
Use this guide to replace a damaged Samsonite luggage wheel.

A damaged wheel may stick, causing the suitcase to veer off course, or preventing the suitcase from moving. A replacement wheel will help you fix the problem.

Step 1 will help you ensure that a replacement is needed and prepare for the replacement.

Step 2 will help you select the correct replacement part.

    • Clean the wheel to make sure that the wheel is not stuck.

    • Sometimes wheels don't work because they're caked with dirt or debris. This step can help you make sure that it needs to be replaced.

  2. Xtgxn2DsxE2y5aPr
    • Select the right replacement by measuring the diameter and width of the wheel.

    Measurement is vague to measure the wheel. Are you measuring the total width and length of the inside plate to determine the wheel size. Also, where can I get the wheels and what is the cost.

    I have a 28 inch hard shell spinner.

    These are the numbers on the tag.







    Is there a place in South Jersey to purchase the wheels.

    gordon pherribo -

    Finding the proper replacement wheels has been my dilemma, as well. Tried the ones from Amazon that are almost the very same, but the screws do not seem to grasp. I am using the new parts on both sides. Samsonite says I need to bring it to their luggage store (100 miles away) and they will send it off, get the wheels replaced, send it back, all at my expense, but I don't know what that expense will be


    Sally Palmer -

    Sally, I am in the same boat, looking for wheels. The Samsonite website gives general prices for shipping cases from their stores as needed but I don't remember what they are. Samsonite customer service was able to look up the wheels I needed but they are out of stock so they referred me to the authorized repair center in Colorado. I called them and was told they will not sell parts to the public and costs to replace wheels are 55.00 for the first wheel and 45.00 for each additional or 175.00 for all. At that price I can probably buy a new case on sale.

    Phil Morgan -

  3. jkC1MtDNeeVigJlV
    • Remove the screws securing the wheel clip inside the case.

  4. SdoPCfDRG1BXf5uR
    • Pull out the clip securing the wheel to the case.

  5. 6mGjmkEnWoY2gyow
    • Remove the old wheel from the outside of the case.

  6. kFK6uACvJ31yGJDH
    • Insert the new wheel onto the luggage, making sure that the tubes on the wheel base align with the holes in the luggage.

    You can see that it is NOT a NEW wheel! It's a shame, because the instructions would be useful if the case is otherwise still in good shape. Last year I unfortunately had to replace my good old Samsonite with a product from a competitor, because Samsonite no longer manufactures the product and has no suitable successor in its range ?! Since only the wheels were worn out, I looked for a replacement, but couldn't find a replacement (!) From the manufacturer, nor any usable alternatives, which is probably just not wanted in order to force a new purchase!

    Here it would have been really useful how to install alternative rollerblade / inline wheels as a replacement!!!

    Carsten Queschning -

    I wonder, if the axle could be drilled out and then the wheel be replaced.

    VauWeh -

    where and how can I get the replace wheels?

    Cecilia Leal -

  7. QyAahCWnGFxUBrsi
    • Put the clip back to its original position inside the case.

    • Tighten the screws that hold the clip back in place.

    Very good guidence.Thanks

    bagade umrao -

    Please, where did you buy the replacement wheel? My suitcase looks very similar to yours.

    Mark Romans -

    Mine also looks exactly like the photo, but where can you buy the replacement? The assembly is elementary, but useless information if the new replacement is nowhere to be found!

    Steven Z -

    Replacement is a no-brainer. Problem is getting the replacement wheel...

    Jan -

    my struggle as well

    Javier Brizuela -

    Where can you get the wheel part?

    D Bitz -

Xinyi Min

Member since: 15/01/21

425 Reputation


Where can i get replacement wheels


i have a samsonite luggage w 4 wheels can i change the wheels for 4 sets or 2 wheels each for easier rolling

ondinelewitinn -

Too limited in the range covered. Does not mention 6"x1/2" wheel replacement.

Angus -

Super tuto pas à pas pour changer sa roulette ! Ce n'est pas compliqué de réparer une valise et tous les fabricants ou importateurs le savent bien. Le plus dur est de trouver les bonnes pièces... Mais nous sommes là :)

reprise -

Too bad no mention of where to find the wheels. does not show the wheels I need and Samsonite webpage is NO help at all.

Dale -

home depot..... hardware

Spec Cd (spec_cd) -

I agree totally!

peacock93 -

I agree! The ones on Amazon are the wrong size and have bad reviews. Samsonite’s site is zero help. I hate to throw out a perfectly good suitcase with limited wear over a flat tire. I checked Home Depot per the comment above and didn’t see anything. Any other suggestions?

Juliet Quick -

you can find them in aliExpress. I ordered from there and received it today and already fixed 1 wheel each on 2 Samsonite luggages.

the above is the one fit perfectly for my samsonite luggages.

ViewFindR SLR -

Where do you find the wheel replacement for Samsonite Ascella X 3.0

J. Dela Cruz -

where do i find the replacement or can i give it to what shop to repair ?

ondinelewitinn -

Vervangen wielen Samsonite Handbagage boujaar 2004.

Ik heb 2 Samsonite handbagage productiejaar 2004. Deze handbagage heeft twee wieltjes. Heb de wieltjes nu vervangen.

Vond op internet de benodigde wielen. Diameter 75 mm, asgat 8mm. Kost per wiel minder dan 2 euro.

Wieltjes zijn bevestigd in plastieken steunen. Die worden gedemonteerd door binnen in de valies 4 schroeven los te draaien.

Hiervoor heb je inwendige zeskant sleutel nodig. Ongeveer 30 minuten werk.

Clement Noé -

Could this guide be any more vague?? Great job replacing the parts. Now tell where to buy them!!!

Russ G. -

Can I replace the roller wheels for wheels that can be dragged? Is that possible?

Julie -

where I get replacement set of 4 wheels for Samsonite # 1000547

roman gzyl -

Alguien consiguió donde comprar las ruedas Samsonite ?

Sol Achucarro -

Try Amazon: e.g . SG10070 ASIN‎ B07H29R7H6 or similar

VauWeh -

It is very frustrating for sure but I found these on Amazon and they fit my Samsonite suitcases perfectly - BQLZR Black Spinner Luggage Wheel Left & Right Plastic Swivel Caster Wheels with 3 Holes,Hole Pitch (1.22"/1.22"/1.06"),for Luggage Suitcase Trolley 360 Degree. W024 is the size that my suitcases needed. Hope this helps.

karen draves -

I tried to hacksaw of the wheels for replacement but my hacksaw had no effect. Is it the case that it's made of titanium?

Desmond Lim -

Where to buy a new wheel for my Samsonite soft top? Dia 75mm width 23mm.

Marks on the wheel : GSI Wheel / CKW046 / 25-02017C / 44-9L100

Jan de Boer -

I need the wheels shown in your instructions. Where can I find them???



Eric Rojas -

Agreed video does not offer any lead on purchasing replacements wheels. Looking for samsonite spinner mobile office wheels...Unable to read the number on the actual wheel but the number on the tag reads SAM-HNGTG-2572. Any help appreciated.

Simone A. James Alexander -

Don't you think it might go a little easier if you gave the information on where to find replacement wheels it's very frustrating. You give instructions on taking wheel off but nothing on where or part # for the case you have.. WOW totally disappointed..

Fred -

You might find replacement wheels here: replacement wheels

Toon Konings -

Google Lens to find model

Javier Brizuela -

this post saved me. Samsonite no longer makes the same wheels for my 25+ year old bag. However one wheel on my carry on and a different wheel my larger bag both broke in the past two months. The bags are the set and have the same wheels.. i was able to replace the wheel on my carry on with one of the wheels from the larger bag. Thank you for these directions. I get to keep the bag i love and it didnt cost me anything.

kathy -

where can I buy a new wheel for my suit case

Judith Paribelli -

I have a set that is over the 10 year mark and the wheels are bad its a Ziplite 360 anyone can help on finding wheels for it

Julie Miller -

I have a Samsonite 1910 bag. It great for travel but I have worn out the two wheels. To get to the wheels, I need to remove the inner lining which seems to be fixed to the inside of the bag. Is there any minimally invasive way to get to these two wheels.

George Stamell -