
Most gravity flush toilets retain a small amount of water in the tank after draining. If there is still water in the bottom of your toilet tank after following our Draining a Toilet Tank guide, you may need to remove the excess water with a sponge.

  1. pUyvrLJPjUOcjWWH
    • Use a sponge to soak up and remove any remaining water from the toilet tank.

    • Periodically squeeze the excess water from the sponge.

    This is kind of funny but it worked. I had absolutely no sponges at the house, but had leftover diapers our granddaughter outgrew. I thought outside the box and ended up being impressed with the outcome. I opened up the diapers and placed in the remaining tank water. Viola, it immediately began absorbing the water. I used 4 diapers and it did the trick. Just have a leak proof trash bag on hand. No sponge, no bucket, no mess!

    Jody Broussard -

Ron Davis

Member since: 17/02/15

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