
  1. xuN1gVBTryQ4eV1i
    • It's always good practice to prepare the device before any repairs

    • If the glass is broken or craked I suggest adding tape on the surface in order to prevent risks

    • This device, the glass was fine but the LCD has craked due to unfortunate Flex.

  2. BWYa1vqfthFFJwiH
    • In order to remove the back cover. Flip the device around and lift the back cover by the little slit on the upper left side

  3. aqJugDoaFACbeIO5
    • An unfortunately rare sight nowadays of a removable battery. Remove it by lifting from the lower right corner when there is a little notch

  4. AdToK2iRwuiX3wp2
    • This is optional as the cards will not interfere with the replacement.

    • Since the device will be subjet to massive heat. I would still recommand to remove them (just in case)

  5. NFxFWnfqwZpGgwdl
    • The LCD ribbon is very easy to access. Just pop that little door open and you will have access to it.

    • Like always with such device, be careful not to force anything out. You will damage the board if the connector is uncorrectly detached.

    • You can see the water damage indicator there (the white square)

    • There is a another one inside the cover that protect that zone.

  6. FJuue1TkKHvJC35M
    • Heat with a heatgun the surrounding of the device. Be careful there are very fragile ribbons hidden away.

    • I suggest starting from the bottom corner and lift the heated glass with a pry tool.

    • It is better to go from left to right as the main LCD ribbon is located on the right top corner

    • I strongly suggest NOT using metal tools (like pictured) as it cut thru the digitizer ribbon when I was around the left top corner

  7. QdcPpPahlJVGNAbh
    • You can now detach the assembly from the body by passing thru the connector on the designed whole on the side.

    • The LCD is held by a VERY strong adhesive. Be careful when handling that part.

  8. 1WTuVjBDKxZSFDxe
    • As the reverse of the last step slide the connector in the designed slit.

    • Be careful to make a test fit before adding any adhesive

    • Don't forget to add or align the center key before closing down anything

    • Once placed I suggest adding additional adhesive on the center place to further secure the screen.

  9. XiqIlIqTxb5Jhuo3
    • After re-attaching the LCD. Test the device by powering it back up.


Enjoy your newly repaired device!


Member since: 20/10/14

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