
Replace a broken button on a Ring Doorbell Elite

  1. rSLrQBx6VQX2xvRv
  2. xGZGCigPIUmDR5C4
    • The button is very difficult to replace by disassembly. The seller recommends to pull out the button slightly with your fingers and slide a screwdriver around the seam. I found this didnt work for me

    • The old button is clipped around the housing with three clips. Cutting the centre of the button out allows easier access to the clips from the inside

    • Be careful with the cutters to not go too deep and damage the inner circuitry of the button, try to cut parallel to the front of the button

    • The green ring represents the remains of the old button and the red ring represents the button housing which the button is clipped to

    • Carefully insert the pointed end of a metal spudger into the gap between the button and the button housing and rotate to seperate the clips from the housing

    • Then pull back on the button remains as you unclip the clips

    • The clips are located at 12 oclock , 4 oclock and 8 oclock

  4. RDUVdYeShYiYpXXt
    • Insert the new button with the notch at 6 oclock. It should line up with a tab inside the button ring

    • Push the button in firmly once lined up. It should not take too much force.

    • Done!

    binnen 5 minuten zat ie erop, ging vrij makkelijk

    Theo Meulendijks -

    Great direction thank you I was having trouble to find the right screwdriver

    Mitra Moaddelly -

    Excellent resource, thank you it works! Note - in step 3 do not damage or remove the button housing (green circle in step 2) - it stays with the unit. Work out the button remains. which is a single ring, picture 2 in step 2.

    Rob K -

Kristofer James

Member since: 07/08/21

541 Reputation


Thanks! I found numerous YouTube guides on how to disassemble the whole unit, but will definitely try this method first. If it doesn't work I can always still go the disassembly route as a backup approach.

Tim Reczek -

Supergemakkelijk zelf te doen als je ietswat handig bent. Je hebt enkel een dunne punt tang en klein schroevendraaiertje nodig. Duurde welgeteld 2 min. TOP!

Didier Delaruye -

I thought the disassembly option was going to be the only way .

But used this method and it took me 2 mins to replace.

So it's a big yes from me

geoff ingram -

Great resource, thank you! In step 3 note the green ring in step 2 stays on the unit, do not damage or try to remove the housing. Work out the button remains only, which is the inner ring pictured. Once out, the snap in new button is so satisfying - saved a ton of time and money!

Rob K -