
Use this guide to replace the motherboard in a Samsung Galaxy Watch3.

  1. a63LjGHbMHP6JGH2
    • Before starting repairs, take your watch off the charger and power it down.

    • Use a Tri-point Y00 driver to unfasten the four screws on the back of the watch.

    • Don’t worry about removing the screws, they will stay in place in the back cover.

    I heeded your advice - and now need another screw because it fell out!!!

    Paul -

    I must have stripped the screws out or either the dirt and sweat is so packed into the screw i can't get a good bite to unscrew the screws. What can I do about this? This watch battery DOES NOT hold a charge for more than 5min, should I trash the watch?

    ShaneWizdum -

  2. AYFpCm45IBcsXE1V
    • Insert an opening tool between the back cover and the metal housing.

    • Twist the opening tool to create a wider gap.

    • Don't fully remove the back cover just yet. The sensor flex cable is still connected to the motherboard.

    Could not get the back housing off

    Joseph Ortiz, Jr -

  3. dHpTdiX6DQSZMSxm
    • Lay the watch face down.

    • Carefully lift the back cover up from the edge with the buttons to access the sensor connector.

    • Use the flat end of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the sensor flex cable from the motherboard.

  4. E2pyOpJJBim22SJB
    • Remove the back cover.

    • Make sure the rubber gasket (marked red) is undamaged. If damaged replace it with a new one during reassembly to maintain proper water resistance.

  5. yxOtK4R5urwlhnHB
    • Use the flat end of a spudger to disconnect the flex cables of the side buttons, the display and the hall sensor.

  6. eEPDoZnCliCpfm22
    • Remove the Phillips #00 screw.

  7. WOryYayvEVkZPoof
    • The motherboard is held in place by two small plastic clips.

    • Use a pair of blunt tweezers to lift the motherboard out from underneath the plastic clips towards the buttons.

    • Remove the motherboard.

    Question, I had a demo Watch3. I tried to swap out the software and ended up putting it into Odem Mode. It’s bricked right now, any idea or help to fix it?

    Lucas Economy -


If possible, turn on your device and test your repair before resealing.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Repair didn’t go as planned? Try some basic troubleshooting, or ask our Answers community for help.

Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.

Tobias Isakeit

Member since: 31/03/14

122448 Reputation

One comment

What is the cost of R845 mother board of Samsung watch 3- 45 mm

Jayanta Roy -