
This guide will teach how to replace the motherboard in your Samsung Galaxy 10.1 2014 edition.

  1. rDVnFfFbXeAiMEe2
    • Using the nylon spudger or plastic opening tool along the edges of the screen, separate the back case off of the device.

    • If possible, consider using the black nylon spudger for a gentler separation.

    Remove stylus before you remove. There’s a nubbin on the main board that may dislodge it stylus is in place. it is easily reinserted, but easy hassle to avoid.

    Matt -

    It’s worth mentioning that there is a part of the device casing, accessible from the back, that can be removed but has very fragile retaining clips. Although the picture does show that the prying tool is lifting the screen, it is hard to see. You will not be able to access the charge port by removing a portion of the casing. You must remove the case from the screen side.

    Eden Mugg -

    Be careful!!!

    the first picture of this first step and the instructions are misleading. What you need to remove is the back cover of the tablet. Use the opening tool along the edges of the back cover, NOT on the screen as the picture and the instructions say.

    rene carmona -

    Its not misleading. You need to remove from the front as removing from the back you will tear the grey clipping from the glued back piece. You will not be able to replace the charge port from removing just the back either as you should be doing both.

    Bradley Carr -

    I agree this first step should be revised and include a warning.

    My battery was swollen and the screen was separating from the case (big gap along edge).

    Purchased new battery. Have spudger. Have done phone battery replacements before without issue.

    I tried to do the separation but apparently was between the screen assembly and the back electronics rather than separating the entire electronics from the back casing.

    The screen glass “exploded”…I’ll be finding glass particles in my office for the next few years I think. In addition, not realizing why things weren’t working I figured I would have to replace the screen anyway and continued on only to discover that a bunch of ribbon cables were destroyed during separation.

    Given this process is listed as “EASY” there really should be some clear warnings about making sure the spudger doesn’t end up between the screen assembly and back electonics but rather ends up between the back case. The angle of the spudger in the photo doesn’t make this obvious.

    What a waste.

    mattp -

  2. odBZytj4UqMdPCql
    • Remove the three 3mm screws on the top right side of the device with the Phillips PH000 screw head.

    • Remove the one 3mm screw on the top left side of the device with the same method.

  3. cFwN3EgQvp6FDHKw
    • Remove the gray rubber piece.

    • Use a spudger or fingernail to disconnect the blue antenna cable from the motherboard.

    • Remove the right speaker unit.

  4. EZTdpIaFJWZ5sqoh
    • Remove the loudspeaker modules located on the parts where the screws were removed by using the black nylon spudger.

    • They are the black pieces at the top left and right corners of the device that have metal squares on them in the middle.

  5. OidZb4wK4lWo4laQ
    • Place your finger on the thin black bar at the end of the ribbon tape and flip each one up.

    • Gently pull the ribbon tape on the battery away from the bar. Repeat this process for the second ribbon tape.

    I would recommend disconnecting the battery at this stage in the process, as the connector can be lifted without disconnecting the cables. It’s generally best practice to disconnect the battery before disconnecting any other cables.

    Eden Mugg -

    After disconnecting old battery, press and hold the on/off switch for about 20 seconds before connecting- new battery. This will reset the charging system in the tablet and allow your new battery charge properly .

    tim lewis -


    This step seems unnecessary, as the battery connector can be disconnected without lifting the battery. If you struggle to lift the connector, you could follow this step to get better leverage.

    Eden Mugg -

  7. iDUkcfWGxMY1Ukmx
    • Lift up the battery from the bottom and situate the black nylon spudger underneath the battery.

    • Use the black nylon spudger to disconnect the multi-colored wires from the rest of the device.

  8. qcCoIKpRKIcBKw3d
    • Disconnect all cables on the motherboard.

    • See our connector guide for help safely disconnecting various types of connectors.

  9. ZyIWfoASvXIqZDIv
    • Use the black nylon spudger to gently lift the motherboard away from the frame.

    • Remove the motherboard.

    Hola. Muy bien tu blog.

    No encuentro la barrita delgada negra se me ha roto. Como hago


    Hola. Muy bien tu blog.

    No encuentro la barrita delgada negra se me ha roto. Como hago



To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Joseph Rasico

Member since: 20/02/17

2200 Reputation


pls how do i get a motherboard to fix my samsung galaxy tab 10.1 2014 version

joshua -

hi. i have one of this tablets and i need a ic guide for it. something like this link :

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Teardown

this like is for galaxy note 10.1 2012 but i need it for 2014 (SM-P601).

any documents or files to help me recognize which Chip do what ?

Amir Hoseini -

Can I use this motherboard with Galaxy note 10.1 GT-N8000 ? Plz reply fast

لونا العروي -

Can I use this motherboard with Galaxy Note 10.1 GT-N8000 ? Plz reply fast

لونا العروي -

miss 1 screw when removing the motherboard on the center right side

Basnendar Eko Prabowo -