I'm here to give advice on replacing the Oculus Quest 2 controller and charging the controller.
Remove the AA batteries and replace them with rechargeable/disposable AA batteries. Be sure to insert a spare battery according to the mark.
Unfortunately, you can't charge the Oculus Quest 2 controller. The controller doesn't come with a built-in battery. Each controller has a battery compartment that holds a single AA battery for power, although the Quest 2 controller may not have an opening. But it has a hidden compartment with a battery slider. You may see a slight eject symbol on the controller's handle, however, the AA batteries inside are alkaline. So don't try to recharge them. However, you can replace worn-out batteries with disposable or rechargeable AA batteries, so go ahead and buy replacement batteries. Then keep reading to find out how to replace the battery.
One comment
I confess, I failed to repair the joystick drift on both my controllers...
They are very hard to dismantle, screws can easily be damaged, there are some glued parts and discrete flex cable.
Left controllers (1st) :
- Broken IR LEDs connector on the PCB, it was hidden on the side of the controller and I didn't notice it.
Right controller (2nd) :
- Broken IR LEDs flex cable probably while opening the controllers (they were not fully functional before as some IR LEDs where fried, but I think I finished to break the IR flex cable while opening the controller because half of the IR LEDs are not working anymore)... too bad.
Be very carefull when opening near IR LEDs cable, as it's easy to damage.
Warning 1 : these controlers are hard to teardown, I didn't think it would be so difficult to do to replace the joystick... And yet, I've repaired a lot various of devices including xbox and switch controllers.
Warning 2 : these controlers are expensive as they are not produced anymore and can only be found second-hand market.
Brendan -