-Max Fill Valve. Please note that one helpful commenter suggested that they did not need to remove the fill valve from the toilet before flushing it; you can therefore regard the early instructions on removing the fill valve from the toilet as possibly optional.

  1. NdEjcsyRdkDU2E1F
    • Lift the tank lid up and away from the toilet tank.

  2. HQfV5nBOn32IFM1h
    • Shut off the stop valve underneath the toilet by turning it clockwise until it becomes hand tight.

    • The appearance of this valve may differ from toilet to toilet, but most operate the same. Some valves require multiple turns to stop the water while others only require a quarter turn.

  3. eJGLUXfm3KnW61QU
    • Disconnect the fill valve's rubber refill tube from the top of the overflow tube.

  4. RDtvNaEAUNptSe5S
    • Push down the flush lever.

    • Hold the lever down until water stops draining from the tank.

    • A small amount of water will remain in the bottom of the tank.

    • If the flush lever or pull chain have become disconnected, lift up the toilet flapper to drain the tank.

  5. pUyvrLJPjUOcjWWH
    • Use a sponge to soak up and remove any remaining water from the toilet tank.

    • Periodically squeeze the excess water from the sponge.

    This is kind of funny but it worked. I had absolutely no sponges at the house, but had leftover diapers our granddaughter outgrew. I thought outside the box and ended up being impressed with the outcome. I opened up the diapers and placed in the remaining tank water. Viola, it immediately began absorbing the water. I used 4 diapers and it did the trick. Just have a leak proof trash bag on hand. No sponge, no bucket, no mess!

    Jody Broussard -

  6. jTWcD1EZwsadZKYI
    • Place a bucket under the supply tube to catch any dripping water.

    • Turn the coupling nut on the supply tube clockwise until it releases from the threaded shank on the bottom of the tank.

  7. ieulJrBFE2APeswH
    • Using an adjustable wrench, turn the locknut on the threaded shank counter-clockwise until it becomes loose.

  8. vJtTLiQO5ZVCjnwJ
    • Turn the locknut counter-clockwise until it releases from the threaded shank.

  9. PSDUqoExwNQcLMxf
    • Lift the entire fill valve out of the tank.

    • When installing a new valve, be sure to adjust the float so that the water line stops one inch below the overflow tube.

  10. rJdLjdTucFlEIuEv
    • This is our friend the Toto E-Max Fill valve. Unfortunately, she is leaking. Specifically, the shutoff is incomplete, so water continues to flow even after the float is fully lifted.

  11. tuROSJ2WgKtkOYe6
    • The next step is to remove the green top cap. It's held on by tabs, light flexing should allow you to remove it.

  12. I1jrYilTBgHu4kGG
    • Here is the valve lever[*]. We need to remove it. It's held in by two pegs. Each one is attached to a flexible tang. use a thin blade or screwdriver to push each tang in, while gently lifting the lever.

    • [*} I have no idea if this is the right name.

  13. vUGbRvJ1M2D4SaNp
    • Here we see one peg released. Note that I'm applying very gentle lifting pressure, not prying it upward.

  14. jtvbaBBrOZbjnwSt
    • Valve lever released! You are a champion. BTW, I made up the name "valve lever". I hope you're not laughing at me.

  15. ur5NRUx2kMvMThXV
    • This is the other end of the valve lever. You should be able to easily release it from the green collar.

  16. sw6Oygq4sFLITXgU
    • Next, gently pop off the green collar that links the valve lever to the threaded float lift shaft.

  17. YRPHaHsi5vvDNIFw
    • Gently snap the white float pole out of the jaws of the top cap. When you do this, the float assembly will drop.

  18. ui6m4nyS2bTirGNC
    • Rotate the valve cover an eighth of a turn counter-clockwise to release it.

  19. 12AtVSToWUH2TYUF
    • Yay! We got to the valve seal. Clean it off or replace it, and reverse steps to reassemble.

    This is the only instruction I found that helped me understand how to disassemble, thank you! If you are trying to fix the valve, leave it in place in your tank; once you get to the last image above , you need to flush it out by placing a cup upside down over this, turn your water supply back on and run it for about 30 seconds. Turn water supply off , reassemble in reverse order, turn supply on and if you were lucky like me the float will do its job! - Laura

    Laura Wallace -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

John Clements

Member since: 05/11/17

588 Reputation


Thank you! I did not expect to find a guide for a Toto toilet repair on a (mainly) electronics site, but here it is!

It worked perfectly when my toilet started running continuously on a Saturday evening.

I was able to take everything apart without even removing it from the tank, so it was a 15min fix!

Thank you!

Graham Allen -

Red rubber flapper that covers the water hole doesn't line up when flushed. Replaced it, tried to adjust the chain. Still same, lands too far to left amd water continues to leak into bowl.

Toilet Questioner -