
Is your bezel ring scuffed up, unresponsive, or not as satisfyingly clicky as it was new? This guide shows you how to remove and replace the front bezel ring.

  1. FRbU5tLpgQ1jasV3
    • Contains small springs and ball bearings. We suggest working over a plate or tray.

    • Hold the watch firmly in one hand, face up.

    • Place the iFixit Opening Tool under the bezel ring and use prying motion to remove.

    • The plastic retainer is manufactured with an open gap, you did not break it.

    • For reassembly, set the plastic retainer in the ring, then press the ring down until it snaps in place.

    Which way does the plastic ring go? The top and bottom of it are different.

    Pascal Jean -

    plastic legs should face the watch. put the ring in the bezel first

    Robert Payan -

    Same problem, I can’t get them to go back together, I don’t want to crush the ring…

    Nathan Thompson - go to that url its a full video with detailed instructions

    andrew ballenger -

    Hope that helps

    andrew ballenger -

    Donde puedo conseguir las 4 bolitas muelle se me han perdido

    raul pleguezuelos yudes -

    Bonjour pouvez-vous me dire où peut-on se procurer l'anneau s'il vous plaît???

    Donat Delys -

    I need to replace ball bearings and gasket for bezel ring on Samsung watch 46mm? Where do I get the parts?

    matt interbartolo -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Mark Iknoian

Member since: 08/10/18

1055 Reputation


I got the bezel popped off to clean it. Now it wont pop back on! Help!

shileski -

line up the bezel with the screen and push it in

Arthur -

I’ve tried lining it up with the screen and pushing it in about 50 times now and everytime I do it clicks, but after rotating it a few times the bezel locks and I can’t rotate it anymore. YES all the ball bearings are in the right place, YES the springs are in the right place. There’s this little plastic piece that I can’t tell if it goes inside the bezel piece or if it goes on top of the watch next to the ball bearings. I’m able to get the bezel back on when I put the little plastic piece on the bezel, it clicks right in, but it locks up. When I leave the little plastic piece on the watch I can’t get it to click in at all. I think I just royally f’ed up my watch!

Hardy T -

put the plastic ring in the bezel first. make sure the the legs on the plastic ring are facing the watch an not the bezel. i lost 2 springs though. be careful when cleaning and tilting.

Robert Payan -

did u manage to fix it?

Dave Green -

Interested to know if anyone had much success with this process.

Seth Armour -

Where can I buy the springs and the mini balls thing? I followed your steps and got everything to work, but I noticed I was missing 2 springs and 2 balls

Steven Alonso -

Anyone know where to get the ball bearings or springs?

Ryan Cramer -

I removed the bezel, cleaned, and reinstalled but now my bezel wont “click" when i turn it

James Mayfield -

Did you lose the tiny white (plastic) bearings? They act as detente causing the

Dustin Oldroyd -

I just got myself a used Gear S3 Frontier and on the front face along the bezel ring is the sticker with the numbers that goes around the face is peeling off in one area. My question is this replaceable?

MarkC 609 -

Just did this. When you press it in for the last step make sure to follow the instructions by putting the plastic retainer ring into the metal bezel ring then press on. You dont have to press very hard…if you find yourself pressing hard you are doing it wrong.

Dustin Oldroyd -

where can I buy the replacement bezel?

ejazashrafali -

DId you ever find where you can buy the replacement, I cannot find it online.

Ray Sears -

Hi, where can get replacement springs and ball bearings plus the plastic ring

Anton Starr -

DId you ever find where you can buy the replacement?

Ray Sears -

Did Replacement of bezel, not destroy water resistance ?

Kamil Podkański -

Not sure… My guess is that it should be fine, from visual inspection it doesn't appear anything sensitive is exposed with this procedure. No guarantee though.

[deleted] -

How the heck did you get the bezel ring to pop off??? I have the tools as I replace phone screens with no issues but when you try it on the Samsung Gear 3 Frontier it literally breaks the plastic tool that is shown in the picture. I’ve tried several times with the same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated


stang5litre -

Can you put the s3 turning bezel on the samsung gear watch? Are they the same?

cfowler1225 -

WHere can you purchase the replacement Bexel for the Gear S3 Frontier

Ray Sears -

If you are having trouble getting the bezel to snap on, try lining up one side of ring on first then snap the opposite side of the ring in. The white plastic bung ring should line up on the inside of the ring. For some reason if it still wont snap in place try flipping the white ring the other way (I know this doesn’t make sense but I think the white ring goes in only one way).

Patrick Ilisio -

Where can you purchase the replacement Bexel for the Gear S3 Frontier

Ray Sears -

A note for those having an issue getting the bezel back on, I also had an issue getting it to click back in. The problem is that the gasket piece is not seated in the ring well enough. What helps sometimes is stretching out the white gasket so that it pushes against the inside of the ring. You have to make sure it is seated on the ring inside the little groove as best you can, without any piece sticking out or it will not go in. It took me a while to get it, but the main point is that you should spend the time getting it on the ring right first before even trying to seat it. I kept trying to seat it over and over and in the process, the 4 little ball bearings fell out, never to be seen again. I did it over a whole mat, but of course they bounced and flew away. If anyone knows where I can find a replacement or the size of the bearings to buy new ones, I would love to know.

Good luck!!!

Adam Richardson -

Where can you purchase the replacement Bezel for the Gear S3 Frontier

Ray Sears -

I don’t have the Frontier, I have the Galaxy Watch 46MM, but the process of bezel removal is the same. I would suspect eBay would be a good start. By the way, I ordered 1.5mm ball bearings after measuring the bearings that I only had 1 left of for less than $5 for a hundred of them. I installed them in place and the bezel works great.

IF ANYONE NEEDS THE TINY BEARINGS alone, ORDER 1.5MM bearings like these from Amazon :

Adam Richardson -

Bezel ring replacement part for S3 Frontier

Patrick Ilisio -

Where is there a U.S. supplier to get new bearing and springs ?

Michael Counterman -

And here's the bezel for the Frontier, from the same supplier.

Andrew Horne -

Not sure if I'm allowed to post YouTube links, I can find any posting guidelines on here, but here's a guy replacing the bezel on a galaxy watch which apparently is the same process.

(He gave me the link to the supplier, so I could find the replacement parts)

Andrew Horne -

missing some springs, where can I get these?

Debbie -

do you have gear replacement for s3 frontier with ball bearing and where can i buy this if you dont have. thanks

Wil Telano -

Hi there!, In amazon you can find a lot of bezel rings, with different colours, styles and so.

MemoryOverflow -

Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement bezel, mine is scratched.

Liam Tory -


Found one here:

Hope it helped!

J.R -

Merci pour le tuto

C’est parfait, j’ai pu ainsi résoudre mon soucis de lunette qui tournait mal, comme collante.

5mn plus tard la lunette est opérationnelle comme au premier jour :-)

faleyc -

From where i can buy a new bezel ring

alexpetrov2003 -

¿Donde compro el bisel original?

Bartolo -

Bonjour ou peut-on se procurer l'anneau de la montre ou si vous préférez la lunette merci de votre réponse

Donat Delys -

Saben dónde puedo comprar la bolitas blancas que lleva??

dr_pjimenez -

No encuentro respuestos para anillo plástico y esferas

Juan Camilo Solorzano Torres -

I need gasket, Ball bearings and Springs for my Gear S3 Frontier. Where can I get it, in India Pl?

R.Poonawala -