
This guide will show you how to remove and replace your Samsung Galaxy J3 Mission screen, a simple procedure but one that could result in damage to the device if not done with caution and care.

  1. Mow2tfiHEPpefuwi
    • Insert your fingernail into the back cover removal slot and gently pull back until the cover pops off.

  2. iwLAdhXgVHyyqXBq
    • Make sure that your device is powered off before removing the battery.

    • Insert your fingernail into the battery removal slot and pull back until the battery pops out.

    • Use an iFixit opening tool to lift the screen from one of the vertical sides of the phone and continue gently prying until the screen is loose enough to safely remove.

    • The damaged screen is connected under the screen assembly with a small plastic brace; remove this with an iFixit opening tool.

    • Be careful around the home button. It has little tabs to keep it in the frame, but they will break if the adhesive isn’t loosened with age or heat.

    Be careful around the home button, it has little tabs to keep it in the frame, but they will break if the adhesive isn’t loosened with age or heat.

    Amber Wooldridge -

    The damaged screen is connected under the screen assembly, with a small plastic brace, easily removed with a spudger tool. To install a new screen try the connector before adding any adhesive, then put it back together.

    Amber Wooldridge -


To install a new screen try the connector before adding any adhesive, then put it back together by following these steps in reverse order.

Joseph Toth

Member since: 21/09/18

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